Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Consider this.


New Member
Two men grew up together, childhood friends. They went to college together. One became a very successful lawyer. He worked for twenty years making a ton of money, and then became a judge.

The other man became a businessman.

The judge lived by a hard code of ethics, he had saved nearly every dollar he ever earned as a lawyer, and became known as one of the toughest judges in history, always giving out the hardest of penalties for those found guilty in his court.

But the businessman never quite made it big, like his friend. He struggled from one failure to another. Then the businessman got into some trouble and ended up stealing from his company just to pay his bills, and was caught.

He went to trial and, sitting there on the bench, was his lifelong friend. The news found out about this conflict of interest and waited to see, if the businessman was found guilty, just what his friend the judge would do. Would he give him a light sentence, in view of their friendship, or would he follow his own hard line ethics and throw the book at his old friend?

The jury came back and the verdict was read, GUILTY.

The judge looked down at his friend. The businessman hung his head in shame. He was broke, bankrupt, stealing just to pay his bills, and now it seemed that all was over.

The people in the courtroom held their breath. What would the judge do?

The judge then proceeded to hand out the biggest penalty that the law allowed. His friend would have to pay back all the money he stole plus a huge fine. The amount set a new record for a penalty given to an individual. In comparison, this amount was equal to everything that the judge himself had saved from his days as a successful lawyer. If the businessman could not immediately pay back everything then he would go to jail, likely for the rest of his life.

The courtroom was a buzz with everyone whispering about the judge’s harsh penalty. How could he be so mean? Couldn’t he show a little mercy to his lifelong friend? No one seemed to notice when the judge slipped off his black robe and came and stood beside his friend.

The judge put a hand on his friend’s back and quietly said, “I’ll pay it all for you.”

I give you this little story on this Good Friday and ask my open-minded friends here on this board to think about this. I’ll not engage in any debates about this today. I have no proof to offer you; it is a question of faith. I just ask you to consider these words:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
If a judge was involved personally with anyone there, wouldn't they step down from being judge of that particular case?
Xeno said:
If a judge was involved personally with anyone there, wouldn't they step down from being judge of that particular case?

I truly believe that Pokemon players as a group are the most analytical creatures on the face of the earth. ;)

I also believe that no matter what your faith, this story has a universal message that we would all do well to heed.

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A Buddhist View of Easter
Rev. Marvin Harada, Orange County Buddhist Church, Anaheim, CA
I would like to share with you this month the message I gave at the Meditation Service that was held on Easter Sunday, April 20.

It might be unusual for a Buddhist minister to give a message about Easter, but since today is Easter, I would like to share some thoughts on what could be looked at as a Buddhist view of Easter.

You are all aware that Easter is the Christian religious observance that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is thought in Christianity that Jesus rose from the dead, or was “resurrected.” This event proved that Jesus was the son of God, the Christ. Christians throughout the world celebrate this event as Easter.

My feeling is that the real “resurrection” of Jesus, does not rely on whether he rose from the dead or not. I would think that the real “resurrection” occurs when Christians receive the teachings of Jesus within their hearts and minds. When a Christian really and truly receives the teachings of Jesus in one’s heart and mind, then Jesus truly “comes alive.” From a Buddhist perspective, isn’t that the real meaning of “resurrection”?

In the same manner, for Buddhists, when we receive the Buddha’s teachings in our hearts and minds, then the Buddha comes “alive” for us. Shakyamuni is not just a great teacher that lived over 2500 years ago, but is a “living teacher” in a spiritual sense for us today. Shinran Shonin lived over 700 years ago, but when Shin Buddhists sincerely follow the path of the Nembutsu, Shinran Shonin comes alive for us today. Of course the Buddha and Shinran do not “literally” come alive or come back from the dead, but their teachings, their way of life of the Dharma, “comes alive” for us today.

Buddhism is not as concerned with historical fact as it is concerned with religious truth. Historical fact stands at one point in time. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. America became independent on July 4, 1776.

Religious truth, however, stands beyond time. While Shakyamuni Buddha lived and died as a human being in history, the truth that he attained is a timeless, eternal truth. What is significant for Buddhists is not to simply celebrate the historical events of the Buddha’s life like his birth or entrance into Nirvana, but that the Buddha “come alive” for us in our life here and now.

If Christianity focuses on the historical event of Jesus rising from the dead, then it stands on one event in time. If instead it focuses on Christians receiving the teachings of Jesus in their hearts, then it becomes a religion that stands beyond time.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a well-known Buddhist Monk and prolific writer of Buddhist books writes,

“Redemption and resurrection are neither words nor objects of belief. They are our daily practice. We practice in such a way that Buddha is born every moment of our daily life, that Jesus Christ is born every moment of our daily life.” -- from Going Home.

Thich Nhat Hanh has even written a book titled, “Living Buddha, Living Christ” in which he discusses his appreciation of both Jesus and Shakyamuni Buddha, and how they must become living teachers for us today.

“When we understand and practice deeply the life and teachings of Buddha or the life and teachings of Jesus, we penetrate the door and enter the abode of the living Buddha and the living Christ, and life eternal presents itself to us.”
p. 56
Living Buddha, Living Christ
By Thich Nhat Hanh

In the book Living Buddha, Living Christ, Thich Nhat Hanh relates that he came to have an appreciation of Jesus and Christianity not by reading the bible, but by meeting kind and wonderful Christians. Through these Christians, he came to respect and admire the life and teachings of Jesus.

In the same manner, people who do not know anything about Buddhism, or who have never been exposed to Buddhism can come to know Shakyamuni Buddha through how we live as Buddhists.

For Thich Nhat Hanh, the life eternal, is not an everlasting life in heaven which occurs after death. Life eternal means to transcend life and death, to stand beyond time. It is what is expressed as “immeasurable life” in Shin Buddhism. Amida Buddha is immeasurable life and immeasurable light. Namuamidabutsu means, “I open my heart and mind to immeasurable light and immeasurable life.” Through the Nembutsu, through receiving the truth of Namuamidabutsu in our hearts and minds, we become life eternal, we transcend life and death.

Why should we attempt to transcend life and death? Why should we try to stand beyond time? Because to do so means our fear and apprehension of death is gone. It means that our life is fulfilled, whether we live to be 9 or 90. It means that we can truly be one in our hearts with the loved ones we have lost, whether it was last year or fifty years ago. It means that we have the peace of mind to someday leave our loved ones behind when our time too has come. Who is there that would not want to transcend life and death?

May the Nembutsu enter our hearts and minds, and may we find the true peace, joy, serenity, and meaning of life eternal, of immeasurable life, of life that stands beyond time.

Rev. Marvin Harada
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Thanks for the comment BDS.

And thank you for sharing a Buddhist View of Easter with us PokéMom.

Not so far apart are we?
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Big Daddy Snorlax said:
I also believe that no matter what your faith, this story has a universal message that we would all do well to heed.

Yeah. That judge now basically owns that guy. Nice move.

*looks around at staring posters*

Guess what everybody.

And you know what that means!


Listen to this scripture passage:
(Matthew 27:50)

"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit."

NOTE that it says he GAVE UP his spirit.

You can't do it.

I can't do it.

Only He can!!

But that, thankfully, is not where the story ends. He rose again on the 3rd day!

Yet another thing neither you, nor I, can do.