Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

New Mexico Gym Challenge report


New Member
First off I would like to thank NMScizor for TOing and Hidden Treasures for hosting the turn out was small we brought 7 players (5 15+/1 11-14/1 10-) from Az and 4 (15+)from Team LA showed up. The tournament was 4 rounds and a cut to T-4 for 15+.

My Deck
Same as B4

1st Round
I'm sorry to say I don't know his name but I steam rolled his Team Magma Groudon deck he didn't get a prize and I felt bad for beating him.

2nd Round
TrEkIeV (Team LA) being as how both of us wanted to get into the T-4 We decided to ID and take the 1 point over the possible 0

3rd Round
As always seems to happen I got my wife (LiZKaT) this round and because I ID'ed the previous Round I had to play her. My Deck got off to a faster start and I slowly picked her apart (sorry babe)

4th Round
After doing the math I realized that as long as I got 1 point I would make the T-4 so I talked to Paul (Team LA) who was undefeated and in 1st place and we decided to battle it out in the finals

T-4 2 out of 3 1 hour limit
3rd Paul A vs. 2nd TrEkIeV (both from Team LA)
Me vs. Paul (Team LA)

Paul was playing a Gardy/Magneton/Catty deck and got a great start and after losing 4 prizes and taking 1 I conceded the match to move on to the second game.

This time I got a good setup and he got a bad one and we traded prizes but in the end magneton with all that energy on the bench was too much to deal with I lost 2 prizes left

TrEkIeV won his match and Paul conceded to him in the finals

NMScizor for being a great guy and welcoming all the visiting players
Spookees for driving and keeping the supply of Gummies always full
Cs-God-Poke-Master for cheering me up after the match
LiZKaT for giving me another chance to win a trip
Hidden Treasures for hosting the event

The Air-conditioning in the back corner it was so hot I got sick
Me for getting sick and losing
My car for being so small
Coming down off the self induced sugar and caffeine high
Paul for beating me with my own Rare Candies

Thanx for reading
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Hey Ken,

Bummer about your day...hope to see ya at Nationals??? C'mon, TOP 4 get the invite...I'll be rolling up to OHIO!!! We can do it...if not, for sure at WORLD's, I'll be there regardless of invite - now that TEAM LA has three rooms to CRASH!!!

okay its been 3 days since the GC in New Mexico...I think i have finally gotten thru detoxing.

(if ya only knew how MUCH CAFFEINE AND SUGAR (gummy worms) I digested) ughhhhh!!
Driving that many hours straight thru, well we found these two items work well to keep ya awake.

NMScizor--Thank you very much! Everyone had alot of fun! (i will bring my laptop next time,promise)hehehe

BLIZZARD--Thank you very much! Ya stayed awake and kept me company for the drive out there AND the drive back! And giving Paul a run for his money in the Finals!

LiZKat--Thank you for sleeping both ways, from what you have said.......i dont think i want to know how grumpy you can get without sleep! hehehe


7 of us from Team Heat showed up and 4 from Team LA were there as well (it was great to see you guys again)

We had 4 rounds, no cut in the two lower age groups...15+ cut to the top 4.


10 and under: my son Joey (he already won the trip in AZ so the trip passed down to the next player Kelly, from Texas, Congratulations!!)

11-14: Anthony won it (one of our guys from AZ) he was also the top player of the day, only player to go undefeated! Congratulations!

15+: As you read it above: TrEkIeV wins the TRIP!! Congratulations Matthew!! Team LA wins it!

Next stop: Stadium Challenge (See ya all there!)
*coughs politely*

Can we get back on topic please, without the trashtalk?
