Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Double Glass and Double Report in Masters (Oregon and Utah)

The Beeblonian

New Member
1st States: Salem, OR

Just three dudes ride from the Reno/Tahoe area packed 3 wide in the front of McMazer (Vogt’s pick-up truck) all the way to Salem, Oregon. All we brought was an air mattress, our Pokemon cards, and our A-Game.

The morning of the tourney we rendezvous with our pals from California and warm up before the event. I (Colin) was playing LuxChomp with a Blaze line to counter Jumpluff. Vogt was playing his revamped Palkia Lock. Miles played our Jumpluff list at his Pokemon OP debut. 7 rounds of Swiss, top 16, and mild to moderate sleep deprivation, and the tourney is underway.

Round 1: Colin vs. a PokeMom with Raichu
I chain some Bright Look Flash Impacts on her Pikachus / Raichus with energy, and am able to Power Spray her Cosmic Power on a few consecutive turns. For some reason I overextended and now I want bench space, so I place my 30 from Flash Impact onto Chatot twice, giving her a prize and unclogging my bench a little (thanks for taking one for the team there little buddy). I win 6-1 on Prizes.

Round 2: Colin vs. a Dude with FlyChamp/Spiritomb
He mulligans and I get a peek at his hand. I see a dark energy and a memory berry. I ponder what dark guys could use memory berry as he shuffles and sets up, completely oblivious to the obvious: that I am against FlyChamp w/ Spiritomb until he opens Trapinch. I go 2nd opening Luxray, and T1 Cyrus for Power Spray, Cyrus and Lightning Energy. I call putting two more SP in play. He then Roseannes for Spiritomb, retreats and Darkness Grace his Machop to a Machoke. I curse myself for not getting the SP and the Lux X T1 to get around the Spiritomb, or at least getting a Bebe’s Search for my X on my 2nd turn, but I didn’t really see the Tomb coming. I then Cyrus for a Bebe’s, and energy, and a Poketurn. I think I grabbed the Poketurn so I could Bright Look and then Poketurn Lux, keeping the X in my hand to always get around Keystone Seal. He then attaches to Spiritomb, retreats for Machoke, uses Pokemon communication for an Azelf, attempts to Time Walk (for Machamp I assume) and I Spray it. His Choke is hanging in the breeze, and he has no supporter, and passes. I use my Bebe’s for a Crobat, Flash Bite, Poketurn, Flash Bite the Machoke, Premier Ball for Lux X, and Flash Impact for the KO. He plays Team Galactics Wager to get some cards, but I win it. I proceed to clear the board with little trouble from there, as he didn’t hit anything reliable in his TGW (he hit another TGW if I remember correctly).

On the way to lunch I see the 4th place trophy, and think, It is super cool there is a 4th place trophy this year. Oh how it would suck to top 4 and not get a trophy because of tie-breakers.

Round 3: Colin vs. a PokeMom with Stage 2 Garchomp/ LuxChomp SP
Memory Fail. I’m pretty sure I just got on top with my consistent SP lines and abused weakness to clear the board, combined with Power Sprays on critical powers, such as Cosmic Power.

Round 4: Colin vs. Ryan (I think) with Gyarados
I t1 do something, maybe call. He plays Broken Time Space, benches baltoy, sets up, evolves to Claydol, and dazzles me with his impressive T1 draw and Impersonates with Sableeye. I bench Lucario, Bright Look Claydol (because I don’t want to help him discard Magikarps), Flash Impact for 60. He plays Super Scoop Up: CRUCIAL FLIP . . . HEADS. He promotes Luxray, Bright Looks my Lucario, Expert Belts Gyarados (because he only had 2 Karp discarded), and Tail Revenge to KO my Lucario. I really dislike being down a prize against Gyarados, and am frustrated that I wasted an attack. I promote Luxray, Cyrus for a Power Spray and Aarons, and Flash Impact for 90, as Lucario is no longer in play. He plays SSCU: CRUCIAL FLIP . . . CRITICAL WIHFF. I Power Spray his Regimove preventing him from discarding his last Magikarp, and thus saving my Luxray from an OHKO. I KO his belted Gyarados for 2 prizes, and am now up one. We exchange blows the rest of the game, but I am able to Aarons/VS Seeker Aarons and Flash Bite Gyarados for prizes, saving my Power Sprays for his Bright Look protecting my Lucario. On his last turn when he is down by one prize, he plays some Crobats and cool stuff, threatening to KO my Uxie that I had placed damage upon with my Flash Impact, coming within 20 of taking his last two prizes. I win this game by one prize. Had he hit his SSCU on his belted Dos, I would probably have lost by 1 prize instead of winning by a prize. Great game.

