Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

New Deck Help Moderators and Guidelines


Staff member
Trader Feedback Mod
Hi all,

We've been busy behind the scenes working to make our Deck Help and Strategy forum a place where the new player and the experienced deck builder can feel comfortable. The experienced builders were having trouble with the pleading and bumping posts of some new players, while new players felt like they were being disciplined because they didn't have experience at deck building (and especially winning).

To solve these problems we've updated our Deck Help and Strategy Guidelines and brought in two forum Mods to help people with the forum Guidelines and do some fun stuff in the forum:

Daddiursa and AncientAbsol

Both have been active members of the forum and also voices of reason who understand both contending points of view in the forum. Please give them a warm welcome as Mods and offer your support.


Real Name: Ben Dolan
Age: 15
Location: St. Louis Missouri

Real Job: Student

Real Education: Well I’m in high school ^_^

Pokemon Jobs. Professor, Judge, Soon to be League Leader.

How I became a Pokemon-addict: I started playing around base set, and continued casually until Rocket was released. At this point I stopped playing for quite some time. In 8th grade my friends started Yu-Gi-Oh (Yeah I know =/) and I joined them. At the end of 8th grade some people playing Pokemon started showing up, and my interest was peaked. I bought an Aquapolis theme deck that day and have been hooked ever since (Thanks Vince) I have played at Nationals, SSC, a few Gym Challenges, and Worlds (Well the grinder, actually =/)


Name: Simon Sigurdson Hjelle
Age: 30+
Location: Oslo, Norway

Real Job: Musician

Real Education: Studying computer science at the University of Oslo (Hope to finish a Master Degree round X-mas 2005). Also have a three year education in child pedagogic/psychology.

Pokemon Jobs. TO (on a random basis), Professor/judge, League-assistant, card-reviewer and also a mod at the official Norwegian Pokemon forum.

My family: One daughter (’97), one son (’03), not married yet, but that could very well happen...

How I became a pokemon-addict: When my daughter was three years old I stumbled across a pack of Base set boosters. We bought a few, were pleased with what we got, but soon found out about that Charizard and Blastoise. So the hunt began, and thus… an addiction was created… in both father and daughter. We started playing tournaments regularly around the time Nintendo took over, when Neo-on was still the current Modified. Hope to be able to travel to the World Championship sometime, to meet the rest (and the best) of our kind.