Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Attention Card of the Day Enthusiasts! A MUST READ!

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New Member
PokeGym seeks your input for the CotD List for July 2009! This is your chance to give some direction and attention to cards you find interesting and deserve some recognition. There are a few guidelines to follow, but it is simple and easy!

The Gym would like to keep to the current format of DP-RR, so please keep requests to this format!:thumb: If you are unsure of a the Format selections, it can be found in the Researching Tower.

Each submission needs to be 3 cards and Cards that have not been reviewed!
This allows for a wide variety of cards to introduce to all PokeGym Members. Sometimes our new users may not realize a card combo and thus turn to CotD for some insight! Selections need to be as follows:

Selection 1 : Holo Version
Selection 2: Rare/ (UN)Common
Selection 3: Trainer, Supporter, Stadium or Energy card (Choose only one)

Selection 1: Lucario GL

Instant Lake Boundary anyone? Splash-able in all decks and sure to make an impact I think.

Selection 2: Raichu GL

Another good card that works well in spread-oriented decks, like those with Palkia G and Gallade 4.

Selection 3: Upper Energy

Think everyone else has already covered the reasons why.
Questions you may Have:
"Do I just post my choices here?" Yes!! Just follow Prime's PERFECT Post! (<3 Prime)
"Do I need to include why I am selecting them?" This helps in determining a good selection form a "just thought I would toss one in!"
"Where can I find out what cards have been used already?" In the MAIN CotD Screen, there are references to Prior Posts. Please choose alternate cards than ones we have reviewed!

IMPORTANT!! Make sure you type (or Copy and Paste) Selection 1, Selection 2, Selection 3 when presenting your entry! And please, Only one Entry per user!
Have Fun with this! Make your suggestions reasonable and take the time to enjoy the Gym! This is opened for YOU, the USER! We the Staff appreciate YOUR SUPPORT and we enjoy doing this for you! Submissions need to be in by June 20,2009 for review and selections!

Thanks for the Input!!
CotD Staff
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So, I just post my choices here? Do I need to include why I am selecting them? Where can I find out what cards have been used already?

Selection 1: Typhlosion MT
I really like this card. I think it has the best energy acceleration in the game. Even though Magnezone SF can do something similar with electric energy, there seem to be more fire pokemon that discard energy than pokemon that discard electric or metal energy.

Selection 2: Weavile SW
Can you tell that I like energy acceleration? Weavile SW is just a great little accelerator. Compared to Raichu MT, or Exeguttor MT, Weavile SW has free retreat, can attach extra energy for free, and has a secondary use in it's Poke-Power. It's a great card that has been seeing play here and there this season.

Selection 3: Professor Rowan SW
Although I am slowly losing interest in this card as new supporters come out, I still love to play this card. I think the main reason I sometimes play it over other cards like Cynthia's Feelings or Looker's Investigation is because I get to keep 1 card. There are often times when I have the rare candy, but not the stage 2 in my hand, or vice versa. Rowan allows me to keep the one card I really need and hope to draw into the other card/s I need in the 4 cards I draw. Also, it keeps my hand slightly below the Claydol limit, meaning that I can then Claydol, putting 2 under my deck and draw 3 more cards, giving me 7 chances to get that extra card I need.
Selection 1: Metagross LA
This card has always been a tech possibility, but many people over looked it since it does involve a coin flip. I think it is not a bad choice now with all of the SP decks running around. With all of the new techs that the decks have[Alakazam 4, Skuntank G, Lucario GL, etc.], bringing up one of those could benefit as your opponent may have to waste a Poke Turn on it. Also, with special conditions being more relevant in this format, bringing up a Claydol and the inflicting it with a condition can swing a game in a persons favor. Finally, it's a power. I mean, what if the Pokemon you want to bring up swings the game in your favor? Does your opponent want to Power Spray a card that isn't guaranteed to work?
[I know this has been done already, but the format has shifted a lot since then, and I think it needs to be looked at again more closely.]

Selection 2: Bronzong 4 RR
Ever since I first read this card, it called out to me. The attack doesn't seem like much, but using as a starter may not be that bad. I know that your hand suffers too, however with the right engine[Fish,R,Ball] you can recover quickly and have the edge on your opponent rather quickly. Also, another benefit is that you can Poke Turn, so it can mesh well in SP decks. Finally, it's second attack can win games, as odd as that sounds. Most of the time when it is 1-1 in prizes neither player has much left in their arsenal, well Bronzong 4 hits for a healthy amount of damage to set you up for the win.

Selection 3: Upper Energy
I am really interested in seeing how many people will actually use this card. Most of the "good" Pokemon out there take 2 of their Energy Type, so I am not so sure how Upper Energy could come into play. However, it has many good uses in set up decks and Regigigas decks. Third, providing 2 energy means that retreat cost is a lot easier to deal with; you can retreat that Claydol GE rather easily after it may of been Poke-Blower'd or Luxray GL Lv.x'd to the active spot. Although there was not much hype over this card, I still think that most decks will try and find room for it, even though most decks won't be able to utilize it effectively.