A Senior player wants to trade away his PokeBall Play-Mat for a booster pack because it has some coffee stains on it and he has plenty of mats. I like the mat and buy him a booster for the trade. He pulls a Great Blissey + I wash the mat when I get back to Tahoe and the stains come out = WIN WIN.

Round 5: vs. Michael Chin with Gyarados
I had met Michael once previously, and know him to be an excellent player through reputation. I get a good start and am able to set up a couple of Luxrays with energy, first attacking Sableeyes to slow him down early. I Spray a Regimove forcing him to Felicities away the Karps with Impersonate. I get up a couple of prizes before he starts mounting his comeback, which is a lead I am comfortable with. I Power Spray his Bright Look, because I prefer my Lucario safe on my bench. After he Tail Revenges my first Luxray lvl X for the KO, I don’t need to level up for the easier attack, and opt to use Trash Bolt, saving my X for when I need it. This is a misplay, because all he has to do is recycle a Gyarados instead of having to either Expert Belt or play a couple of Crobats because of my added HP with my Level up. After he knocks out my next Luxray, I am forced to not attack for a turn and set up a single Luxray on my bench with an energy. I only have 2 prizes left, so this Lux will take a prize, and I will build one more for my last prize. His Luxray X is already in play (he never poketurned it) so I am not afraid of my benched Lux being KOed. I pass after attaching to my Lux. EPIC PLAY: He plays Pokemon Reversal (didn’t see that one coming) CRUCIAL FLIP: . . . CONNECTS WITH A HEADS. He sucks up my Lux and KOs it – apparently Michael throws a wicked curve ball. Now prizes are much closer than I would like. I Aarons for 2 Luxrays, and attach. He takes a prize evening up the game. I then chain 2 consecutive KOs with him hot on my heels, saving a Power Spray in case he is able to Flash Bite my damage Uxie. Great Game.

Round 6: vs. a Dude with LuxChomp
I had never played against the mirror match, so I hoped for a good game. He opens lone Chatot, and I open Luxray. I go first and have Azelf and Double Colorless Energy in my hand. I Time Walk, hoping to see Crobat in my prizes. (In retrospect, I am pretty sure I actually had Lucario in my hand to give Chatot double weakness for the T1 donk but overlooked this play, but I am not positive). I end up calling for Garchomp and Bronzong. He retreats Chatot and Calls with Luxray on his T1. I attempt to Galactic Switch, he Sprays it, and I am forced to attach a Double Colorless to Garchomp, poketun Lux, Energy Gain, and Cyrus for the SP Radar for Garch X, Dragon Raging his benched Garchomp for the first prize. I always like drawing first blood in the mirror. He calmly plays Cyrus for SP Radar. Intense Moment: He plays SP Radar, and my heart is racing as I hope he doesn’t have the Ambipom G, or the Garchomp – Egain – DCE, for the KO on my Garchomp. He get’s Lux X, I sigh audibly, and he Bright Looks my Chatot, attaches a DCE to his Chatot, and Chatters that sucker up there to buy himself some time. I can’t attack this turn (except Mimic, but I have a good hand), so I pull out some basics and set up some stuff. I expect him to Chatter me until he can Crobe + Turn for the KO forcing me to promote, allowing him the first-in vigorish on my fresh Pokemon, but he retreats to Luxray and bites me for the KO. I search for Promo Croak, and Counter that Luxray. He hits my Croak with something, and I play a couple of cards and some powers to bait his Sprays. He doesn’t fall for it, sticks to his guns, and correctly Sprays my Galactic Switch, so I can’t snipe with my Chomp. I Leap Away, saving Croak for another battle. We trade KOs, me Zen Blading something weak, him Poison Revenging my Uxie X combined with Crobats for the OHKO, me Dragon Rushing his Garchomp on bench, preventing him from getting out Garch X the whole game (I think). He pulls out a sick Wager on me when he has more powerful attackers in play. I lose, but I rip an Uxie and set up for 5. I Jet Shoot an Uxie for a Prize, and Counter-Croak his Luxray for my last prize.

I am really feeling my list, and I feel confident and comfortable behind the helm of this beast.

