Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Metagame Theory


New Member
The Metagame Theory: RO SHAM BO

The Metagame the thing we can talk about all day love it or hate it (which seems to be the case). I am writing this article to discuss the metagame (not decks per se) but the idea of the metagame and the theory of what a healthy metagame is all about. Before talking what makes a fun competitive stable metagame lets take a look at what seems to be the current state of the Pokemon Modified Constructed Metagame.

Tier 1 Deck

Almost the same deck huh.

Tier 1.5

Empoleon variants whether speed or Omastar (deck test good seems really good but still new and yet to really prove itself other than being played in numbers).
Magmorter (not played near as much as used to be due to the above deck Empoleon)
Infernape (see above)
Evee (I know it has won but very hard to build correctly props to those that win with it, almost a Tier 2 for most players)
Beedrill (low end 1.5 deck more of a Tier 2 not easy to play and yes I know it won a Regionals)

Tier 2

Skittles (argue it can win argue it is ok...it is based on alot of factors a big one is Luck)
Fossil Decks (seems fun can start fast but seems to run out of steam by mid game)
Electric Decks (putting all Electric decks here, you sometimes see them but just not the Pokemon to support them right now)

Sub-Category Metagame Decks (depending on the make up of the tournament or local metagame could be in any of the above)


Now I am know I didnt name all the types of decks but I do believe this is a fairly decent and accurate breakdown of the decks one might be facing or see at most any given tournament. Well as you can see the Tier 1 decks of the current pokemon metagame are basically the same deck (Plox is more control and G&G is more aggro) and alot clumped up in the 1.5 category making a few showings in numbers but never really taking the format over or enjoying the success of the Tier 1 deck.


Now for those of you that don't know Ro Sham Bo is another name for the game Rock-Paper-Scissors (and no this article isn't about TGM). The Ro Sham Bo Metagame theory is just as it sounds for a healthy metagame, you need 3 decks that are in the Tier 1 category all capable of beating the lower Tier decks, but not have one of the Tier 1 decks dominating the other 2 Tier 1 decks. This works usually by the same mechanics and theory as Ro Sham Bo.


TIER 1 DECK A (we will call ROCK)
TIER 1 DECK B (we will call PAPER)
TIER 1 DECK C (of course is SCISSORS)

DECK A will have a favorable matchup against DECK C (more than 50% win percentage but usually in the 60%-70% range) but will have a less than favorable matchup against DECK B (probably in the 30%-40% range).
The same hold true for DECK B beating DECK A and losing DECK C a majority of the time, as well as DECK C beating DECK B and losing to DECK A.

Pretty simple we all (thanks to TGM) should be more than familiar with how the matchups of Ro Sham Bo works.
Ok, now you might ask why is this the perfect metagame? You may say ok so instead of 1 top deck we have 3, well here are some reasons it makes a METAGAME more stable more fun and more competitive:

1. There are no guarntee's of winning no matter what you play, but when there are 3 (or more) tier 1 decks it eliminates a player from saying I am going to play THE TOP DECK and increase my odds because now there are more options to choose from and not a single deck that has favorable matchups against all other decks.

2. In a FORMAT where one deck Reigns Supreme it becomes very stale very fast. When going to a major tournament knowing you have play a certain deck many times throughout the day, and knowing that in order to win you will have to play THE DECK or play a special METAGAME DECK in order to increase your odds of having a successful day.

3. It increases the creativity of the format, in a format that has several top decks it allows more rogue players to experiment with different things in order to take advantage of 1 or all 3 decks weaknesses. In a one TOP DECK enviroment if you create a deck that is weak to say the TOP DECK then the idea must be scratched, in a Ro Sham Bo enviroment your creation might be weak to DECK A, even to DECK B, and favorable to DECK C or maybe (to most extents) Even or slightly Weak with the Tier 1 decks you can explore and tweak the ideas of the deck more. It even allows the Top Decks to be tweaked more to the players liking to increase odds against the other Top Decks.

There are more but I believe you get the jest of some of the advantages. Against what some people believe a good metagame IS NOT play DECK A or a METAGAME DECK or lose.