I hope I did that right.
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Selection 1: Mismagius GL LV.X RR
Pretty much NO discussion of it has ever happened that I remember... Makes the mechanic of tools a heck of a lot more interesting then before, especially with the ability to switch around Unowns as needed.

Selection 2: Drifblim SF
A starter pokemon that I'm surprised has received a LOT less use then one would expect (and not a Card of the Day yet! O___o). Can set up early game floods rather fast, particularly if you have some way to move energy/only need one on to be useful, and has the ability to pick up any card, ALL with free retreat and no energy required? Not to mention we have Broken Time Space, helping to dilute the pains of being a stage 1.

Selection 3: Charon's Choice RR
Not really a card that can be used in a lot of decks, but the Rotoms themselves make interesting techs, the fact that it goes to your hand as opposed to discard at end of turn is REEEEALLY interesting, and I feel that despite the rarity of it/cards it combos with, its worth looking at. (Turning an energy retreiver [MD Rotom] into something that w/ an Energy Switch + Regular Attach can send a pokemon back to hand instantly [Fan]? Brilliant!)
Selection 1: Snorlax LV.X

Selection 2: Electrode G

Twenty to everything via Reckless Bomb is amazing for just one Lightning Energy, but it comes at a high auxiliary price: Electrode G knocking itself out. Is this something that's worth the disadvantage it may place you in, or do all of the format's other spread cards (Abomasnow, Manectric, Tyranitar, Gallade 4, etc) make this useless? This would prompt tons of good discussion.

Selection 3: Upper Energy

A Double Colorless Energy with a prerequisite and a weakened Scramble Energy rolled into one, Upper Energy is the most balanced come-from-behind card ever released. With many decks scoring fast T1/T2 kills, Upper Energy will prove to be a key component of several successful decks come Nationals.
Selection 1: Lucario GL

Instant Lake Boundary anyone? Splash-able in all decks and sure to make an impact I think.

Selection 2: Raichu GL

Another good card that works well in spread-oriented decks, like those with Palkia G and Gallade 4.

Selection 3: Upper Energy

Think everyone else has already covered the reasons why.

I also move that we set aside 6 days for everyone's favorite ghost-appliance, Rotom, and his unique supporter also.
Selection 1: Blastoise Platinum
Amazing Pokepower, yet is uncertain. Aqua Press is an attack that increases in attack power for every :water: Energy in play. A supbreb counter to water decks, and also helps Tyranitar.

Selection 2: Unown A Diamond & Pearl
This Unown's Pokepower works well with Blastiose. It's Analize Poke-Power lets you look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Since Blastiose's Dig Well Poke-Power makes you look at the top three cards of your deck. You can us Unwon A to see wether or not it is a worthy risk to use Dig Well.

Selection 3: Speed Stadium Diamond & Pearl
Speed Stadium offers a chance to dig into your deck for the cards you may need. So long as the coin flips go your way.
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Selection 1: Jirachi RR
Allowing the re-use of supporters? Searching your deck when he's knocked out by damage? This card is AMAZING.

Selection 2: Nidoqueen RR
With healing and an easy 1-energy attack with possibility for a better attack with the addition of an Upper, will this card go side-by-side with Gengar?

Selection 3: Pokemon Contest Hall
Though flippy, this can make SP decks that much more viable. Is it worth playing?
Mismagius GL lvX
use darkness magic for 8 damage counters after you use the 2 following cards:

Uxie LA (This card has been selected and reviewed already. Please verify your selecitons have not been previously done! You may edit and choose a separate Card!)
Draw until you have 7. BCIF and combos with mismagius GL lvX

Pokemon contest hall
If you get heads, you get to bench a decked pokemon and attach a tool, Mismagius's power comes in here...

really interesting combo if you ask me.
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Kingdra (This card has been selected and reviewed already. Please verify your selecitons have not been previously done! You may edit and choose a separate Card!)
just really good

Broken Time-Space
(This card has been selected and reviewed already. Please verify your selecitons have not been previously done! You may edit and choose a separate Card!)
perfect for speeding Stage 2's up

Flotzel GL LV.X
with the two cards above, and this on the bench, when your kingdras knocked out, ta-da! play it right back down again!
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May I suggest people check out the links in the CotD forum that list which cards have been reviewed before. Cards like Kingdra, and Uxie have already been reviewed. The idea of this promotion is to review cards that haven't been reviewed before.
Selection 1: Hippowdon Lv.X
Gets shut down by power spray but still has quite a bit of appeal. Built in Energy accel with a power that serves as a lategame equalizer against anything except G's.