Round 7: Colin vs. James Fontes (my pal from California) playing Palkia Lock
His list is similar to my friends Brian’s list, so I have played against this deck a bit and know what I need to do to win. We play for a little while but I don't see it working out for me so I scoop after we have each taken a couple of prizes.

Top 16:
I cut to the top 16 in the 4th seed.
Round 1: Colin vs. Clint Armstrong w/ Gyarados
I have never been very confident in beating Gyarados with any deck really, but after my earlier successes, I am starting to gain that confidence with my current list.

Game 1:
Clint “wins” the coin toss, going first. He opens lone Magikarp to my Promo Toxicroak, and he Sea Sprays for 2. My turn. I have the Energy Gain in my hand and a Roseanne’s and a Cyrus. If I attach Energy Gain, Roseanne’s for my Psychic Energy and a Crobat, I have the 30 damage T1 donk. INTENSE MOMENT: I Roseannes . . . search and search, and realize my Psychic energy is prized. I resort to plan B, which is grab a Luxray and a Lightning energy. I bench Lux, attach, announce Leap Away, pick up a die in my trembling hand, roll . . . CRUCIAL FLIP . . . CRITICAL WHIFF. I pass. Who wants to win by a donk anyway right? I think he gets a rather slower start, and I set up pretty quickly from there, hitting my Leap Away on T2. I save Sprays for his Regimove, and KO Sabeleyes, putting me ahead quite a bit. We play for a while, but I am pretty sure he scoops when I am just a couple of prizes away from winning to save time for the next game(s). I stand to shuffle between rounds, as the circulation to my hands wanes due to extreme nervousness.

Game 2:
I get a T2 KO on his Sabeleye, forcing him to promote Regice. He benches the Magikarp, plays Super Scoop Up CURICAL Flip: Tails. He then Cyclone Energies me to burn cards from his hand, and attempts Set-Up, looking to me for confirmation. INTENSE MOMENT (well for him at least because I know I don’t have the Spray, whereas he is hoping I don’t have the Spray). He Sets Up for 5 cards, plays a Pokemon Reversal . . . CRUCIAL FLIP: AND CRITICAL WHIFF. He then evolves to Gyarados and kills whatever I had sacked. If he would have hit the SSU or the Reversal, he would have been able to kill my Luxray, and I am unsure if I had a back-up at that time (memory fail). After Cyrusing again I realize my Aaron’s is prized, but I can’t go out of my way to drop an Azelf for it, so I rely on Luxray X while it lives, Premier Ball, and Trash Bolt to take some GDos down. I think I may have set up a Garchomp snipe on a weak benched Poke for my last prize (which in fact was my Aaron’s). Good Games. 2-0

Top 8: vs. Vogterland with Palkia Jiggs
Vogterland and I drove all the way from Reno to meet here in the top 8. Um . . . Sick? On the bright side, at least the Tahoe Joes are taking home some glass.

Game 1:
I have played this matchup a lot prior to the event, and I know his list card for card. Epic Memory Fail. We have played this matchup so much, I really can’t remember the games a whole lot, but I think they went something like this.
I think he opens Phanphy. He Mesprit binds me and passes. I bench some SP and grab a Spray. He then tries to set up next turn and I Spray it. He evolves to Donphan and Earthquakes for many consecutive turns. I snag some of my Pokes that like to play rough with Donphan (Toxicroak, Crobat, Blaziken), and I put them in the sandbox and supervise them so they play nice together. After some turns when Donphan got KOed, I probably Bright Looked Palkia when it hit the board. Either way, I won and off to game 2. 1-0

Game 2:
Maybe his Palkia X was prized or something or maybe he got it out. I really just don’t remember. The typical match is, I wear the Mesprit lock square in the face for about 2-3 turns while I build up a couple of Luxrays with Energy, and then Spray the Lock, Bright Look either Palkia X or Azelf MT depending on what kind of mood I am in, and control the board, countering his Donphan with what I got handy. GG Broski. Rough matchup for you. 2-0

Top 4 vs. Dexter from Canada with Claydol, Spiritomb, Mewtwo X (Haha OK he was playing Cursetomb w/ Mewtwo, but that’s what I got to see).
He is pretty sure that I don’t play a Mewtwo counter, and I am pretty sure that he is pretty close to positive that I don’t play a Mewtwo counter. Thus I know what he has to do to win, and with such knowledge, comes the knowledge of what I have to do to win: Flash Bite + Dragon Rush benched Mewtwo, or (more preferably) Bright Look + Zen Blade for the sick.