Taking a look at the CURRENT METAGAME for our beloved Pokemon Game over the last season it has been in a fairly Stale state. It has had a few decks have a moment in the sun but for the most part G&G and Plox (same deck with slight differences) has Reigned Supreme and shined above the rest. Will a new or slightly tweaked deck from Worlds help even the score? What about the release of a New Set? Will the soon to be Rotation of some older sets even the field? Only next season will tell!!!


This article IS NOT just a article ranting about the dominance of G&G. It is a article of hope for future formats of Pokemon. Whether you play the TOP DECK or go ROGUE is up to you, however when the field is more open with a variety of decks capable of winning at any given moment, it makes the game more skill based and not just I am playing a certain deck HEAR ME ROAR. I have been around the TCG community for a long time with different games I have quit certain games cause of getting bored with a unhealthy uncompetitive enviroment. It is in the best interest of the game for a Ro Sham Bo type Metagame to form, it allows players more options and choices and not get stuck in a rut which in return makes the game boring to some. When things become boring we all know it becomes more of a chore than enjoyment to perform them and that is when people walk away and quit and that my friends IS NOT in the best interest of Pokemon, for if people start walking away the game will suffer in the end.

another aritcle by

for others:


Wrong place for this. Could a mod please move this to the proper forum?

Spanish please!! I find it very difficult to translate text so big
sounds too interesting to learn

Are you serious, or is this just spam? Your on an American website, not Spanish one....
Google translated :3

La teoría Metagame: RO SHAM BO

El Metagame la que podemos hablar de todo el día que el amor o el odio (que parece ser el caso). Estoy escribiendo este artículo para discutir el metagame (no cubiertas por sí misma), pero la idea del metagame y la teoría de lo que una sana metagame se trata. Antes de hablar lo que hace una divertida competencia estable metagame permite echar un vistazo a lo que parece ser el estado actual de los Pokemon se modificó Construido Metagame.

Nivel 1 Deck

G & G
Casi la misma cubierta huh.

Nivel 1,5

Empoleon variantes si la velocidad o Omastar (cubierta parece una buena prueba realmente bueno, pero todavía nuevo y, sin embargo, para realmente demostrar que es distinto que se está reproduciendo en números).
Magmorter (no jugado cerca tanto como solía ser debido a la cubierta por encima de Empoleon)
Infernape (véase más arriba)
Evee (sé que ha ganado, pero muy difícil de construir correctamente objetos a los que ganar con ella, casi un Tier 2 para la mayoría de los jugadores)
Beedrill (gama baja 1,5 baraja más de un Nivel 2 no son fáciles de jugar y sí sé que ganó un Regionales)

Nivel 2

Bolos (argumentan que puede ganar argumentan que está bien ... se basa en una gran cantidad de factores de una grande es Luck)
Cubiertas fósiles (parece diversión puede comenzar rápidamente, pero parece agotado a mediados juego)
Electric Decks (poner todos Electric cubiertas aquí, verlos a veces, pero no sólo los Pokemon para apoyarlos en este momento)

Categoría Sub-Metagame Decks (dependiendo de la composición del torneo local o metagame podría ser en cualquiera de las anteriores)


Ahora me I didnt saber el nombre de todos los tipos de cubiertas, pero yo creo que esto es un bastante decente y precisa desglose de los platos que se podría estar enfrentando o ver a la mayoría de cualquier torneo. Así como se puede ver las cubiertas de Nivel 1 del actual metagame pokemon son básicamente las mismas cubierta (Plox es un mayor control y G & G es más agro) y un montón clumped hasta el 1,5 en la categoría de hacer algunas presentaciones en números, pero nunca realmente teniendo el formato más o disfrutando el éxito de la cubierta de Nivel 1.

Una teoría de la perfecta METAGAME: RO SHAM BO

Ahora, para aquellos de ustedes que no saben Ro Sham Bo es otro nombre para el juego de Piedra, Papel y Tijeras (y no este artículo no se trata de TGM). El Ro Sham Bo Metagame teoría es igual que los sonidos de una sana metagame, usted necesita 3 pisos que están en el Nivel 1 categoría de todos ellos capaces de golpear a las cubiertas de nivel inferior, pero no tienen una de las cubiertas de Nivel 1 que dominan los otros 2 Tier 1 cubiertas. Esto funciona generalmente con la misma mecánica y la teoría como Ro Sham Bo.


