Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Magma/Aqua/Flora Axis [Completed]

Flora's Swablu {C} 50 HP
{D}{C} Evil Cotton 20
If there are any {D} energy cards attached to Flora's Swablu, you may treat it as a {D} type for this turn, until applying weakness.
{C}{C}{C} Wing Attack 30
Weakness-{L} Resistance-{F} Retreat Cost-

Flora's Altaria {C} 80 HP
{D}{C} Darkness Wing 20
If there are any {D} energy cards attached to Flora's Swablu, you may treat it as a {D} type for this turn, until applying weakness.
{L}{W}{C} Electric Dewdrop 50
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now Paralyzed. If tails, it is now Asleep.
Weakness-{C} Resistance-{R}{F} Retreat Cost-

E reader yields-L5 Swablu/Altaria. Can learn Wish, Dragon Rage, or Outrage
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Magma's Jolteon
70 HP {L}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Special Eevee)

Poké-POWER Aqua Shock
If Magma's Jolteon is damaged by an attack by a Pokémon with Aqua in its name (even if Magma's Jolteon is Knocked Out) and is not affected by a Special Condition at the time of the attack, flip a coin. If heads, this power does half the damage done to the Pokémon that damaged Magma's Jolteon. Apply Weakness and Resistance.
{L}{C}{C} Shock Scare Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed; if tails, place a Fear counter on the Defending Pokémon. The base damage of an attack done by a Pokémon with a Fear counter on it is reduced by half (rounded down to the nearest 10) (before applying Weakness and Resistance). A Pokémon may not have more than 1 Fear counter on it at a time. 30

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Jolteon holding TM50. Can learn Mud Shot, Extremespeed, or Volt Tackle.

Magma's Flareon
70 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Special Eevee)

Poké-POWER Team Hate Burn
Once during your turn (before your attack), this power does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon unless that Pokémon is Burned or Magma's Flareon has a Special Condition.
{R}{C}{C} Mega Wisp Flip a coin for each Defending Pokémon. If heads, that Pokémon is now Burned. 40

Weakness: {W}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Flareon holding TM50. Can learn Mud Shot, Extremespeed, or Blast Burn.

Flora's Espeon
70 HP {P}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Special Eevee)

Poké-POWER Element Psy
If Flora's Espeon does damage to a Pokémon with Aqua or Magma in its name and Flora's Espeon isn't affected by a Special Condition, you may choose to do 10 less damage to that Pokémon (before Weakness and Resistance) in order to discard up to 2 Energy cards (1 if there is only 1) from that Pokémon.
{P}{C}{C} Psychic This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon. 30+

Weakness: {D}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Espeon holding TM19. Can learn Mud Shot, Extremespeed, or Psycho Boost.

Magma's Poochyena
40 HP {D}
Basic Pokémon

{C}{C} Kick 20
{D}{C}{C} Rage Crunch This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Magma's Poochyena. 20+

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {P}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Poochyena holding TM50. Can learn Double Kick, Blaze Kick, or Doom Desire.

Magma's Mightyena
70 HP {D}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Poochyena)

{D}{C} Crunch 30
{D}{D}{C}{C} Rage Madness This attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each damage counter on Magma's Mightyena. 30+

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {P}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Mightyena holding TM50. Can learn Double Kick, Blaze Kick, or Doom Desire.

Flora's Elekid
40 HP {L}
Baby Pokémon (Evolves into Flora's Electabuzz)

{L} Thundershock Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 20

Weakness: none
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Elekid holding TM19. Can learn Spark, Doom Desire, or Volt Tackle.

Flora's Electabuzz
80 HP {L}
Basic Pokémon

Poké-BODY Quick-Play Dishonesty
If Flora's Electabuzz didn't evolve from Flora's Elekid when put into play, Flora's Electabuzz's total HP is 60 instead of 80.
{D} Dark Focus If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora's Electabuzz, during your next turn, you may treat Flora's Electabuzz as a {D} Pokémon during that turn until applying Weakness.
{L}{L}{L} Shock Shot This attack does 30 damage to each Defending Pokémon and flip a coin for each Defending Pokémon. If heads, that Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Electabuzz holding TM19. Can learn Spark, Doom Desire, or Volt Tackle.
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Sorry it took a while, but here are some more ideas for this.

Flora’s Seedot
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{D} Dark Burst Does 10 damage times the number of Energy attached to Flora’s Seedot. If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Seedot, you may treat Flora’s Seedot, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 10x
{G}{C} Poison Spore Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 10
e-Reader Yield: L5 Seedot holding TM19. Can learn Iron Defense, Memento, or Ice Ball.

Flora’s Nuzleaf
Pokémon card
70 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Seedot
Put Flora’s Nuzleaf on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{D}{C} Dark Smack If there are any Energy cards attached to the Defending, Pokémon, choose 1 of them and discard it. If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Nuzleaf, you may treat Flora’s Nuzleaf, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 20
{G}{G}{C} Leaf Slash Don’t apply Resistance. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Nuzleaf holding TM19. Can learn Scary Face, Night Shade, or Thunderpunch.

Flora’s Shiftry
Pokémon card
90 HP
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Nuzleaf
Put Flora’s Shiftry on the Stage 1 card
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{D}{C}{C} Dark Rush If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Shiftry, you may treat Flora’s Shiftry, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. This attack can’t be used again as long as Flora’s Shiftry stays in play (even putting Flora’s Shiftry on the Bench won’t let you use it again). 80
{G}{G}{G}{C} Razor Cyclone Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 60
e-Reader Yield: L5 Shiftry holding TM19. Can learn Mind Reader, Shadow Punch, or Water Pulse.

Flora’s Zubat
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: n/a
{G} Mean Look The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat as long as Flora’s Zubat remains your Active Pokémon. (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.)
{G}{G} Confuse Ray Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 20
e-Reader Yield: L5 Zubat holding TM19. Can learn Hypnosis, Nightmare, or Silver Wind.

