Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Olympia/Lacey WA -- Olympic Pokemon League


Active Member
Who?: All Pokemon Players welcome! Batmylashes and myself run the league, and a few other Gymers have been known to come out -- We'd love to have more!

What?: Olympic Pokemon League! Open to players of all ages and experiences levels who love the game and want to meet new players, play competitively and for fun, trade, etc.

Where?: Olympic Cards and Comics, 4230 Pacific Ave.

Lacey, WA 98503. (360) 459-7721

When?: Sundays 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Occasionally league will be canceled or reschedule due to a scheduling conflict, etc. If so, that information will be posted here.

Why?: For the love of the game.​

Olympic Pokemon League is always completely free to all players (from time to time we have pay-to-play tournaments, but those are completely optional, and 100% of the entrance fees goes towards store credit). We mainly get Juniors and Seniors who want to play and trade in a friendly environment, but we're open to anyone, whether a seasoned Master looking to test a new deck before Nationals or a Junior who's just purchased their first starter deck. I encourage everyone to come out and play.

The shop is very spacious, and there are snacks and drinks on hand, as well as several restaurants and a supermarket on the same block. We're equipped with Wi-Fi and players are encouraged to bring their DS' and play Pokemon and whatever else.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to leave them here, PM me, or e-mail kenny@kennywisdomdotcom anytime!

Thanks! I hope to see you there!
Congrats on starting a new Pokemon League. WOW 6 is hours is quite the commitment. I am sure you are really going to enjoy the experiance of being Leage Leaders. I casn harldy believe that it has been 4 years scince we started our leage in Mukilteo. And now that our dughter is playing too, it has been even more enjoyable.

We will see you at some Battle Roads I am sure. Good Luck with your League :thumb:
@JandPDS - Ah, sorry, we've been running this league for some time now, I've just been lazy about making a thread here, ha.

Good luck to you as well. See you at a tourney!
Congrats on starting a new Pokemon League. WOW 6 is hours is quite the commitment. I am sure you are really going to enjoy the experiance of being Leage Leaders. I casn harldy believe that it has been 4 years scince we started our leage in Mukilteo. And now that our dughter is playing too, it has been even more enjoyable.

We will see you at some Battle Roads I am sure. Good Luck with your League :thumb:

Thank you :) We've been running it for a while now though. The six hours a week does take quite a toll on us because it makes for long Sundays, but it's a lot of fun.
I just wanted to let everyone know that league will be closed on the following dates:

5.31.09: I urge you to attend the Battle Roads tournament in Tacoma, WA @ North West Toyz (Go-Pokemon.com for more information)

Sorry for the double posting, but I just wanted to give biiiiiiiig ups to one of our regulars Adam B. for taking 3rd place at the Seattle VGC. Peace to St. Louis.
hey I live in Lacey, I was wondering is there a age limit? I am 22 and my 2 nephews who play are 10 and 11, I am mainly going to be there but I have my own deck as well and wouldn't mind playing.

I was wondering also if this is still going on, and if so what are the rules for play with the decks (what sets are banned etc?)

I use to play about 10 years ago I got back into it a little teaching my nephews and battling them lol I know its weird me wanting to play at age 22 but I guess I wouldn't if it wasn't for my nephews....

let me know
@NuclearApom I responded to your e-mail.

And I think you'll learn pretty quickly that there are a lot of adults that play the game, haha.

Hope to see you there sometime!


Oh, and as a general note:

Please become a fan of our store on Facebook! It's a new page, but we're working on putting pictures, events, and other content up ASAP, and we could use your support! Thanks bunches!

Olympic Cards & Comics Facebook fan page

Drop us a note too!

Hope to see everyone this Sunday.
I just wanted to pop in and let everybody know that we won't be having league play on Sunday, November 1st, because there is a Arceus Pre-Release. All information about the pre-release can be found here.

There will most likely be non-tournament players who will want to play, so feel free to stop by, but there will be no prizes, or other league materials, and we cannot guarantee there will be adequate space.

There will also be no league on Sunday, November 8th, as Ashley and I will be out of town.

Thanks, and I hope to see you soon!
Congrats on starting a league! Good luck! I'm not going to a league so I have no idea what it's like, but good luck anyways! I'm always glad to know another league is being started up!