Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

A look back on my years as a senior (and a T8 report)


New Member
I'm gonna start this report looking back on my year as a senior.

In like 2005, I remember telling a great friend at league that I just aged up into their age group (11-14 at the time). At the time, I was playing a random psy deck with no real strategy. That year, I was still playing Yu-Gi-Oh. I got really annoying losing both Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon. I had to decide between one game to get really serious about. I chose Pokemon.

By the time 2006 worlds came around, I had an idea how to play... well... I was still using the same psy deck, but I knew I could make some major improvements.

In 2006-2007, I was extremely low on money. I had to choose one deck and then stick with it for the season. I chose metanite (metagross delta + dragonite delta). I did moderately well with this deck, but not amazing. When google searching the deck, I came across team metanite. While I did apply, I did not get in. They told me I needed to work on my list. I kept working on the list and ended up missing the top cut at cities by resistance and not win/loss record. I ended up making 3rd at NV states. I finally had a taste of a decent win (if you call it that). I wanted more. When worlds came around, I came close to grinding in, but I didn't do well.

In the 2007-2008 series, I was finally ready to do well. I had enough money to keep cards coming into (and out of) my collection. I had a great grasp of the game's concepts. I was also introduced to the ratings system for the first time. I started battle roads with a simple SD (mismagiusand honchkrow). It was simple, but it worked. When cities came along, I took a real liking to gardevoir and gallade (AKA GG at the time). I worked with it a lot. My dad started a new job in Florida at the time. I got to play in a few of their city tournaments. When I got to play Orion C and Garret F (and I actually won sometimes), I knew I'd have a great season. I came home with 1 (out of 3) cities wins, but I was actually very happy. When states came by, I stuck with GG (I figured I did really well with it before). I swept NV states (as there was hardly any competition). This, I thought, was normal, but what I found was odd was that I also swept CA states (a first for any NV player). After going completely undefeated at states, I decided to play magmortar + blaziken at regionals. I got 4th, and I was quite happy with it.

Nationals was probably my biggest error. I used the same (unedited) list that I used from states. It was simply behind the times and caused me to drop (something I told myself I would never do). Even so, I did make worlds.

At 2008 Worlds, I got a new taste of competition. I got to play against the best of the best. I ended up coming in 21st having played a really close game in the tp 32.

2009 was a big year for me.

I never found a deck that I really clung to. I dawdled during BRs (playing random garbage). I got to travel to CA and AZ for cities. I did decently well... nothing to mention.

When states rolled around, I had no idea what to do. My brother was now a senior and he got plenty of help from Josh B. This created plenty of competition. Also, Goldedda came to NV states (with his version of dark GG).

I played legos at states, and despised every moment of it. In the end, I got T2, and was sad to see that Goldedda's decklist did not match his deck (giving him a DQ). I admit, had he not gotten DQed, I wouldn't have won. I found new hope, though. I returned to playing GG.

While I told Goldedda that I had the deck planned for months, I really just took his idea (and made my own adjustments). I ended up having only one loss at CA states (giving me the win). It was official that my rivalry with Goldedda was born. I also got to play my brother in T4 (having a very close win in suddent death). This told me that he was finally going to be a major threat.

In regionals, I got 3rd (ironically losing to something resembling my brother's states deck in suddent death). Goldedda ended up getting second. We agreed that we were equal.

For the next month or two, I stopeed going to league. The game no longer interested me as much as it used to. I always had to play the same people at league. I needed a break.

When summer rolled by, my family (as it does every summer) went to chicago. This was a change for me. I finally got to play new people again. It felt great and I just wanted to start having fun again.

As for nationals, I really did not care about how I did. I chose garchomp MT + blissey MT (I had taken a liking to them a while back). I had a blast an ended up going 5-3. This event successfully restored the fun in the game for me.

With new hope, I returned to worlds. Here is my true report:

Day 1: Grinder
This was kick-back-and-relax-day. Not much to say. Goldedda successfully grinded in along with a bunch of other californians that I knew. I also got to meet a bunch of friends from online. My brother went 5-3 (50th place).