Flora’s Golbat
Pokémon card
70 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Zubat
Put Flora’s Golbat on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: n/a
{D}{G} Dark Venom If the Defending Pokémon has Aqua in its name, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. It now takes 20 Poison damage instead of 10 after each player's turn (even if it was already Poisoned). If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Golbat, you may treat Flora’s Golbat, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 20
{G}{G}{G} Acid Cascade Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can’t attack during your opponent’s next turn. Either way, the Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Golbat holding TM19. Can learn Destiny Bond, Rock Tomb, or Future Sight.

Flora’s Crobat
Pokémon card
100 HP
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Golbat
Put Flora’s Crobat on the Stage 1 card
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: n/a
{D}{G} Dark Toxin If the Defending Pokémon has Magma in its name, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. It now takes 40 Poison damage instead of 10 after each player's turn (even if it was already Poisoned). If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Crobat, you may treat Flora’s Crobat, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 30
{G}{G}{G}{G}{G} Chemical Crush You may discard any number of {G} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Crobat. This attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card discarded in this way. 50+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Crobat holding TM19. Can learn Night Shade, Extrasensory, or Earthquake.

Aqua’s Lugia
Pokémon card
90 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{W}{W} Freeze Wing Does 20 damage to each Defending Pokémon. Choose a Defending Pokémon and flip a coin. If heads, place a Freeze counter on that Defending Pokémon. If tails, place a Freeze counter on the other Defending Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua's Lugia remains your Active Pokémon.
{P}{P}{P}{P} Psycho Burst Does 30 damage to each Pokémon (yours and your opponent’s) that doesn’t have Aqua in its name or is not a {P} Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.
e-Reader Yield: L5 Lugia holding TM03. Can learn Mist Ball, Volt Tackle, or Blast Burn.

Magma’s Ho-oh
Pokémon card
90 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {W}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{R}{R} Blaze Wing Does 20 damage to each Defending Pokémon. Choose a Defending Pokémon and flip a coin. If heads, that Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If tails, the other Defending Pokémon is now Burned.
{R}{R}{R}{R} Flaming Burst Does 30 damage to each Pokémon (yours and your opponent’s) that doesn’t have Magma in its name or is not a {R} Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.
e-Reader Yield: L5 Ho-oh holding TM50. Can learn Luster Purge, Hydro Cannon, or Frenzy Plant.
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Magma's Sandslash
120 HP
Stage 1 {F} Pokemon
Evloves from Magma's Sandshrew

Poke-Power~Surpise Dig!
As long as Magma's Sandslash is Active, before your turn put 1 Damage Counter on the Defending Pokemon. You may not use this Poke-Power if Magma's Sandslash is affected by a special condition.

{F}{F}{C}{C} Hyper Claw 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads. If Magma's Sandslash is affected by a special condition, this attack doubles in power.
Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat: {C}{C}{C}{C}
Sunflorazumarill : You could always have two Lileeps, Sandstorm EX had two.

Aqua's Luvdisc
40 HP {W}

Basic Pokemon

Poke-BODY Reluctance
If the Defending Pokemon's Retreat Cost is 0, Aqua's Luvdisc's Retreat Cost is now 0. If the Defending Pokemon has 3 or more {C} in its Retreat Cost, prevent all effects of attacks (other than damage or Special Conditions) done to Aqua's Luvdisc.

{C} Smirk 10
Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw 5 cards.

{W}{C} Adhere 20
Until the end of your next turn, the Defending Pokemon's Retreat Cost is increased by {C}{C}.

Weakness: {G}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader yield: L5 Luvdisc holding TM03. Can learn Metronome, Rapid Spin, or Grudge

Flora's Tauros
70 HP {C}

Basic Pokemon

Poke-BODY Beserk Fury
If Flora's Tauros is Confused, you may use Fury Tackle even if you cannot pay the Energy Cost. As long as Flora's Tauros is Confused, all damage done to it is increased by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)

{C}{C} Fury Tackle 10x
Flip 4 coins. Do 10 damage times the number of heads. If 3 or more are heads, Flora's Tauros is now Confused.

{C}{C}{C}{C} High-Velocity Charge 70
Flora's Tauros does 30 damage to itself. You can't use this attack on your next turn.

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {P}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader yield: L5 Tauros holding TM19. Can learn Spite, Explosion, or Reversal

Magma's Taillow
50 HP {C}

Basic Pokemon

{C} Fetch
Draw a card.

{C} Swoop 10
Flip a coin. If heads, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, this attack does 20 more damage.

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: {F}
Retreat Cost:
e-Reader Yield: L5 Taillow holding TM50. Can learn Will-o-Wisp, Hypnosis, or Spite

Magma's Swellow
70 HP {C}

Stage 1 Pokemon (evolves from Magma's Taillow)

Poke-BODY Desperado
If Magma's Swellow's remaining HP is 20 or less, all damage done by Magma's Swellow is increased by 30.

{C}{C} Angry Peck 20

{C}{C}{C} False Peck 50
If this attack would Knock Out the Defending Pokemon, the Defending Pokemon is not Knocked Out and its remaining HP is now 10.

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: {F}
Retreat Cost:
e-Reader Yield: L5 Swellow holding TM50. Can learn Will-o-Wisp, Hypnosis, or Spite
The Magma's Sandslash e-Reader yield:

Magma's Sandslash: L5 Sandslash holding TM50. Can learn Rock Blast, Rock Throw, or Ancientpower.

I've added e-Reader yields for Pokémon created by lunatone_solrock, Arthas_Zero, and PokemonGeek (that Sandslash's HP and Retreat Cost should be reduced to 90 and 2, respectively, maximum, BTW). They're in the first post of mine below that person's cards.

And some more ideas from me:

Magma's Sandshrew
40 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon

{F}{F} Slash 30

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Sandshrew holding TM50. Can learn Rock Blast, Rock Throw, or Ancientpower.

Aqua's Poliwag
40 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon

{W} Tail Slap 20
{W}{W} Surf 30

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Poliwag holding TM03. Can learn Thunder Wave, Thundershock, or Shock Wave.