Game 1:
I open Luxray and the X with no supporters. I can either wait for him to bench Mewtwo and hope I have a way to deal with it, saving my Bright Look for it, or I can just go agro Luxray and see what happens, and hope that he doesn’t’ get it out, or eventually, I will be able to set up for the counter play. I choose the latter, and proceed to Flash Impact all kinds of Claydol and Spiritomb action for a solid 4 prizes. I can’t top deck a supporter for the life of me, but I open with a Spray in my hand, hit one in my prizes, and hit another off of a top deck, allowing me to Spray his single Cosmic for like 3 Consecutive turns. Epic Play: Alas, he benches Mewtwo as his 6th Pokemon in play with Claydol active and plays Team Galactic’s Wager. I hit nothing that will help me KO Mewtwo, so he Warp Points or retreats or something and levels up. I scoop. 0-1

Game 2:
Similar to Game 1, but he benches Mewtwo as his 4th Pokemon, and Expert Belts, and promotes Spiritomb. I can’t do much about the Mewtwo, as I was unable to set up the “Luxray active, Level X in hand, Bright Look Mewtwo, DCE to Uxie on bench, search for Uxie X and Zen Blade”. He promotes and levels to Mewtwo X next turn, and with that as his 4th Pokemon of the game, I can’t take enough prizes to even make the game count. I promptly scoop. GG. 0-2


I took a calculated risk by not playing a Mewtwo X counter, and perhaps you could say that doing so cost me. But it is possible that the extra consistency I got from not playing the counter actually helped me get to the top cut in the first place. This argument fails however, as Blaziken hardly came in handy because I didn’t hit any Jumpluff, Dialga, or Donphan. I am happy with my deck choice, performance, and how the team did. It is never easy predicting metagame, especially at the first tourney after the introduction of a new set, and a large tourney at that.

4th place being rewarded with a trophy
Tahoe Joes for success
Cali crew for coming up to play in Oregon
Miles going 3-4 in his first OP tourney
Scoring the Pokeball mat
First time driving a stick in a town and on a freeway on the way home: I see it as one small rite of passage into manhood.

8 Rounds of Swiss with 167 Masters would have been sweet
Having to play Vogt in top 8

States 2: Utah

Tommy and Colin board a train to Salt Lake, and then play-test LuxChomp vs. FlyChamp for about 4 hours, then switch to LuxChomp vs. speed Champ. Oh how painful all of those losses are (I probably only won a couple of times to FlyChamp and once to Champion), but perhaps executing under the pressure our Leet lists gives will give me an edge against any of those matchups.
I remove Blaziken from my list, to make room for the 1-1 Kirlia to counter Mewtwo X, and an Ambipom G for the mirror.

Game 1: LuxChomp vs. Sceptile Shaymin
This kid was a nice player and new to OP. I do with LuxChomp what it does best: snag easy and tactical KOs right off the bat for minimal costs, preventing the opponent from setting up.

Game 2: LuxChomp vs. Floatzel GL (and other stuff I didn’t see but asked about and soon forgot)
I open Luxray with a terrible hand but am relieved even more when he opens Floatzel. I win the toss, and EPICALLY TOP DECK a call energy. I say in my head, Chatot, now is your time to shine little guy. Lead me to Victory and you shall forever be in my good graces. He refuses and eludes me by hiding in my prizes, so instead I grab a couple SP Pokes as I have a Spray in hand. I also notice that Luxray Lvl X is prized. He cuts my deck, draws, benches baltoy, and does nothing else eventful, so I suppose I am not the only one with a bad hand. I EPICALLY TOP DECK Azelf, Grab my Luxray X, and KO the few Pokes he gets out.

Game 3: LuxChomp vs. Schuyler with VanderHatter
I had never actually played against Gliscor Dusknoir, and thus didn’t really know what was going on. I open Raltz and use Future Sight to help me set up, as I don’t have a killer hand. Eventually, I develop a wicked paranoia of being caught in a Gliscor lock, and when he levels up Glisc to paralyze and poison my Luxray X, I quickly spray it. Of course, Gliscor can easily knock it out with 2 energy Night Slash, and because he had no way of getting a backup Gliscor to continue the lock, the Spray merely served to ensure my Luxray looked its attacker straight in the eye upon its death. I use some Bright Look on Claydols and baltoys forcing him to rely on Shadow Command. He eventually gets to Night Spin and my attacking lines dwindle. I have taken 5 prizes and he has like 3 or 4 left, and he plays 2 Super Scoop Up to pick up his Spiritomb so I can’t take an easy prize as my last one, and Critically Whiffs both flips. I Dragon Rush ftw. I think I could have had time to power up a dude with 3 energy on it – if he breaks the Night Spin lock to snipe my energy, then I only need 1 energy and a gain to KO his Dusk.

