Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

question about light dragonite


New Member
if i attach a boost energy to my light dragonite , do i have to discard that energy at the end of my turn?
Light Dragonite's power would stop the card's special effects, and would be like a triple colorless energy of some sort.
If Light Dragonite was an Active Pokémon, you would not have to Discard Boost Energy.
Not if it wasn't benched until after the end of the turn it was attached. Boost only checks at the end of the turn it was attached, unlike Miracle Energy which checks at the end of every turn.
For a while, people used to abuse Light Dragonite and Boost Energy. Once Boost Energy has passed the discard at the end of the turn via Light Dragonite, it can only be discarded in the usual ways.