Aqua's Poliwhirl
70 HP {W}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Aqua's Poliwag)

{W}{W} Tadpole Punch Search your deck for a Stage 2 card that evolves from Aqua's Poliwhirl that has Poliwrath in its name and attach it to Aqua's Poliwhirl. (This counts as Aqua's Poliwhirl.) 20
{W}{W} Frog Punch Search your deck for a Stage 2 card that evolves from Aqua's Poliwhirl that has Politoed in its name and attach it to Aqua's Poliwhirl. (This counts as Aqua's Poliwhirl.) 20

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Poliwhirl holding TM03. Can learn Thunder Wave, Thunderpunch, or Thunderbolt.

Aqua's Poliwrath
90 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Aqua's Poliwhirl)

{F}{F}{F} Jackhammer Punch Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. 20x
{W}{W}{W} Water Gun This attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage for each {W} Energy card attached to Aqua's Poliwrath but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 60 damage in this way. 20+

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Poliwrath holding TM03. Can learn Thunderpunch, Thunderbolt, or Volt Tackle.

Aqua's Politoed
90 HP {W}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Aqua's Poliwhirl)

{W}{C}{C} Frog Call Search your deck for up to 3 Pokémon with Poliwag in their names and that same number of Evolution cards that evolve from those Pokémon. Place the Basic Pokémon on your Bench, then attach the Evolution cards to those Pokémon. (You can't use this attack if your Bench is full.)
{W}{W}{W} Water Gun This attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage for each {W} Energy card attached to Aqua's Politoed but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost. You can't add more than 60 damage in this way. 20+

Weakness: {L}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Politoed holding TM03. Can learn Thunderpunch, Thunderbolt, or Volt Tackle.
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Magma's Sableye
60 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon

{C}{C}{C} Slash 30
{P}{P}{P} Shadow Punch This attack's base damage isn't affected by any effects other than Weakness. 40

Weakness: none
Resistance: {F}{P}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Sableye holding TM50. Can learn Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut, or Dynamicpunch.

Magma's Stantler
60 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon

{C}{C} Trample This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Magma's Stantler and the Defending Pokémon. 10+
{C}{C}{C}{C} Ultra Hind Kick You may switch Magma's Stantler with 1 of your Benched Pokémon. If you do, both your new Active Pokémon and the Defending Pokémon are now Paralyzed. Those Pokémon remain Paralyzed until the end of your next turn (even if they were already Paralyzed). 50

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Stantler holding TM50. Can learn Blaze Kick, Megahorn, or Horn Drill.

Flora's Gligar
50 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon

{F}{F} Mud Shot Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon may not attack Flora's Gligar during your opponent's next turn. (Benching or evolving the Defending Pokémon ends this effect.) 30
{C}{C}{C}{C}{C} Fly During your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Flora's Gligar. 50

Weakness: {W}
Resistance: {L}{F}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Gligar holding TM19. Can learn Giga Drain, Leaf Blade, or Solarbeam.

Flora's Kecleon
60 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon

Poké-BODY Floral Blend
Flora's Kecleon's type (color) is the same as that of each Defending Pokémon that doesn't have Aqua or Magma in its name.
{C}{C} Camouflage Punch Place 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokémon that's the same type (color) as Flora's Kecleon's type(s) (color(s)).

Weakness: none
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Kecleon holding TM19. Ability is decided by Flora-Chine. Can learn Conversion 2 (gets Limber ability), Signal Beam (gets Swarm ability), or Eruption (gets Blaze ability).

Aqua Energy
Special Energy Card
Provides {W}{RBW} Energy

You may only attach Aqua Energy to a Pokémon with Aqua in its name. Aqua Energy provides 1 {W} Energy and 1 Energy that provides all types (colors) but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (This card provides a total of 2 Energy.) (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.) If Aqua Energy is ever attached to a Pokémon that doesn't have Aqua in its name, discard Aqua Energy.

Flora Energy
Special Energy Card
Provides {G}{RBW} Energy

You may only attach Flora Energy to a Pokémon with Flora in its name. Flora Energy provides 1 {G} Energy and 1 Energy that provides all types (colors) but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (This card provides a total of 2 Energy.) (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.) If Flora Energy is ever attached to a Pokémon that doesn't have Flora in its name, discard Flora Energy.

Magma Energy
Special Energy Card
Provides {R}{RBW} Energy

You may only attach Magma Energy to a Pokémon with Magma in its name. Magma Energy provides 1 {R} Energy and 1 Energy that provides all types (colors) but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (This card provides a total of 2 Energy.) (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.) If Magma Energy is ever attached to a Pokémon that doesn't have Magma in its name, discard Magma Energy.

Scanning an Energy card into Ruby/Sapphire allows for an existing Pokémon to learn a move, once a day (provided you haven't scanned a card that uses that particular team's <team>-Chine (where <team> is the team you scanned in) that day). Once in the room in Mossdeep, you'll approach the <team>-Chine (see note). Select a Pokémon, then you'll activate the machine. Try to line up 3 of the team's leader of the team you scanned in. If you get 0 or 1 of that team's leader (Archie for Aqua, Farlie for Flora, Maxie for Magma), a list of all the non-damage-dealing moves (moves that inflict only status problems are here) appears. Examples are Tail Whip and Toxic. If you get 2 of the leader, a list of all moves that deals damage with 75 power or less (the set damage moves are here) appears. Examples are Dragon Rage and Bone Club. If you get 3 of the leader, a list of all moves that deal damage with 76 power or more (the one-hit kill moves and Destiny Bond are here) appears. Examples are Frenzy Plant and Sheer Cold. Select a move, then that Pokémon will learn the move.
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To Scribble: My Flora's Lileep was better, and I'm reposting it after making a few modifications. Also, The ideas you did for Flora's Exeggcute and Exeggutor are exactly the same ones you used for Sigma's Exeggcute and Exeggutor. Sorry, but I'm posting my own ideas for those two. That was my plan in the first place.

Anyway, here are some more ideas.