Game 4: LuxChomp vs. Karl Kitchen with Plox AMU
I was looking forward to playing Karl as I had never played him before, but in my fantasy I drew an opening hand with a supporter. He wins the toss, plays some stuff (T1 Mesprit I believe) and mimics. I t1 Snap Attack his Chatot right in the gizzard with Ambipom G and DCE for a prize. He then sets up Azelf MT. I hit some supporter and am able to Bright Look it at some point. He KOs my Lux with Gallade, and I Tail Code a DCE to his bench. He Expert Belts his Gardevoir X, and rails into me with Psychic Lock for many turns, taking about 4 prizes with the attack. I eventually KO it, putting me at 2 prizes left for me and 1 left for him, and he promotes Gallade and Blades my Garch for 80 damage. I could make it a 1 prize game and lose for sure if I snipe something, so I have to take 2 prizes before he takes 1. I need to be able to turn into a fresh Garchomp for the snipe, and poketurn snipe again. I retreat to buy time, and try to set up another Chomp. He retreats Gallade for Azelf, levels up and Deep Ballances for the KO on my Garchomp. It was a fun game (minus the 5 turns of power lock), and it would be a fun match if we played in top cut again later.

Game 5: LuxChomp vs. Dusknoir (it may have had other stuff but I really just don’t remember)
I think I just got on top quick, KOing Baltoys and Claydols, forcing him to rely on Shadow Command, which in the end, is a double edged sword making it easy for me to take weak prizes and then OHKO the Dusknoir when I no longer fear EctoPlasm.

Game 6: LuxChomp vs. Ethan Durrant with FlyChamp
Here is the moment I had been waiting for. My chance at Top Cutting completely relied upon me being able to beat the dreaded 3-1 underdog match. I pull out some SP Pokemon. He plays 3 Trapinch, Baltoy, Machop, and Chatot. I think I Bright Look KO’d his Baltoy first, because I knew I had to keep his endurance in check if I had any chance of winning this match. I think I was right, as it forced him to Mimic. I then Bright Look KO’d his Machop, and he responded with another Mimic for 11 cards. I KO his Chatot (I’m pretty sure he had to Mimic 3x this game, unfortunately for him), and am now up 3 prizes. He responds with a Flygon that isn’t X’d because his X is prized, unable to KO my Luxray. I Garchomp it. He eventually gets out a Champ and plays a Reversal hitting something hard, but I am too far ahead on prizes and claim my last couple before he mounts a strong enough come back.

I cut in as the 6th seed

Top 8: LuxChomp vs. Catherine Sargent with Palkia Jiggs
Why must I play against my team members in Top Cut this early? And unfortunately for her, again I know her list virtually card for card, and have tested against it on numerous occasions. But it was cool to see her behind the Helm of the Beast, as she plays differently than Vogt does (less Jiggs IMHO, which I think works to her advantage).

Game 1:
She uses SP Radar to grab a Palkia, attaches, and Psychic Binds and benches Azelf MT, to keep Palkia safe for a while. I get excited early and forget to attach an energy to my benched Luxray after I Cyrus. She then Cyrus’ again to find that her remaining SP Radar are prized, not allowing her to Level up this turn, clear her bench, and snipe my Luxray with the lone energy on it. This would have been her game to win, because I wouldn’t have been able to mount a comeback without energy in play and with double requirements due to Downer Material. Instead we play a long war of attrition, with me KOing her Palkia, and her Donphan response. I had to send Chatot to wear an Earthquake in the face while I powered up my Crobat, thanks to Downer Material. I end up with board control and take the game. GG. 1-0

Game 2:
I may have a pretty good hand this game, and done my usual moves against her deck, but again my Memory has failed to retrieve this game as I have played so many games against that deck. I however, pulled out the win. 2-0. Knocking out friends is never fun, but she is good friend and good sport, and there are no hard feelings.