Selection 2: Nidoqueen RR
Snipe may live but this card may be the end of spread. Your opponent running spread? They have to do more then 20 per turn or run Dialga G Lv.X in order to even dent you. Rarely are techs released where a 1-0-1 line can destroy an entire deck type, this might be one of those times

Selection 3: Volkner's Philosophy

This isn't a replacement for Claydol or Uxie, but it is one of the best hand replenishers we have at the moment, the added discard is just a bonus, with more and more decks needing energy in the discard to function correctly. I'm curious to see how people will play this card. Will it be a 2x Run like most decks run Cynthia, or a full blown 4x Line?
i have a really good combo, but it has 2 trainer/supporter/stadiums and one pokemon, if you cant make an exception, just disregard this.

1. Torterra lvX DP
Torterra is a Tank that needs alot of energy. so that when he gets KOd all of the energy doesn't go with him to the discard, these next 2 cards help.

2. Lucian's Appointment RR

Move all of the energy attached to a damaged Torterra to a healthy one? yes, please!

3. Super Scoop up DP
after you move the energy with Lucian's you can take a chance at scooping up the damaged Torterra and put him back on the bench healed and ready to go.
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1. Froslass GL: Although its second attack seems to be nothing more than an inferior Deep Poison, the fact that Froslass GL is a :water:-type means that it can be teched into Toxitank decks to counter Infernape 四 LV.X, since it OHKOs Infernape 四 LV.X after using Crobat G's Flash Bite. Its first attack is also somewhat useful. Although there's only a 25% chance that the opponent will still be Asleep during your next turn, you can always force up a bench sitter like Claydol and retreat Froslass GL on your next turn to send out something that can KO it.

2. Aerodactyl GL: Its first attack is decent early game (although you shouldn't be using it after the first turn or two), but the important part is its second attack, which prevents the Defending Pokémon from evolving. There are several ways that you can force an unevolved Basic (such as Machop or Baltoy) active and immediately block it from evolving, allowing you to KO it on the next turn (use Dugtrio so that the Pokémon will still be KOed if they try to retreat).

3. Flint's Willpower: It is very useful in Infernape 四 decks so you don't have to wait a turn before using Fire Spin again, and it's decent in just about every SP deck.
Request 1: Gallade 4 from RR
It has decent HP, same old SP weakness but atleast it can Spread for 1 Energy (Energy Gain) and can pierce Resistance and deal an easy 50 to any poke for 2 NRG (Again with Energy Gain). Also, because it only requires 1 Psy NRG for all it's attacks, can make him a cosiderable tech in any SP deck. Not to mention it's LV.X (Has been reviewed already) that functions as an uber Crobat G!

Request 2: Sharpedo RR
As usual, Shapedo has been dubbed as the glass cannon with meager HP. But it has no :fighting: Weakness while still being able to use Special Dark. It also benefits from ZERO retreat. It's Poke-Body is flippy, but can be VERY annoying when you can get some heads, discarding any Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon upon receiving damage...but has to be active to do so. But it can be a nice Warp Point bait as it can be useful with it's body while Crobat G isnt.

Request 3: Kecleon RR
This card's Body makes it HILLARIOUS. PLay it with Weavile SW for Energy Accel and Sunnyshore City Gym, Lucario GL and you can hit for Weakness all the time!
Selection 1: TogeKiss (Great Encounters)

When Togekiss comes into play look at your top 10 cards and attach any energy you find there any way you like? Awesome. This card could come in handy in decks that need a lot of energy in play such as Leafeon X, Hippodown, a few lightning and fire decks. Definitely worth looking at.

Selection 2: Hippodwon (Rising Rivals)

Excellent pokebody. Pretty much placing poision on all your opponents lvl Xs...even on the bench. That's nice. Save Sand...Um...Blissey anyone? Awesome. Groundshake isn't bad either. 80 dmg and all uneveolved pokemon all take 10. Great way to counter SP decks.

Selection 3: Lucian's Assignment

Move as many energy as you want from one of your pokemon to the other. A situational supporter but very useful if you get in trouble. If your active is near KO, Lucian's to the next guy on the bench then scoop up or switch, and put the new guy up fully loaded to fight. Not a great supporter but can be utilized well in some decks.
Selection 1: Glaceon (Rising Rivals)
If you load up Eevee before you evolve it with like two water energies, then your basically ready to own! Glaceon's Ice Beam does 50 damage and can use SF on the opponent to keep it unable to attack. Domination!

Selection 2: Wartortle (Platinum)
Wartortle can use its Rocket Tackle move to do some damage, and if you use Memory Berry on it, you can have four attacks and fight in battle with ease.

Selection 3:Ampibom G (Rising Rivals)
Ampibom is a good G pokemon to use if you want to use its attacks. Its pretty good, and combining it with the beastly Glameow G is a deadly combo!
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