Flora’s Lileep
Pokémon card
60 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Root Fossil
Put Flora’s Lileep on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
PokéBODY: Genetic Ancestry If Flora’s Lileep evolved from a card named Root Fossil, then this power is a copy of that card’s Spongy Stone Poke-Body.
{G}{C} Sleep Poison The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Poisoned.
{G}{G}{C} Giga Drain Remove a number of damage counters from Flora’s Lileep equal to half the damage done to the Defending Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance) (rounded up to the nearest 10). If Flora’s Lileep has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Lileep holding TM19. Can learn Spite, Nightmare, or Perish Song.

Aqua’s Barboach
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Shallow Wave Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokémon. Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.
{F}{C} Mud Shot Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon can’t attack during your opponent’s next turn. 20
e-Reader yield: L5 Barboach holding TM03. Can learn Spikes, Rapid Spin, or Metronome.

Aqua’s Wailmer
Pokémon card
80 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}{C}
{W}{W} Aqua Pulse If the Defending Pokémon has Magma in its name, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If the Defending Pokémon has Flora in its name, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. 20
{W}{W}{W}{W} Hydro Pump Does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each {W} Energy attached to Aqua’s Wailmer but not used to pay for this attack’s Energy cost. You can’t add more than 40 damage in this way. 40+
e-Reader yield: L5 Wailmer holding TM03. Can learn Cosmic Power, Magnitude, or Rock Slide.

Aqua’s Wailord
Pokémon card
120 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Wailmer
Put Aqua’s Wailord on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}{C}{C}
{W}{W}{W} Water Spout Does 90 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on Aqua’s Wailord. 90-
{W}{W}{W}{W}{W} Hydraulic Stream Does 50 damage plus 20 more damage for each {W} Energy attached to Aqua’s Wailord but not used to pay for this attack’s Energy cost to each Defending Pokémon. You can’t add more than 40 damage in this way.
e-Reader yield: L5 Wailord holding TM03. Can learn Cosmic Power, Magnitude, or Rock Slide.

Magma’s Anorith
Pokémon card
60 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Claw Fossil
Put Magma’s Anorith on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
PokéBODY: Genetic Ancestry If Magma’s Anorith evolved from a card named Claw Fossil, then this power is a copy of that card’s Jagged Stone Poke-Body.
{G}{C} Swipe Discard all Trainer cards attached to your opponent’s Pokémon.
{G}{G}{C} Cross-Cut If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolved Pokémon, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. 30+
e-Reader yield: L5 Anorith holding TM50. Can learn Pin Missile, Psybeam, or Giga Drain.

Magma’s Armaldo
Pokémon card
100 HP
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Anorith
Put Magma’s Armaldo on the Stage 1 card
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}{C}
PokéBODY: Battle Armor If Magma’s Armaldo is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an attack (even if Magma’s Armdldo is Knocked Out), discard 1 Energy card attached to the attacking Pokémon, if any.
{G} Sharpen During your next turn, Magma’s Armaldo’s Heavy Cutter attack does 30 more damage.
{G}{G}{C}{C} Heavy Cutter Flip 3 coins. For each heads, discard the top card of your opponent’s deck. 50
e-Reader yield: L5 Armaldo holding TM50. Can learn Psychic, Solarbeam, or Megahorn.

Flora’s Paras
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{G}{C} Sleep Poison The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Poisoned.
e-Reader yield: L5 Paras holding TM19. Can learn Metal Claw, Ancientpower, or Volt Tackle.

Flora’s Parasect
Pokémon card
70 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Paras
Put Flora’s Parasect on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
PokéPOWER: Lure Scent Once during your turn (before you attack), if Flora’s Parasect is your Active Pokémon, you may have your opponent choose 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon and switch 1 of the Defending Pokémon with it. If your opponent does this, the New Defending Pokémon can’t attack during your opponent’s next turn. This power can’t be used if Flora’s Parasect is affected by a Specal Condition.
{G}{C}{C} Mushroom Pincers 30
e-Reader yield: L5 Parasect holding TM19. Can learn Metal Claw, Ancientpower, or Hydro Cannon.

Flora’s Exeggcute
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{P} Removal Beam If the Defending Pokémon has any Energy cards attached to it, flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of those Energy cards and discard it. 10
{G}{G} Leech Seed If this attack damages the Defending Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance), remove 1 damage counter from Flora’s Exeggcute, if any. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Exeggcute holding TM19. Can learn Softboiled, Magic Coat, or Extrasensory.

Flora’s Exeggutor
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Flora’s Exeggcute
Put Flora’s Exeggutor on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {W} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{P} Confuse Ray Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 20
{G}{G}{G} Ultra MAX Burst Flip a number of coins equal to the total number of Energy cards attached to all Pokémon in play (yours and your opponent’s). This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads and Flora’s Exeggutor does 40 damage times the number of tails to itself. 40x
e-Reader Yield: L5 Exeggutor holding TM19. Can learn Softboiled, Crunch, or Extrasensory.
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Magma's Magnemite
40 HP {L}
Basic Pokémon

{M} Metal Sound During your next turn, if any of your attacks does damage to the Defending Pokémon, that attack does 30 more damage (after Weakness and before Resistance).
{R} Fire Wire Discard 1 {R} Energy card attached to Magma's Magnemite or this attack does nothing. The Defending Pokémon is now Burned. 20
{L}{L} Shock Wave This attack's damage is not affected by any effects other than Weakness and the effect of any attack named Metal Sound. 30

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {G}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Magnemite holding TM50. Can learn Rapid Spin, Metal Claw, or Volt Tackle.

Magma's Magneton
80 HP {L}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Magnemite)

{L}{L}{L} Swift This attack's damage is not affected by any effects other than Weakness and the effect of any attack named Metal Sound. 50
{R}{R}{R} Fiery Blast This attack does 80 damage to each Defending Pokémon and each Defending Pokémon is now Burned. This attack does 20 damage to each player's Benched Pokémon and Magma's Magneton does 80 damage to itself.

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {G}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Magneton holding TM50. Can learn Rapid Spin, Metal Claw, or Volt Tackle.