Nivel 1 DECK A (que llamaremos ROCK)
Nivel 1 DECK B (que llamaremos PAPEL)
Nivel 1 DECK C (por supuesto, es Tijera)

DECK A tendrá un favorable partido contra DECK C (más del 50% porcentaje ganar, pero por lo general en el 60% -70% rango), pero tendrá menos de un partido favorable contra DECK B (probablemente en el 30% -40% rango) .
Lo mismo es válido para golpear B DECK DECK A y C DECK perder la mayoría del tiempo, así como golpes DECK DECK C B y perder a DECK A.

Bastante simple que todos (gracias a TGM) debería ser algo más que familiarizados con la forma en que el matchups de Ro Sham Bo obras.
Ok, ahora usted puede preguntar por qué este es el lugar perfecto metagame? Usted puede decir ok para que en lugar del 1 de cubierta superior tenemos 3, y he aquí algunas razones por las que no hace una METAGAME más estable, más divertido y más competitivo:

1. No hay guarntee la de ganar no importa lo que jugar, pero cuando hay 3 (o más) de nivel 1 que elimina cubiertas de un jugador de decir que voy a jugar la cubierta superior y aumentar mis posibilidades porque ahora hay más opciones para elegir y no de una sola baraja que ha favorable matchups contra todos los demás pisos.

2. En un formato donde reina un piso Supremo resulta muy rancio muy rápidamente. Cuando va a un gran torneo a sabiendas de que haya un cierto juego cubierta muchas veces a lo largo del día, y sabiendo que el fin de ganar tendrá que jugar la baraja o desempeñar un METAGAME DECK con el fin de aumentar sus probabilidades de tener un buen día .

3. Aumenta la creatividad del formato, en un formato que tiene varios pisos arriba permite que los jugadores más renegados para experimentar con cosas diferentes, a fin de tomar ventaja de 1 o los 3 mazos debilidades. En un entorno TOP DECK si crea una cubierta que es débil a decir la cubierta superior entonces la idea debe ser rayado, en un Ro Sham Bo medio ambiente de su creación podría ser débiles para DECK A, incluso a DECK B, y favorable a DECK C o tal vez (para la mayoría de grados) o incluso un poco débil con el Nivel 1 cubiertas se puede explorar y modificar las ideas de la cubierta más. Incluso permite el Top Plataformas para ser ajustado más a gusto a los jugadores para aumentar las probabilidades en contra de la otra Top Plataformas.

Hay más pero creo que usted obtiene la broma de algunas de las ventajas. Contra lo que algunos creen un buen metagame NO ES un juego DECK METAGAME o una cubierta o perder.

Teniendo una mirada a la actual METAGAME para nuestro querido juego Pokemon durante la última temporada ha estado en un estado bastante obsoletos. Ha tenido unos cubiertas tienen un momento en el sol, pero la mayor parte de G & G y Plox (el mismo piso con ligeras diferencias) ha reinado Supremo y brilló por encima del resto. ¿Un nuevo o ligeramente ajustado cubierta de Mundos ayudar incluso a la partitura? ¿Y con respecto a la liberación de una nueva serie? ¿El que pronto será de rotación de algunos conjuntos de mayor edad, incluso sobre el terreno? Sólo la próxima temporada lo dirá!


Este artículo no es sólo un artículo ranting sobre el dominio de G & G. Se trata de un artículo de esperanza para los futuros formatos de Pokemon. Ya sea que usted juega la cubierta superior o ir al margen de la ley depende de usted, sin embargo, cuando el campo está más abierto con una variedad de cubiertas capaz de ganar en cualquier momento dado, hace el juego más basado en la habilidad y no sólo estoy jugando un mazo Oírme rugido. Me ha TCG en torno a la comunidad durante mucho tiempo con diferentes juegos que he dejar de causar ciertos juegos de aburrirte con un medio ambiente insalubre no competitivos. Es en el interés superior del juego para un Ro Sham Bo tipo Metagame a la forma, permite que los jugadores más opciones y decisiones y no quedarse atorado en un atolladero que a cambio hace que el juego aburrido para algunos. Cuando las cosas convertirse en aburrido que todos sabemos que llegue a ser más de una tarea que disfrute para llevar a cabo y que es cuando las personas a pie y dejar de fumar y que mis amigos no se encuentra en el mejor interés de Pokemon, ya que si las personas comienzan a caminar fuera del juego van a sufrir en el final.
NO spam, I´m from Argentina (South America)