Day 2: Main event
I was playing palkia lock with weavile G and mewtwo X.
I was truely ready for this event. ... except for a few things:

After doing a last minute count, my deck list had 61 cards (I wrote a 3 as a 4), and my deck had 59 cards (I lost a lake boundary). Thankfully, my friend was sitting next to me while they were collecting deck lists. I got to call DukeFireBird on his phone to get the lake boundary. I eventually started the tournament error-free.

Game 1: Vs mirror

My opponent got a terrible start. I got set up and he didn't. :) 1-0

Game 2: Vs mirror

See game 1 2-0

Game 3: Vs Miska (luxape)

I made a mad rush to lock him while setting up mewtwo. I played the game as I should have, but his ninetails kept mewtwo at bay too lng 2-1

Game 4: Vs Amt (mirror)

Another mirror. Reminds me of last year. Again, she got a bad start. I was startin to worry that I was only getting lucky. 3-1

Game 5: Vs Mirror

Again with the mirror. I feel like bad luck breaking all these mirrors. Anyways, it was very close game, but I ended up coming out ontop due to the early lockage of him uxie. 4-1

Game 6: Vs Mirror

... uh... I didn't know my deck would be so popular. I won :) 5-1

Game 7: Vs Alex M (flygon)

I locked his uxie early and won :) 6-1

T32: Vs Dylan I (former world champ... playin dialga G X)
Game 1: Easy win. 7 1/2 minutes. WIN
Game 2: I stuck it out. He kept killing off my palkias. Bertha ended up hurting me. LOSS
Inbetween games: BATHROOM BREAK! SD Pokemom looked at the empty table weirdly (supposedly) because the decks were there without the players.
Game 3: Very even game. The bathroom break saved me due to the time extension involved. I was able to snipe his benched dailga X to make the game 2-3 my favor on time. :D WIN

Day 3: Having beaten the former world champ, I was really excited.
T16: Vs Flygon
Both games, he got terrabad starts. Either he only had 1 uxie, or he didn't pull them both out on roseanne. I locked them both games

T8: Vs Flygon + Mewtwo.
Both games, he pulled out mewtwo X ASAP. I had no techs for it. I can say that I lost to the 3rd placer and the 4th placer at worlds though :)

  • Orion C and Garrett F for showing me that I can be good at the game
  • DukeFireBird for being a great League Leader
  • MadHatter for always giving helpful advice
  • My Brother for being some one able to live up to my reputation
  • Goldedda for keeping me involved and competative in 2008-2009
  • Dylan for giving me the time extension to win against him
  • All of the Californians for being great competators and always keeping me on my toes
  • Chicago people for returning my interest in the game
  • T8 at worlds
  • Everyone online or supporting me
  • My wonderful run as a senior

  • None too big to speak of
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Zach, thank you for the major props. I am very proud to have one of my league members make 6th at Worlds.

Even though we may have our differences, and what not, I am honestly looking forward next year to really test my skill against you in an event. You are truly one of the best in the game. 2 years in a row worlds top cut really means something, no matter the division.

Congrats are in order.

GJ Zack, 8th place is amazing... Pity that you couldn't make it even futhur...

Hope to see you again in Hawaii 2010!
No Absoltrainer in Props?


Congrats, now you're playing with the Big Boys now.
Great Job this year, and Good Luck next.
GJ on 7th. I would say better luck next year, but I'm going to be the one winning so, obviously I can't. ;P
I was so excited to see you do so well. I'm so glad you were able to finish seniors on such a good note.

You definitely deserved this and I hope you go far in masters.

See ya in Hawaii :D
I actually read that entire report; lifehistory an all :lol:

What's crazy is that you teched in the MewTwo and the MewTwo is what ended your run. :nonono:

Amazing report. Amazing story. AMAZING GAMEPLAY!

^I knew it was a good tech ^_^
^^I kinda rememer you... should I?
^^^Are you going to Hawaii SOM? :O
^^^^All the way!
If you don't know who I am, you're stupid ;p I'm proud of you and was rooting for you the whole way. Nice job with T8. Hopefully I can stalk you again at Nats or Worlds next year :D