Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

My new fake cards. Huh? Shadow Pokemon Cards?

Ancient Pokemon Trainer said:
Uhh don't notice any changes with the Shadow Charizard. Still 180 HP... And yeah. Nice job with the Charizard *!!!! And yeah like ShiftryMaster the Rocket's TyranitarEX is a Stage 2 EX Pokemon. You could give it 150 HP. Also I don't know the Poke-Body might be worded wrong. And it is INbetween not between. I don't know if the Rocket's TyranitarEX should be weak to (G) rather then to (F). Maybe if you make it a dual (F)(D) then you can make weakness (F)/(G).

The changes were attack cost and attack grammar/effects.
shiftrymaster68 said:
The TTar should have like 150-160 hp and (F) Weakness.
Yeah I was thinking of originally putting it at 140 HP, but if you look at the TRR set, there is no Pokemon-ex in there with more than 100 HP, so I thought I'd keep it consistant with the set and just put the HP at 100. To be honest, I felt that anything over 100HP would make the card too broken, after all, with it's Pokebody and strong attacks, basics dont stand a chance, and if there are evolutions they don't stand much of a chance either, unless they are powered up and can manage to stay alive long enough to knock it out.

I felt I went too broken with my first cards, but as you all know I edited them all and made them more realistic as if they were in a set.

Thanks for the comments so far!

I have all the trainers completed, but need to take a LONG break so I will not have them posted until LATE tonight. Keep watching for them then, for I think they are pretty good and would appreciate any feedback on them.
Ancient Pokemon Trainer said:
Also I don't know the Poke-Body might be worded wrong. And it is INbetween not between. I don't know if the Rocket's TyranitarEX should be weak to (G) rather then to (F). Maybe if you make it a dual (F)(D) then you can make weakness (F)/(G).
I actually quoted the body word for word (except the details like stage 2 instead of benched basic, etc). The real "Sand Damage" T-tar body says,
Sand Damage said:
"As long as Dark Tyranitar is your Active Pokémon, put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokémon between turns. You can't use more than 1 Sand Damage Poké-Body between turns."
As for making it a dual type, I honestly thought that would be a bit too broken, plus I didn't have the right template to make it a dual type if I wanted to.... As for weakness, I thought about giving it a dual weakness, but thought grass would work better considering Medicham EX is out there and all to grind my T-tar into pudding.

Anyways I appreciate the feedback. My trainers will be posted tonight.
Cold fire. This isn't about well I'll make it like that so I don't lose to that card. You just have to make it make sence. If ur not going to make it a dual weakness then you have to make it weak to fighting.
Ancient Pokemon Trainer said:
Cold fire. This isn't about well I'll make it like that so I don't lose to that card. You just have to make it make sence. If ur not going to make it a dual weakness then you have to make it weak to fighting.
I'll think about that change. It actually does make more since sine the dark type t-tars are weak to (F) and the (F) type T-tars are weak to grass....

Edit: Ok the T-tar is updated with the correct weakness. The correct/current version is in my signature.
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Ok, I didn't realize I had extra time left in the day, so I'm just going to put up my completed trainers now and then review feedback tonight to determine any changes....

First things first I'll host these in set order. First for show is Giovanni's Funding, 5/10. Here's the link:


You'll notice it's like a Scott, but it also lets you search for tools like strength charm, etc. A Dark Slowking deck would love this card, lol. "Trainer" cards are cards that aren't tools or supporters, such as potions, life herbs, dual ball, master ball, etc. It's not too broken but it does help get stuff you need fast, just as if you got a reward or a big bonus or something.

Next in the set list for show is Ivan's Rage # 6/10. The link:


Now the idea I had for this was kind of like an impostor Oak with a twist. It's also a lot like Shiftry's (HL) attack, but only this thing makes you flip coins for each card in your opponent's hand. The card is based off of luck like anything else, and I dont' consider it too broken considering you have to flip. Notice any familiar characters in the background in the audience?

Runner up is Team Rocket's Bane, #7/10. The link:


This is basically the same thing as an "Archie" card, instead it only gets out Dark Pokemon. Since it also does damage to stage 2 I thought it was a painful thing to do so that's partially why the card name has "bane" in it...

Last but not least for the trainers in this set is Team Rocket's Compassion, #8/10. It was originally named Team Rocket Returns but thought compassion was a better word considering what the card lets you do. The link:


It's basically just like a "Here comes team rocket!" card, but it also lets you switch out a prize card. This is very useful if you have something you really need but is stuck in your prizes. It's not broken though because the card you need just gets shuffled back in your deck so you'll end up getting it eventually. Now if it said that you can draw a prize card, that would be crossing the line....

That's it for the trainers! I hope you guys like them. Feel free to leave me feedback on them and I'll be able to respond later in the night.

