Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How are there only 64 Worlds spots?


New Member
A lot of people, as I have heard, say that last year and this year the Worlds main event competitors number was shortened to 64.

However, I just went to go-pokemon.com and looked at their Nationals page, and counted all of the Nationals invites, and it came to 73 invites per age division, or 81, including the extra invites at US Nationals.

Then, in Premier ratings, there were 51 invites total among the 4 premier ranking zones.

That comes out to 124 invites per age division, and that isn't counting the Japanese Battle Roads and such.

Could someon explain to me what they mean by 64 invites?
There were 64 invites only last year since it was in Hawaii. This year, it will be bigger. Think closer to 128.

ohhhhh, i see, that was just last year. if that's 128 total, then where do the Japanese players' Battle Roads invites fit in?
It's 145 if they let 4 in from the Grinder and everyone uses their invite in Masters last I counted.