Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Best turn you've ever had? Stories!


New Member
Hey guys, I was just at league today and had an INCREDIBLY epic turn against a friend when I was down by a few prizes to win the game. It got me wondering though, How many people on the Gym have had a really great turn that they just love to tell people about? Donks? Come from behind finishes? Lucky coin flips? (I once rolled 8 heads in a row on my opponents speed stadium :thumb: ) Please Discuss. Let's make this an epic thread.
Playing against my league leader who was running Sami's 2009 nats Kingdra deck. I can't remember how he did it, but he somehow managed to get up 2 Kingdras and 2 Claydols T1. Good times :smile:
Playing at league with Gyarados. The opponent has a belted Sceptile AR with 4 energy and no damage on. with little on his bench so its essential I need to KO it this turn. With it's resistence to water, I'd need to hit 70 more damage on top of the 90 to KO it. I flip heads on a Pokeblower +, attach Expert Belt, drop 2 Pluspower, Roseannes for my last Crobat G and Flash bite then hit a 3rd Pluspower with Claydol.
6 Prizes in a turn when messing around with salamence.

Knock out the active bee with 50, take 3 prizes for belt, Finish off the damaged bee on the bench with an expert belt, take 3 more.
At an arceus prerelease, I had an active geodude. WHich does 'flip a coin until you get tails, 10 for every heads. I rolled 13
heads in a row. After the 7th a judge inspected the die to see if it was weighted. =)
At an arceus prerelease, I had an active geodude. WHich does 'flip a coin until you get tails, 10 for every heads. I rolled 13
heads in a row. After the 7th a judge inspected the die to see if it was weighted. =)

Isn't that like a 1:8192 chance? lol! Pretty nice :thumb:
Haha all of these are great! nnaann- that turn sounds incredible, i wish i could have seen it. let's keep these stories comin' guys!
At an arceus prerelease, I had an active geodude. WHich does 'flip a coin until you get tails, 10 for every heads. I rolled 13
heads in a row. After the 7th a judge inspected the die to see if it was weighted. =)

My best was 11 with Speed Stadium. 13 makes it look pitiful :p
I was playing speed kingdra and got all four kindras out t1. I don't remember how i did it but it was awesome. I think i hit a couple of heads on ssu to play like 3 or 4 uxie drops in one turn.
From my Worlds 2009 Report:

Nekizalb said:
Round 6 vs. Tobias J (Germany), Luxape

I get a bad start and eventually he takes 4 prizes and so it is Gardevoir with 2 special darks and weavile vs. an Infernape 4 Lv. X (active), Luxray GL Lv. X with 80 damage on the bench, along with Uxie, Lucario GL, Bronzong G, and Ninetales. Its My turn and I have no cards in my hand because I played Pokehealers and he has been Spraying my Telepasses so I can't draw anything. It is my turn. I draw Poketurn. No help there. Telepass? (4th) "Power Spray". Dark engage, 80 to Infernape. Fire Spin for Ko.

Now I have 6 prizes, he has 1, and I have an energyless Weavile with a hand of 1 poketurn. I draw...UXIE!!! Set Up for: Roseannes, Ralts, Gardevoir, Rare Candy, Rare Candy, Bebe's! I play Ralts, Roseannes for Duskull and psychic energy, Rare candy into Gardevoir, telepass Cyrus for Roseannes and Poketurn, and Shadow Charge. He split bombs. The fire energy in Infernape is the only energy he has in play. I topdeck Dusknoir! I play duskull, rare candy, and dark palm Uxie. Then I play Roseannes for Crobat G and play it and play 2 poketurns to KO Luxray GL Lv. X. I then psychic lock Infernape 4 Lv. X for the KO. Now he has basically nothing and can't use set up. He fails to draw anything for 3 turns as I kill a pokemon each turn. Now it is 1-1 in prizes and he has just a ninetales. He looks at is cards, sighs, and scoops. 4-2

Lucky draw and comeback, huh?
Playing a CC final.

He draws 4 prizes while I still have 6 left. He is playing Blazeray, I am playing Flychamp.

He kept smashing me, and seeing as he kept KOing my Machops before I could evolve he didn't bother to Unown G.

So, I eventually draw 1 prize and it's the card I've been trying to top deck. I rare Candy Machamp, KO. KO. KO etc

It's even but he then gets me into a horrid point.

I need to draw two prizes, him 1.

He has the Luxray ready to KO my Azelf with 10 damage on. It's very late game, and all Poketurn and Crobat's are in the discard.

He bring out a Crobat and if I KO it for one of those two prizes, he brings out Luxray, level ups, and can KO my Azelf. I draw, I know I've lost but decide to play it out. I cosmic power for two. . . Energy. . . EXPERT BELT! I attach it to Azelf, forgetting I had a chance and he was pretty shocked. I KO his Crobat and he can't take a prize this turn. With both Unown G in the discard he has to bring out a basic Pokemon. He loses in the end, and I was pretty happy/lucky.

My worst game?

Having these as my prizes in Flychamp at a City. . .

Expert Belt

Luckily it was against a new player, but I was screwed. He just kept beating me down with Electavire FB lol. I finally drew a Baltoy and just smashed him with Machamp.

Worst prizes for sure. The chances of that are extremely low.
I was at league one day and I put together a Speedril deck and the first game I play with it on turn 2 I flipped 4 heads on super scoop ups on Claydol so I was able to Cosmic five times and I got 4 beedrills out that turn.
They go first, and only have 1 pokemon in play. On my turn I rare candy to Walrein MT and flip 2 heads to discard their only pokemon from play, and win on my turn 1 without making a single attack.
I once flipped 24 heads on Speed Stadium the night before Nationals ;D OMG if that was in tournament I might have just about deck'ed out =O lol
Manetric/Luxray vs Gechamp. in 1 turn using his BTS drop a menetric and a crobat to kill 3 gengar and his active machamp. had uxie Xed the champ last turn.
Dutch Nats: Dialga G vs Café Noir. I am down to 2 prizes and need to see if I can get some KO's quick before there are more Special Metals on it. Seeing as I drew crap, I just prayed I drew my last Psychic Energy that was in my deck because literally everything else besides 1 Psy and 1 Call attached to my Benched Cress X was already Remove Lost'd. Cosmic Power 1: Spray'd. Cosmic Power 2: Spray'd. Prof Oak's Visit for 3 and....the very last card was the Energy. I retreat my heavily damaged Dusknoir with Moonlight, put the Energy on Cresselia LV.X which I've been charging up on the bank with any Energy I had left over. Used Moon Skip to get Dialga G LV.X's HP down to 10 and Moon SKip'd FTW!
actual t-1 giga blaster donk with regigigas. Discard two energy with ice, attach, level max heads, lunatone discard, energy pickup, heads. Shakes hand.