Magma's Ponyta
40 HP {R}
Basic Pokémon

{C}{C}{C} Smash Kick 30
{R}{R}{R} Flamethrower Discard 2 {R} Energy cards attached to Magma's Ponyta or this attack does nothing. 70

Weakness: {W}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Ponyta holding TM50. Can learn Flame Wheel, Submission, or Blaze Kick.

Magma's Rapidash
70 HP {R}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Ponyta)

{C}{C}{C} Double Kick Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. 30x
{R}{R}{R} Eruption This attack does 70 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on Magma's Rapidash. 70-

Weakness: {W}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Rapidash holding TM50. Can learn Flame Wheel, Submission, or Blaze Kick.

Magma's Miltank
70 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon

{C} Hot Milk Choose 1 of your Benched Pokémon. If that Pokémon has Magma in its name, remove all damage counters from that Pokémon. If that Pokémon has Flora in its name, each Defending Pokémon is now Burned. If that Pokémon has neither Magma nor Flora in its name, remove 3 damage counters from that Pokémon (if that Pokémon has fewer damage counters than that, remove all of them).
{C}{C}{C} Nonstop Roll This attack does 10 damage times the number of consecutive turns you've used this attack. After doing damage, flip a coin. If tails, Magma's Miltank can't use an attack named Nonstop Roll during your next turn. 10x

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Miltank holding TM50. Can learn Memento, Perish Song, or Sky Uppercut.

Aqua's Sneasel
60 HP {W}
Basic Pokémon

{D} Claw If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Aqua's Sneasel, you may treat Aqua's Sneasel as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 20
{W}{W}{W} Ice Punch 50

Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {P}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Sneasel holding TM03. Can learn Rollout, Blaze Kick, or Sky Uppercut.
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I have brought some more ideas for this set.

Flora’s Shuckle
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{C} Lock-On Until the end of your next turn, if Flora’s Shuckle uses an attack that requires flipping coins, treat all tails flipped for that attack as heads.
{G}{G} Chemical Spray Flip a coin. If heads, choose whether the Defending Pokémon becomes Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. 20
{G}{C}{C} Whirling Shell Flip a coin. If tails, Flora’s Shuckle does 10 damage to itself. If the Defending Pokémon has Aqua in its name, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. 40+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Shuckle holding TM19. Can learn Silver Wind, Rock Slide, or Explosion.

Flora’s Heracross
Pokémon card
70 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{C} Focus Energy During your next turn, Flora’s Heracross’s Poison Punch and Crashing Horn attack’s base damage is doubled.
{G}{G} Poison Punch Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. 30
{G}{C}{C} Crashing Horn If the Defending Pokémon has Magma in its name, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. 30+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Heracross holding TM19. Can learn Leaf Blade, Rock Slide, or Horn Drill.

Aqua’s Seviper
Pokémon card
60 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{G} Poison Spray The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.
{G}{G} Acid Surf 30
{D}{G}{G} Dark Chemical If the Defending Pokémon is named Magma’s Zangoose, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage. If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Seviper, you may treat Aqua’s Seviper, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 50+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Seviper holding TM03. Can learn Water Gun, Bubblebeam, or Muddy Water.

Aqua’s Corsola
Pokémon card
60 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {G}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{W}{W} Aqua Splash Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 20
{W}{C}{C} Bubble Jump Flip a coin. If heads, move 2 Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Corsola to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. Then, return Aqua’s Corsola and all cards attached to it to your hand. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Corsola holding TM03. Can learn Flame Wheel, Thunderbolt, or Hydro Pump.

Aqua’s Spheal
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Ice Bind You may discard 2 {W} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Spheal. If you do, place a Freeze counter on the Defending Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Spheal remains your Active Pokémon. 10
{W}{W} Ice Throw If the Defending Pokémon is {F}, this attack's base damage is doubled. 20
e-Reader Yield: L5 Spheal holding TM03. Can learn Icy Wind, Muddy Water, or Hydro Pump.

Aqua’s Sealeo
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Spheal
Put Aqua’s Sealeo on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{W}{W} Icy Wind Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 30
{W}{W}{W} Freeze Shot Flip a coin for each {W} Energy attached to Aqua’s Sealeo. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If you get 3 or more heads, place a Freeze counter on the Defending Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Sealeo remains your Active Pokémon. 20x
e-Reader Yield: L5 Sealeo holding TM03. Can learn Icy Wind, Muddy Water, or Hydro Cannon.

Aqua’s Walrein
Pokémon card
110 HP
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Sealeo
Put Aqua’s Walrein on the Stage 1 card
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}{C}
{W}{W} Ice Bomb If the Defending Pokémon has Magma or Flora in its name, flip 2 coins. If either one is heads, place a Freeze counter on the Defending Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Walrein remains your Active Pokémon. 30
{W}{W}{W}{W}{W} Glacier Wave For each player’s Bench, flip 2 coins. For each heads, do 20 damage to each of that player’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 60
e-Reader Yield: L5 Walrein holding TM03. Can learn Icy Wind, Muddy Water, or Water Spout.

Magma’s Aron
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {G} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{C} Fling Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon. (Do the damage before switching the Pokémon.) 10
{M}{C} Iron Spikes Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. 20+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Aron holding TM50. Can learn Ice Punch, Leaf Blade, or Fire Blast.

Magma’s Lairon
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Aron
Put Magma’s Lairon on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {G} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{C}{C} Double Claw Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads. 10+
{M}{C}{C} Lead Slash This attack does damage to the Defending Pokémon regardless of any effects on Magma’s Lairon. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Lairon holding TM50. Can learn Ice Punch, Leaf Blade, or Blast Burn.

Magma’s Aggron
Pokémon card
110 HP
Stage 2 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Lairon
Put Magma’s Aggron on the Stage 1 card
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {G} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}{C}
{M}{C} Metal Smash Flip a number of coins equal to the total number of Energy attached to each of your Active Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. 30x
{M}{M}{M}{C}{C} Steel Crusher Flip 2 coins. This attack does 80 damage plus 20 more damage for each heads and put 2 damage counters on Magma’s Aggron for each tails. If the Defending Pokémon has Aqua or Flora in its name, discard 2 Energy cards attached to it, if any. 80+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Aggron holding TM50. Can learn Ice Punch, Leaf Blade, or Eruption.
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Sorry it took a little while, but here are some more ideas.

