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BW-on NXD-on M Blastoise/ Keldeo EX deck. Newb player looking for advice.

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New Member
3-1-3 Deluge Blastoise
3 Blastoise EX
3 Keldeo EX
2 M Blastoise
2-2 Electrode (from plasma freeze, and only for magnetic draw)
4 bicycle
3 Rare Candy
4 Skyla
4 pokeball
4 professors letter
4 energy retrieval
18 water energy

Basically I want the deck to revolve around getting out Blastoise EX out as quickly as possible with Deluge Blastoise for energy acceleration. Keldeo EX for rush in incase Blastoise EX is taking to much damage, and M Blastoise for the extra damage without the 50% chance of hurting itself, as well as bench damage.

This is the first deck I've ever done, as I only played the game before fossil came out (I think it was before fossil, I had the Machamp 2 player starter kit back then) and I had the Gameboy Color game. Any advice is much appreciated as I haven't purchased everything for this deck and I'd like a bit of advice before I buy everything. Thanks for taking the time to read all this!
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Personnally id try to run 2 or 3:biggrin: evosoda because you have both stage ones and twos. Pokeballs are terrible. Id swap them for a level ball a heavy ball and 2 ultra balls. Iv never ran electrode in a deck before but it seems like you might need more drawing cards. Id run 2 energy retrieval and 2 superior energy retrieval (gets 4 back in one turn). You also want at least 2 float stones (allows you to rush in with keldeo then retreat keldeo for free. Pretty much a free switch to any pokemon)

I love running 4 skyla so i found that you dont need to run 4 of most other things with it. You could use an ace spec scoop up cyclone to great effect in this deck. Also you might not need 18 energy with proffesors letter. I run 11 in my blastoise deck but most people seem to like 13 or 14

Judt my thoughts. Nice first build if you have been out of the game for that long tho
I'm thinking about dropping the Wartortle because in all of my play testing (lots of proxies used XD) I haven't used it once. The pokeballs are only in there because I have them, so I probably will toss in the balls you said. Gonna play around with your other suggestions and see how well it goes. Evosoda only works by going up one stage right? Like basic to 1 and 1 - 2?

By the way, thanks! I have been doing a LOT of research in the past few weeks, and I think I have a pretty solid deck here. Want to start doing some local tournaments and work my way up to regions and see how that goes :D
Yeh evosoda is only one stage at a time but it lets u search the deck for the pokemon. The only reason i suggest it is because i usually play online and the amount of n's that have made me shuffle both my rare candy and blastoise back into my deck is ridiculous. So with evosoda u are at least guaranteed a turn 3 blastoise.

Do you think you will need mega or blastoise ex? Iv always thought it was a big penalty to just lose an entire turn but i never tested it
I think so, but I haven't tested it. I'd just use it instead of an attack. 40 more hp, no chance of self harm, AND 30 damage to TWO bench Pokemon, all at the cost of an attack? Sign me up!
The GB game was really fun! I used Blastoise on the GB.

For your deck, 4 Rare Candy is essential so you have it on the first turn. You should take out 4 Water Energy (18 is too much honestly) for 4 Professor Juniper (or Sycamore). And you'll need to take out 2 Professor's Letters for 2 Tool Scrapper (otherwise Garbodor will cancel Blastoise's Deluge). The best ace-spec for this deck is either Computer Search (for speed), or Dowsing Machine (for versatility). You can use Scoop Up Cyclone for HP recovery, but then you'd have to skip another turn putting Mega Blastoise back down, so you'd be better off using Max Potion, since you can just reattach as many energy as you want with Deluge. (Max Potion actually isn't half-bad, along with Mega Blastoise's huge HP.)

Also having 1 Suicune with Safeguard is nice at times.
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