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Updated rulings on GUARD, Looker's Investigation, Conductivity

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We wanted to provide a further heads-up on the new way to play bench swap attacks versus a protected active (and also, fyi Conductivity, confirmation on Looker). These rulings will be in effect for the World Championships 2010.

The wording is not official yet, but we’ve been asked to get the word out. Here’s the summary

  1. For Looker’s Investigation, declare the number of cards you will draw before you start drawing; if you don’t declare, you will draw the maximum.
  2. An active protected by Guard or Anticipation can be switched by an attack that targets an unprotected benched Pokemon (see below).
  3. There is a return to the “simultaneous-trigger for different effects allows the controlling player to choose the order in which the effects are applied” meta-ruling and this affects Conductivity (see below).

P== ANTICIPATION (Toxicroak [G] – PL:platinum)
P== GUARD (Unown G – DP:Great Encounters)
A== INVITING TRAP (Trapinch – DP:Secret Wonders)
A== LURING FLAME (Blaziken [FB] – PL:Supreme Victors)

Q. If my opponent has a Toxicroak [G] with the “Anticipation” Poke-BODY or a Pokemon with Unown-G attached as a tool with its “GUARD” Poke-Power active, can I use my Trapinch’s “Inviting Trap” attack or Blaziken [FB]‘s “Luring Flame” attack and choose to switch the Defending Pokemon with one of their benched Pokemon?
A. Yes, it can. The intended wording of Trapinch’s Inviting Trap and Blaziken [FB]‘s Luring Flame place an effect on the Benched Pokemon, so even if the Defending Pokemon has a condition that prevent effects of attacks the switch can still occur. (Aug 5, 2010 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If my opponent has a Toxicroak [G] with the “Anticipation” Poke-BODY on their bench, or a Pokemon with Unown-G attached as a tool with its “GUARD” Poke-Power on their bench, can I use my Trapinch’s “Inviting Trap” attack or Blaziken [FB]‘s “Luring Flame” attack and choose to switch the Defending Pokemon with one of those on the bench?
A. No, you cannot.* The intended wording of Trapinch’s Inviting Trap and Blaziken [FB]‘s Luring Flame place an effect on the Benched Pokemon, so if the Benched Pokemon has a condition that prevents effects of attacks excluding damage done, the switch cannot occur.* (Aug 5, 2010 PUI Rules Team)

P== CONDUCTIVITY (Dark Ampharos – Neo:Destiny; Ampharos EX – EX:Dragon; Ampharos – HS:Heart Gold/Soul Silver)
P== AQUA REACTION (Helix Fossil – DP:Majestic Dawn; Helix Fossil – PL:Arceus)
P== ROCK REACTION (Dome Fossil – DP:Majestic Dawn; Dome Fossil – PL:Arceus)

Q. What happens if Ampharos with the “Conductivity” Poke-BODY is in play and I attach the appropriate energy card to my Dome Fossil or Helix Fossil to activate their “Rock Reaction” or “Aqua Reaction” Poke-BODY?
A. Attaching an Energy card to Dome Fossil or Helix Fossil causes its Poke-BODY and Ampharos’ Conductivity to trigger at the same time, so the player can resolve them in the order of their choosing.* If you resolve Conductivity first, the Fossil Pokemon takes a damage counter and then evolves.* However, if you resolve Rock Reaction or Aqua Reaction first, the Fossil’s Poke-BODY searches for a card and evolves, but Conductivity no longer sees the Pokemon that triggered it, so no damage counter is placed. (Aug 5, 2010 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Would Flygon’s “Energy Shower” attack set off Ampharos-EX’s “Conductivity” power? Like if I set down 6 energy, it would do 60 Damage (however I set down the energy)? And if yes, would the damage be done to Flygon or to each separate Pokemon. that I attach an energy to?
A. Yes, Flygon would indeed trigger Ampharos-EX’s Conductivity; it also works the same way for Azumarill’s “Drizzle” attack. And the damage would be done to each individual Pokemon that gets an energy attached to it. (Jan 29, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If I have Quagsire and my opponent has Ampharos-EX in play and I attach an energy card to my Quagsire from my hand, which Poke-POWER gets applied first, Saturation or Conductivity?
A. Conductivity and Saturation happen at the same time, so the player attaching energy would get to decide which effect to apply first. (Mar 3, 2005 PUI Rules Team)

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I guess its the same for Rainbow Energy/ Dawn Stadium and a Grass Pokémon, you get to choose if the damage of the rainbow or the healing due to the stadium applies first. This could make a difference in using a Roserade UL ' Poke-Power Energy Signal.
I'm not digging that Looker's ruling. Although, anything that helps a stage two deck (Gengar) is a good thing at this point (imho).
What about Inbetween Turns? Like Nidoqueen RR and Poison? What happens first? Or has this already been errata'd.
I believe the question from Nintendan assumes the following situation:

If I have a creature with no damage on it that has been poisoned on my turn and I have nidoqueen in play, when my turn ends, in what order do the poison damage and the nidoqueen effect get applied?

If you apply poison before nidoqueen, the creature goes into your opponents turn with no damage, if you apply nidoqueen before poison the creature would go into your opponents turn with 10 damage.

I assume this works the same as the other rulings above: It would be the player's choice (the one controlling the pokemon) as to how this gets applied. Just like with the conductivity ruling above, there are two conditions that trigger at the same time, thus the controlling player chooses the order of application?

I believe the question from Nintendan assumes the following situation:

If I have a creature with no damage on it that has been poisoned on my turn and I have nidoqueen in play, when my turn ends, in what order do the poison damage and the nidoqueen effect get applied?

If you apply poison before nidoqueen, the creature goes into your opponents turn with no damage, if you apply nidoqueen before poison the creature would go into your opponents turn with 10 damage.

I assume this works the same as the other rulings above: It would be the player's choice (the one controlling the pokemon) as to how this gets applied. Just like with the conductivity ruling above, there are two conditions that trigger at the same time, thus the controlling player chooses the order of application?


That is correct, the player gets to choose the order of effects, but all must be carried out.
Example. Your pokemon is asleep and burned. Which do you flip for first? Answer: You choose, but be clear to your opponent!
This was very helpful. I currently have an Ampharos deck I'm tampering with so this was good to see, it helps with a lot of questions that could come up down the line. Thank you.
The attack of tyranitar prime power claw is reduced by a special metallic energy ???

You need to ask this in it's own topic on the Rules Team forum
This thread is six months old and has nothing to do with your question.
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