Aqua’s Azurill
Pokémon card
30 HP
Baby Pokémon
Baby Pokémon counts as a Basic Pokémon
Evolves into Aqua’s Marill
Put Aqua’s Marill on the Baby Pokémon
Weakness: n/a
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: n/a
If this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent announces an attack, he or she must flip a coin (before doing anything else). If tails, your opponent's turn ends.
{C} Hypnosplash The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
e-Reader Yield: L5 Azurill holding TM03. Can learn Ice Ball, Spark, or Psychic.

Aqua’s Marill
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{W}{W} Aqua Splash Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Marill holding TM03. Can learn Thunderbolt, Psychic, or Frenzy Plant.

Aqua’s Azumarill
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Marill
Put Aqua’s Azumarill on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Bubble Lead Flip a number of coins equal to the number of {W} Energy attached to Aqua's Azumarill. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. 30x
{W}{W} Hydro Charge Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. (If there are fewer than 5 cards in your deck, discard them all.) This attack does 20 damage for each {W} Energy card discarded in this way. 20x
{W}{W}{W} Crystal Beam Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can't attach Energy cards to the Defending Pokémon during his or her next turn. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Azumarill holding TM03. Can learn Petal Dance, Psychic, or Hydro Cannon.

Aqua’s Snorunt
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {M}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Ice Lock For you and your opponent’s next 2 turns, no Active Pokémon (including your own) can attack or retreat and if the effect of an attack, Poké-Power, Poké-Body, or Trainer card would change a player’s Active Pokémon, that part of the effect does nothing.
{W}{W} Freezing Breath Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. 10
e-Reader Yield: L5 Snorunt holding TM03. Can learn Mind Reader, Ice Ball, or Surf.

Aqua’s Glalie
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Snorunt
Put Aqua’s Glalie on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {M}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{W}{W} Snow Bomb If the Defending Pokémon has Magma or Flora in its name and tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips 2 coins. If either of them is tails, that attack does nothing. (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.) 30
{W}{W}{W} Ice Pillar Until the end of your opponent’s next turn, as long as Aqua’s Glalie is your Active Pokémon, prevent all damage done by attacks to your Benched Pokémon. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Glalie holding TM03. Can learn Mind Reader, Ice Ball, or Surf.

Magma’s Vulpix
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {W}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{R} Flare Gun Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each {R} Energy attached to Magma’s Vulpix but not used to pay for this attack’s Energy cost. You can’t add more than 20 damage in this way. 10+
{R}{C} Fireworks Flip a coin. If tails, discard a {R} Energy card attached to Magma’s Vulpix. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Vulpix holding TM50. Can learn Dragonbreath, Aerial Ace, or Psychic.

Magma’s Ninetales
Pokémon card
90 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Vulpix
Put Magma’s Ninetales on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {W}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{R}{R}{C}{C} Fire Stream Discard 1 {R} Energy card attached to Magma’s Ninetales or this attack does nothing. If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, this attack does 10 damage to each of them. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 60
{R}{R}{R}{R}{R} Blazing Inferno Does 60 damage to each Active Pokémon (yours and your opponent’s)(except this one) and each Active Pokémon (except this one) is now Burned. This attack also does 20 damage to every Benched Pokémon (yours and your opponent’s). (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
e-Reader Yield: L5 Ninetales holding TM50. Can learn Dragonbreath, Extremespeed, or Psychic.

Flora’s Skarmory
Pokémon card
60 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: {G} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{C}{C}{C} Speed Flight Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Flora’s Skarmory during your opponent’s next turn. 30
{D}{M}{C} Dark Metal If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Flora’s Skarmory, you may treat Flora’s Skarmory, as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 50
e-Reader Yield: L5 Skarmory holding TM19. Can learn Extremespeed, Meteor Mash, or Volt Tackle.
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Magma's Baltoy
50 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon

{F} Mud Slap 20
{P}{P}{P} Psybeam Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 40

Weakness: {D}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Baltoy holding TM50. Can learn Mud Shot, Muddy Water, or Eruption.

Magma's Claydol
80 HP {P}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Baltoy)

Poké-BODY Erupting Psy
Any {R} Energy attached to Magma's Claydol provides {P}.
{P}{P} Psyroast Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. 30
{P}{C}{C}{C}{C} Psychic This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon. 40+

Weakness: {D}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Claydol holding TM50. Can learn Mud Shot, Muddy Water, or Eruption.

Magma's Geodude
40 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon

{F}{F} Rock Stir 30
{F}{F}{F} Memento Magma's Geodude does 40 damage to itself. During your opponent's next turn, any damage done by the Defending Pokémon is reduced to 10 (after Weakness and before Resistance). 40

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Geodude holding TM50. Can learn Memento, Bubblebeam, or Ice Beam.

Magma's Graveler
70 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Geodude)

{F}{F} Shock Wave This attack's damage is not affected by any effects other than Weakness and the effect of any attack named Metal Sound. 30
{F}{F}{F} Selfdestruct This attack does 10 damage to each player's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Magma's Graveler does 70 damage to itself. 70

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Graveler holding TM50. Can learn Memento, Surf, or Blizzard.

Magma's Golem
100 HP {F}
Stage 2 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Graveler)

{F}{F}{F}{F} Rollout 60
{F}{F}{F}{F}{F} Explosion Magma's Golem does 120 damage to itself. 120

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}{C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Golem holding TM50. Can learn Ice Ball, Hydro Pump, or Frenzy Plant.
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Here are some more ideas for this!

Aqua’s Psyduck
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{P} Hypnosis The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
{W}{W} Icy Wind Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 20
e-Reader Yield: L5 Psyduck holding TM03. Can learn Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, or Thunderbolt.