No matter, some day learn their language to perfection ^ ^

P.D: Thanks yo uthe supes for the translate ^^ =P
Good article. But it would be even better if e had a bunch of decks that had various advantages and weaknesses, not 3 groups. :wink:
I believe your Tier 1.5 is actually Teir 2, and your Teir 2 is actually Teir 3. It would make more sense that way, imo. Otherwise, I agree with you, a R-P-S format is a favorable one.. I hope we get that next season..
Um no RPS is bad because then it is just about lucky pairings. In a RPS environment, what does a player use to choose their deck?
Inferncatty is tier1.

My friend beat 5 GG/PLOX and 2 Empo with it. It's tier 1.

It's not going to be RPS next year. There are too many decks to make it possible.
Um no RPS is bad because then it is just about lucky pairings. In a RPS environment, what does a player use to choose their deck?
Instead of 60% of the the players playing one deck and 40% trying to counter that one deck and failing? I wonder which sounds better. :/ But RPS doesn't just mean 3 decks, just a balanced format where a deck can win against other decks but has loses.
The problem with this format is that the only deck(s) that can beat the Tier 1 deck is(are) (a) Tier 2/3 deck(s).
Well Papi got it right!!! A RPS enviroment is not just 3 decks (as I put 3+ decks several times). It is just a balanced competitive format where there are many decks all with the ability to win and not just 1 deck dominating. That is how you make your choices for decks find the one that suits you and you enjoy. RPS is the metagame theory where at least 3 decks exisit to challenge the format it could be 10 decks but need at least 3.

As far as whether its 1, 1.5, and 2 or 1, 2, and 3 as far as the name of the tiers, does it really matter there are three levels either way....I have always used 1 1.5 and 2 for the reasons that
Tier 1 is creme de la crop
Tier 1.5 are good and can have a moment in the sun but not made the next level
Tier 2 well being a 2 in anything is just being the first loser

for those that can't live without a tier 3 deck well here is one for ya UNOWN cause tier 3 would never be played other than fun deck :lol:
Inferncatty is tier1.

My friend beat 5 GG/PLOX and 2 Empo with it. It's tier 1.

It's not going to be RPS next year. There are too many decks to make it possible.

Infernape is not and never will be tier 1. The only time it would beat Empoleon or Gardy is if completly donks them or if the users of the decks didn't know how to play against infernape.
As far as whether its 1, 1.5, and 2 or 1, 2, and 3 as far as the name of the tiers, does it really matter there are three levels either way....I have always used 1 1.5 and 2 for the reasons that
Tier 1 is creme de la crop
Tier 1.5 are good and can have a moment in the sun but not made the next level
Tier 2 well being a 2 in anything is just being the first loser

for those that can't live without a tier 3 deck well here is one for ya UNOWN cause tier 3 would never be played other than fun deck :lol:

When people place in tournements,their isnt a 1 st Place then a 1st place and a half,its 2nd place and 3rd place. Thats just how I look at tier as well. It dosent,but it just seems like it does.
Um no RPS is bad because then it is just about lucky pairings. In a RPS environment, what does a player use to choose their deck?

That's when you tech to add to your matchups and change things up a bit. It's not completely pairing because you can chose what decks you lose to, or how badly.
Hmm, I think I took the RPS metaphor too literally. RPS does not involve techs or tiers, just 3 equally balanced signs. I hold that if the game was like that, with no techs or such it would be bad.

Best format imo: popular counterable decks and effects (ie no psychic lock), lots of different cards to test and combine in addition to improve matchups and be original. Decks and effects where luck is a minor, not major factor.
what about the rogue decks that come in and sweep the tournament, that can beat every "tier 1" deck? empoleon bronzong should be tier 1 imo
what about the rogue decks that come in and sweep the tournament, that can beat every "tier 1" deck? empoleon bronzong should be tier 1 imo

I agree that. Empoleon Bronzong is a really amazing deck, and can win against almost any matchup, including the evil Plox.