FYI: the top 3 seeds lost the QuarterFinals (possibly top 4 but I am not sure what happened in that game)

Top 4: LuxChomp vs. Tommy with Champion
Well we knew would meet in the top 4 before we even got here, as I had a really good chance of beating Cat, and his Champ deck had a great chance against Arceus. After playing against his deck on the ride out here, I was sure I was doomed. I figured I might win 1 of the three games at best, and Brian asked, “How does it feel walking into your impending loss,” to which I may or may not have replied, “Lovely.”

Game 1:
He whiffs the T1 Champ after setting up twice and Cosmic Powering at least once (I think I sprayed at
least one of those powers), so I Bright Look KO Machop. He Time Walks for a Champ, and then gets out
a Champ and a Choke, and Takes me out. I Dragon Rush a Choke, and get Taken Out. His last Machop is
prized, and he didn’t rearrange his prizes after Time Walking (all together now can we say EPIC MISPLAY?), so he Eeny Meenie Miney Moes his prizes
and Airball MacAllisters his Machop. I one or two hit his Champ (I can’t recall), but he can’t Cosmic into his Night Maintenance, as his hand was rather large and his Cosmics small. So I win by 1 prize. 1-0. Whew!

Game 2:
This game is the definition of being plowed, as he proceeds to set up 3 Machamps and 2 Claydols by Turn 2. I may have taken a single prize at some point this game. 1-1

Game 3:
He gets a pretty weak hand to my pretty good one. When he finally sets up some Machamps, I have Lucario benched, and I Flash Bite, Zen Blade them for the OHKO. After being KO’d, I Premier Ball Uxie X, and do it again. I think I win this game by 2 prizes, as his draw continues to weaken, and my Garchomp and kill at will.

Top 2: vs. FlyChamp
Another FlyChamp!?! This is getting a little ridiculous. I now feel enormous amounts of pressure, as I am confident that if Tommy played against this guy, his list is usually so fast and consistent, he would be able to win a 2/3.

Game 1:
He opens Trapinch to my Uxie and Sand Tombs. I Bench Bronzong and Luxray, and Psychic Restore out my Uxie. He evolves, Memory Berry, and Inviting Traps my Zong. I Cyrus for some Spray, as I build a bench, waiting for the key moment to Poketurn my Zong. Once I do, I don’t play it back down, and he Warp Points out my Luxray for my benched Garchomp, OHKOing it with his Flygon. He pretty much just plows me from here, but I come into game 2 with some confidence that if I can rip a good start, I can beat his deck, as it is slower than the FlyChamp list we were testing on the train. 0-1

Game 2:
I attack his Claydol and Baltoys early. Unfortunately he has a vast supply of Rowan and Cynthia’s to keep him in the game, causing me to hold my breath each time, but fortunately, he doesn’t see too many cards from these that he is able to play (like Communication, Candy, Champ), and his manual evolving is taking a lot of time. By the time he gets out a Machamp, I have my Uxie X counter ready to rock and KO his Champ. Some prizes are exchanged, but I KO his damaged Uxie with two Flash Bites, and Flash Impact his benched Machop to bench him out. 1-1. My hands tremble as the circulation to them is cut from my sudden case of nervousness. I stand to shuffle in hopes of increasing my ciruculation.

Game 3:
I open Raltz and some playable cards like SP Radar, and a lone Bebe’s, so I Radar for Luxray basic, and Bebe’s for Uxie, Setting up into like 5 cards, non of which is a supporter. While searching for my Uxie, I notice that my Luxray X and my Azelf are prized. His start isn’t much better, and he doesn’t make much progress on his turn, possibly Psychic Ballancing. I top deck Roseanne’s, get Crobat, Flash Bite, Poketurn, Flash Bite, DCE to Luxray, retreat Raltz, and Bite his Baltoy (Yum) drawing the first prize. I pull a Premier Ball from my prizes. He does some stuff, probably gets his Cosmic Sprayed. I EPICALLY TOP DECK A CYRUS, Premier Ball for Garchomp, and Dragon Rush his Claydol, EPICALLY PRIZING my Luxray level X. As I continue to Bright Look and KO cheap prizes, and his board isn’t developing at all, I already know I am just moments away from clinching my 2nd Trophy of the week, and my first State Champion title in 2 years. 2-1


The Tahoe Joes for taking 1st and 3rd and 7th. We comprised 37% of the top cut but only 8% of the field.
Raltz: I used Future Sight quite a bit
Chatot: although this little ChatterBox often strikes me as rather useless being as I didn’t Mimic one time out of either tournament, I just don’t have the heart to drop it from my list, as he brings comfort and security to his trainer.
Vogt with his wicked shifty
Cat for Top Cutting twice
Shay for going 4-2 with my Shuppet list
Tommy for Top Cutting at his 5th straight event (last event he played was Nationals ’09).
Andrea (for everything) and the tournament staff, as I always find Utah tournaments the best run.
All of the friends I saw and met, as this game wouldn’t be what it is without all of the cool people.
Vogt only leaving Tommy and I two decks to test with for a ten hour train ride: Although slightly annoying at the time, that crazy random happenstance may have won me the tourney.