Aqua’s Golduck
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Psyduck
Put Aqua’s Golduck on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{P}{P} Hypnoblast The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. 20
{W}{W}{W} Water Pulse Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Golduck holding TM03. Can learn Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, or Thunderbolt.

Aqua’s Corphish
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{D} Dark Grip The Defending Pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn. If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Corphish, you may treat Aqua’s Corphish as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 10
{W}{C} Bubble Bomb Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, Aqua’s Corphish does 10 damage to itself. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Corphish holding TM03. Can learn Metal Claw, Ice Punch, or Muddy Water.

Aqua’s Crawdaunt
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Corphish
Put Aqua’s Crawdaunt on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{D}{C} Dark Switch If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose 1 of them and switch it with the Defending Pokémon. (Do the damage before switching the Pokémon.) If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Crawdaunt, you may treat Aqua’s Crawdaunt as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 20
{W}{W}{C} Hypnosplash The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Crawdaunt holding TM03. Can learn Metal Claw, Ice Punch, or Muddy Water.

Aqua’s Swinub
Pokémon card
50 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{F}{C} Rock Blast Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. 10x
e-Reader Yield: L5 Swinub holding TM03. Can learn Ice Ball, Surf, or Sheer Cold.

Aqua’s Piloswine
Pokémon card
90 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Swinub
Put Aqua’s Piloswine on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
PokéPOWER: Power Freeze Once during your turn (before you attack), if Aqua’s Piloswine is your Active Pokémon, you may choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon and flip a coin. If heads, place a Freeze counter on that Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Walerin remains your Active Pokémon. As long as that Freeze counter remains on that Pokémon, flip 2 coins after each player’s turn. If both are heads, switch Aqua’s Piloswine with 1 of your Benched Pokémon. This power can’t be used if Aqua’s Piloswine is affected by a Special Condition.
{D}{W}{W} Dark Snow Blast The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. If there are any {D} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Piloswine, you may treat Aqua’s Piloswine as a {D} Pokémon during this turn until applying Weakness. 40
e-Reader Yield: L5 Piloswine holding TM03. Can learn Ice Ball, Surf, or Sheer Cold.

Magma’s Electrike
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{L} Charge Take up to 2 {L} Energy cards from your discard pile and attach them to Magma’s Electrike.
{L} Shock Pulse Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 10
e-Reader Yield: L5 Electrike holding TM50. Can learn Psychic, Surf, or Solarbeam.

Magma’s Manectric
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Electrike
Put Magma’s Manectric on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{R} Ember Discard 1 {R} Energy card attached to Magma’s Manectric or this attack does nothing. 30
{L}{R} Flaming Sparks Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Burned. 20
{L}{L}{L} Laser Blast Discard 1 {L} Energy card attached to Magma’s Manectric or this attack does nothing. 60
e-Reader Yield: L5 Manectric holding TM50. Can learn Psychic, Hydro Pump, or Frenzy Plant.
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Magma's Cubone
40 HP {F}
Basic Pokémon

{F}{F} Bone Ringer For each {F} Energy card attached to Magma's Cubone, choose a Defending Pokémon and put a damage counter on that Pokémon.

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Cubone holding TM50. Can learn Water Gun, Leaf Blade, or Surf.

Magma's Marowak
70 HP {F}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Cubone)

Poké-BODY Petrifying Glance
If Magma's Marowak is your Active Pokémon, your opponent may not remove any Fear counters from any of his or her Pokémon.
{F}{F}{C} Scary Bone This attack does 30 damage to each Defending Pokémon and place a Fear counter on each Defending Pokémon. The base damage of an attack done by a Pokémon with a Fear counter on it is reduced by half (rounded down to the nearest 10) (before applying Weakness and Resistance). A Pokémon may not have more than 1 Fear counter on it at a time.

Weakness: {G}
Resistance: {L}
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Marowak holding TM50. Can learn Bubblebeam, Leaf Blade, or Frenzy Plant.

Flora's Ekans
40 HP {G}
Basic Pokémon

{G}{G} Poison Fang The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Place 2 damage counters on that Pokémon instead of 1 after each player's turn (even if it was already Poisoned). 20

Weakness: {P}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Ekans holding TM19. Can learn Confusion, Psybeam, or Psychic.

Flora's Arbok
70 HP {G}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Flora's Ekans)

Poké-POWER Scare with the Spots
At any time, if Flora's Arbok is your Active Pokémon and not affected by a Special Condition, if a Defending Pokémon doesn't already have a Fear counter on it, place a Fear counter on that Defending Pokémon. The base damage of an attack done by a Pokémon with a Fear counter on it is reduced by half (rounded down to the nearest 10) (before applying Weakness and Resistance). A Pokémon may not have more than 1 Fear counter on it at a time.
{G}{G}{G} Lead Teeth If there are any {M} Energy cards attached to Flora's Arbok but not used to pay for this attack's Energy cost, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. Either way, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. 40+

Weakness: {P}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Arbok holding TM19. Can learn Psybeam, Psychic, or Psycho Boost.

Flora's Zigzagoon
40 HP {C}
Basic Pokémon

{C}{C} Thief If the Defending Pokémon has any Pokémon Tools attached to it, apply those cards' effects to Flora's Zigzagoon, then discard those cards. 10

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Zigzagoon holding TM19. Can learn Vine Whip, Leaf Blade, or Frenzy Plant.

Flora's Linoone
70 HP {C}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Flora's Zigzagoon)

{C} Item Find Search your discard pile for a Trainer card and shuffle it into your deck.
{C}{C}{C}{C} Fury Slash Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. 20x

Weakness: {F}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Linoone holding TM19. Can learn Razor Leaf, Petal Dance, or Solarbeam.

Magma's Drowzee
50 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon

{P}{P} Heat Hypnosis The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Burned.
{P}{P}{P} Dream Eater If the Defending Pokémon isn't Asleep, this attack does nothing. 50

Weakness: {D}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Drowzee holding TM50. Can learn Will-o-Wisp, Ember, or Flamethrower.

