Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Zoroark's Trickster GX ruling

a)Can I use Zoroark's Trickster GX to use active opponent Necrozma's Black Ray GX, and count as a GX attack?

b)Can Trickster GX perform a opponents Zoroark GX w/Trickster to use my own pokemon attacks?

c)Can active Zoroark's Trickster GX use a opponent benched Alolan Ninetales GX attack and counts it as a GX attack?
a. Sure. Trickster GX can copy another GX attack as it's effect as long as you hadn't used up your GX attack previously.

b. No. You copy the attack text, not your opponent's point of view.

c. Sure. Not exactly sure what you are thinking the issue might be other than copying a GX attack, which was covered in question a.
When Trickster GX copies any attack it uses up your GX attack counter, not your opponent’s. So copying one of the other attacks on your opponents Alolan Ninetales GX will not use up your opponents GX attack no matter which of the 3 attacks you choose.