Kirlia, for getting in my way, and never hitting the game board one time, and epically sucking in every way aside from countering the possible yet unlikely Mewtwo
Vogt for hitting bad matchups
Having to knock out my pals in 3 out of my 5 total top cut matches across both tourneys

Beware the mOnKeY. It shall return. :wink:

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Nice work man, way to own both weekends! Oh and I totally know what you mean on the Chatot thing, lol. Are you going to be at our regionals again this year?

This is Jason btw.
congrats man
colin your a pretty nice guy which is always good to talk to the really good player who are nice im one of the idaho players talk to you after you won. i look forword to playing you sometime good luck for the rest of the year i hope you get your invite keep it up man.
Well I'll be jiggsed, he decides to do a report. I guess it don't make sense not too. I haven't read it yet, but I know it's good. Btw, well done. The Tahoe Joes are just coming into our own, haha! Luxchomp sucks... ahem, "Our" shuppet list

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

You had me lmao at least 5 times, thanks for the many haha's
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That Top 2 game against Levi was indeed epic (says the girl with the lion backpack). You played very well, and while you were thinking "Another Flychamp?!" he was definitely going "Not another LuxChomp.." lol ^^

Will you be at the Oregon Regionals?
I'm Jordan, although I technically go by my middle name which is Levi. I'm the guy who played Flychamp in the finals against you. I loved the report man. I especially liked how you mentioned how your hands were losing circulation and what not lol. I had forgotten about that. You played a great round and deserved the championship. Congrats! I'll play you again sometime I hope.
I was your round 6 opponent in Oregon. Excellent game dude. I made a few misplays, but you were at the top of your game the entire time ;)

Nice job!
Thanks for the support guys.

Jason - I will definitely be heading to NorCal Regionals. Bringing Tombomb and Miles.

KC - Thanks man, it was good meeting you and I'm sure we shall play again.

Biff - you are right, it was our Shuppet list. You had the foundation and principles, and I had the wicked revamp fts (for the sick).

Jim - Good luck to you and your family/friends as well, and we shall see you at Nats, likely in a Swiss round somewhere if tradition holds.

Niimou - unfortunately I will not be going to Oregon, but NorCal instead. Which one are you going to?

Phazon - thanks man, and thanks for the Kirlia tech idea. I didn't see it but heard it was in your deck in Oregon, and because I used Raltz, actually helped me more than any other Mewtwo counter.

Levi - those were some good intense games. You're a really good player and good luck at Regionals. Are you going to Oregon or Colorado?

Raltz - You should have mentioned that you got 2nd as a Senior in World's last year: It's likely it would have made me nervous and caused me to msiplay. That was a great game, and taught me a lot about the mirror. It seems like starts and consistency play the most key roles, and before regionals I need to find a way when the start doesn't go in my favor to turn the power somewhere in the game.

Sox - Thanks, man. You were the first of many FlyChamps to give me a near heart attack and boatloads of experience.

Toys - Looking forward to it :biggrin:

Witty - Thanks for the support. Although I'm not sure that I didn't donk for stand up moral reasons, and I don't know that I would make the same decisions again, I am glad that I didn't donk because the game that was played instead was an intense skilled matchup, which is what I crave in Pokemon. However, had I lost, my sentiments might be different ;-)
Stromberg?( forgive me if I spelled it wrong)
If so, Congrats from SoCal and I hope we meet at Nats. :thumb:
Unfortunately I won't be going to ANY regionals 'cause I've got a surprise final that day >: ( NorCal would be my regional of choice though, being a Sacramento native myself ^^ Maybe see you there next year?
Great job in your states successes it was nice to meet you and your buddies. Only one person from Oregon in top 4 is hilarious. I just wish are game was more of a real game ....

Maybe we will meet again someday?