Magma's Hypno
80 HP {P}
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Magma's Drowzee)

{P}{C} Psychic This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon. 10+
{P}{P}{P}{C} Psychic Inferno If there are any {R} Energy cards attached to Magma's Hypno, discard all of them or this attack does nothing. If you discarded at least 1 {R} Energy card in this way, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned. This attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each {R} Energy card discarded in this way. 60+

Weakness: {D}
Resistance: none
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
e-Reader Yield: L5 Hypno holding TM50. Can learn Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, or Blast Burn.
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Sorry it took a while, but here are the last of the Pokémon cards for the set.

Flora’s Pinsir
Pokémon card
70 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {R}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{G} Crushing Slice Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Knocked Out. Either way, this attack can’t be used again as long as Flora’s Pinsir stays in play (even putting Flora’s Pinsir on the Bench won’t let you use it again).
{G}{C}{C} Spread Slash Does 20 damage to each Defending Pokémon and 10 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
e-Reader Yield: L5 Pinsir holding TM19. Can learn Metal Claw, Leaf Blade, or Crush Claw.

Aqua’s Seel
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Ice Spin Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 10
{W}{W}{W} Water Pulse Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Seel holding TM03. Can learn Ice Ball, Psybeam, or Mud Shot.

Aqua’s Dewgong
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Aqua’s Seel
Put Aqua’s Dewgong on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{W}{W} Aqua Impact If the Defending Pokémon has Magma in its name, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. 30+
{W}{W}{W}{W} Aurora Pulse You may discard 2 {W} Energy cards attached to Aqua’s Dewgong. If you do, place a Freeze counter on each Defending Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Dewgong remains your Active Pokémon. 50
e-Reader Yield: L5 Dewgong holding TM03. Can learn Rock Slide, Megahorn, or Hydro Pump.

Aqua’s Delibird
Pokémon card
70 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{W} Ice Trap Place a Freeze counter on 1 of the Defending Pokémon and on your other Active Pokémon. While a Pokémon has a Freeze counter, that Pokémon may not attack or retreat while Aqua’s Delibird remains your Active Pokémon. If you don’t have more than 1 Active Pokémon, this attack does nothing.
{W}{W}{W} Ice Block Spread Flip 3 coins. For each heads, do 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokémon. For each tails, do 20 damage to each of your own Pokémon (including this one). Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.
e-Reader Yield: L5 Delibird holding TM03. Can learn Giga Drain, Surf, or Sheer Cold.

Aqua’s Mr. Mime
Pokémon card
60 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: n/a
Retreat cost: {C}
PokéBODY: Magic Wall Aqua’s Mr. Mime isn’t affected by attacks made by Pokémon with Magma or Flora in their names.
{P}{P} Hypnoblast Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. 30
e-Reader Yield: L5 Mr. Mime holding TM03. Can learn Water Pulse, Flamethrower, or Blizzard.

Magma’s Voltorb
Pokémon card
40 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat cost: {C}
{L} Plasma If there are any {L} Energy cards in your discard pile, attach 1 of them to Magma’s Voltorb. 10
{L} Zap Laser Flip a coin. If taila, this attack does no damage, but the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. 20
{R}{R} Fireball Bomb Does 30 damage to each Active Pokémon (yours and your opponent’s)(including this one) and each Active Pokémon is now Burned.
e-Reader Yield: L5 Voltorb holding TM50. Can learn Iron Defense, Ice Ball, or Blast Burn.

Magma’s Electrode
Pokémon card
80 HP
Stage 1 Pokémon
Evolves from Magma’s Voltorb
Put Magma’s Electrode on the Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {M} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
{R}{R}{R} Flaming Laser Discard 2 {R} Energy cards attached to Magma’s Electrode or this attack does nothing. The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Paralyzed. 40
{L}{L}{L} Plasma Blast Discard 1 {L} Energy card attached to Magma’s Electrode or this attack does nothing. Flip a coin. If heads, discard all Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokémon. 50
e-Reader Yield: L5 Electrode holding TM50. Can learn Iron Defense, Ice Ball, or Blast Burn.

Magma’s Lickitung
Pokémon card
60 HP
Basic Pokémon
Weakness: {F}
Resistance: {P} -30
Retreat cost: {C}{C}
PokéBODY: Special Guard Prevent all effects of attacks, other than damage, done to Magma’s Lickitung by Pokémon with Aqua or Flora in their names.
{C}{C}{C} Grudge Tongue If the Defending Pokémon has Flora in its name, this attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage. 30+
e-Reader Yield: L5 Lickitung holding TM50. Can learn Giga Drain, Psychic, or Blast Burn.
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Alliance with Dr. Eggman
Trainer Card (Supporter)

During this turn, any of your Pokémon with Dark, Rocket, Giovanni, Aqua, Magma, Flora, Shadow, Eggman, or red face paint in its name cannot do damage to any other of your Pokémon with Dark, Rocket, Giovanni, Aqua, Magma, Flora, Shadow, Eggman, or red face paint in its name.

Alliance with Dr. Wily
Trainer Card (Supporter)

Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokémon with Dark, Rocket, Giovanni, Aqua, Magma, Flora, Dr. Wily, or Bass in their name.

Scanning both of these cards will scan a new mission into the game. Once the cards are scanned, go to the Sealed Chamber on Route 134. Inside, in front of each set of Braille, is a team Grunt. Each Grunt has one fully unevolved matching-type Pokémon at random. It's a L5 female (if it has a gender and isn't male-only). If you defeat it, the Grunt will leave and you'll win the Pokémon (it's deposited into your Active box). The OT of this Pokémon is ID 1234x, with the name of the team (Aqua-earned Pokémon have ID 12341, Magma-earned Pokémon have ID 12342, Flora-earned Pokémon have ID 12343). The secret ID is different for each Grunt. You can do this as many times as you like.
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Well, this set is now finished. I like to thank myself, Carrington388, Scribble, Shadow_Cacnea, Arthas Zero, lunatone solrock, and PokémonGeek for working on this set. Thanks for the help. I plan on starting yet another one eventually. But for now, see you later.