Wheres the Adrian Owns Chris Trainer Card

When Adrian plays this card from his hand he wins against anyone named chris from Lakewood LMAO
PokeMontoya said:
Wheres the Adrian Owns Chris Trainer Card

When Adrian plays this card from his hand he wins against anyone named chris from Lakewood LMAO
Lol, VERY funny Adrian! :biggrin:

Better yet, where's the "Craig *" card that lets you steal your opponent's deck and run away with it? Now that is a crazy idea but never did get his picture to use, oh well....

Anyways I hope you liked my trainers, afterall you didn't mention anything about them.. :wink:
Chris, I like all the cards in the set so far. They all look good. Thanks for the Custom card for me, appriciate the work you put into it. Now you just need to make a Mad Professor (Craig) Card. Eric can probably do the art for that one. Wild hair, crazed looking... if you get it before worlds he could have the give a way of the year.
giovanni's funding-I assume you took the wording from scott?

Ivan's Rage-I don't think theres any grammar errors, though I would say maybe:
For each heads put that card at the bottom of his or her deck.

Team Rocket's Bane-Just like Maxie and Archie :)

Compassion-It's not called Prize Pile, I know that. Just say "Put it into his or her prizes"
Burninating_Torchic said:
Ivan's Rage-I don't think theres any grammar errors, though I would say maybe: For each heads put that card at the bottom of his or her deck.
LOL, read Ivan's rage again... It says just that.... :wink:

Yeah most of them are worded like other current trainers out there, just only to help put Team Rocket back on the map, for I personally think that Magma and Aqua got WAY too much glory in their set....

As for the compassion, I'm not exactly sure what to call the "prize" area, so I figured prize pile would suffice.

I also did 2 commissions for 2 good buddies of mine, so I figured I'd show them off here, even though they have NOTHING to do with my rocket's promo set.... Enjoy!

Eevee EX


The whole point of this thing is to get it to evolve, kind of like similar Eevee powers we've seen in the past such as chain reaction and signs of evolution. This kind of does the same thing but has a "current" rule to it to where it has to be active in order for the power to take place, and the power is meant to be just like Wally's Training, since Wally lets you search for EX's. Since I'm making EON EX's, (and since the EONs will be coming out in GSSS) I figured it would make since to allow them to search for an ex.

As for attacks, it was hard to come up with some, and since Eevee's aren't the strongest Pokemon in the regions, I figured it would be best to give it 80 HP and not too strong of attacks.

Shadow Raikou


This thing was hard to come up with good attacks and powers as well. I figured I'd go off it's power from it's GBA ability, where the opponent pays 2x as much PP to use it's attack, so I figured why not make it twice the energy cost to attack... Also I kept the attacks down to not be too overpowering, and it's also meant for 2v2 battles.

Hope you like them!

I won't be able to complete my Rocket set for another month so keep an eye out! :biggrin:
I love the Raikou Chris. Thanks for making it for me. when you make the other two dogs in that set make sure to send them to me. Now there is finally a good Raikou card out there to bad its I can't use it in tournys j/k
Well now that I'm back from vacation, I already made my fair share of fakes for the night. Check out my sig for fakes that aren't in my Team Rocket promo set, just to show you what I'm capable of. :eek:

I have created 2 temporary prototypes for my Rocket set (still waiting on art from other 2), however I'm still waiting on the artwork from my artist to determine from there which picture I want to use. As for the attacks and stuff, that's all set in stone for now. Let me know what you guys think.

Rocket's Ho-oh:


It is pretty strong for a Rocket card, but I figured it would only make since to have STRICT Energy requirements in order for it to do anything, that way it isn't T2 capable or anything like that. Enjoy!

Rocket's Lugia:


This one was tough when creating the power and attacks. It's power is meant to disrupt the T2 decks (Zappy Mainly) so I figured it would be fun to do something like this. The attacks aren't too broken either.

I also don't have the dual type templates for BASIC pokemon cards, because they technically don't exist anyways (as far as I know). I figured since these Pokemon belong to Team Rocket, it would be best to make them the dark type, kind of like the one Pokemon movie (Celebi) that turned all Pokemon caught in a certain Rocket Ball into dark so to speak...

I have UPDATED all of my fakes and the most current fakes are in my signature. Feel free to compare my newest fakes with my older ones (use my links in my posts) and you should notice a difference for the better on most of them. I have already received many comments that these are more realistic when it comes down to the text and placement and I'm also trying hard to be realistic with the attacks and powers.

Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for looking! :thumb:
one thing on lugia, what if they're YOUR articuno, moltres, and zapdos? You need to change the wording to

"If your opponent has Articuno ex, Moltres ex, or Zapdos ex in play"

or something more like that.
coldfire64. like yourself, i'm a huge charizard fan. i think these two cards look sweet and wouldn't mind having them in my own collection. WOOT. i'm out!
Yeah I didn't consider that part if I were to have those things out too, but then again it may end up being too broken anyways.

As for Ho-oh, what do you mean by underbroken? That it takes too long to power up? That may be true, but the Rainbow burn can still hit for 40 if there were all fire attached anyways, then you can hit for the big 70 later if you really needed a quick KO. I figured that since the power was broken enough anyways, that I didn't want to overdo it with broken attacks....