Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Recent content by i_shikaXD

  1. i_shikaXD

    HGSS-on Top decks

    ^Same with copycat
  2. i_shikaXD

    Two more cards from red collection

    Hydriegon=base set charizard in a sense, but hydreigons attack is way to too good. Its probably to early for this but what happens if i attach a DCE to hydriegon?
  3. i_shikaXD

    Giratina Lock

    A few seeker or SSU could be nice addition in order to get multiple uses from mespriit (can help stop healing breaths). Cool deck idea, i like it.
  4. i_shikaXD

    NORTHWEST Regional Championships 2011 - Salem Oregon

    Great, now we (Keanu Dj and I ) need to find a ride. Anyone want to help out?
  5. i_shikaXD

    NORTHWEST Regional Championships 2011 - Salem Oregon

    Only two more days. Time to get pumped.
  6. i_shikaXD

    2011-3-21 Call Energy - MD 082

    BEIF (best energy in fromat) 10/10 nuf said
  7. i_shikaXD

    NORTHWEST Regional Championships 2011 - Salem Oregon

    Time to start testing again. Very excited for this one, planning on breaking my record from last year.
  8. i_shikaXD

    Ambipom AND Dragonite?

    Because lock up psychic restore are actually useful attacks. Tail rap just plain sucks.
  9. i_shikaXD

    Roserade GL

    ^When you flash bite it gives you the chance to drag up another pokemon to lock up. You could also dragon rush and take 2 prizes as well. Both options are good.
  10. i_shikaXD

    OREGON State Championships - March 12, 2011

    ^not gonna happen, cuz i'm taking it.
  11. i_shikaXD


    ^Drag off disruption is pro.
  12. i_shikaXD

    OREGON State Championships - March 12, 2011

    About a week left!!!!!!!. Time to get pumped, I'm very excited.
  13. i_shikaXD

    LostGar Hype Discussion - IN HERE ONLY

    From reading Andceo's report most luxchomps were running ERl or dark techs. Guess a lot of people were expecting some lostgar. Although Andceo did get lucky at some points the deck is still good. Luck wont get you all the way to 2nd in a big tournament such as the ECC.
  14. i_shikaXD

    LostGar Hype Discussion - IN HERE ONLY

    I have this faint feeling that we're all getting trolled
  15. i_shikaXD

    LostGar Hype Discussion - IN HERE ONLY

    sp's can handle machamp pretty well. especially when they aren't trainer locked. Most luxchomps will still run lucario and uxie x. champ takes up too much deck space imo, i'd prefer a 1-1-1 liine. with a few rescue. the machamp may work against Dialgachomp but between deafen locking, stadiums...