Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Rainbow and Multi Energy together


Active Member
If Camerupt has 2 Grass, 1 Multi, and 1 Rainbow energy can it use Firespin? My friend says yes because Rainbow counts as a basic energy card while in play so Multi wouldnt revert to colorless but Im not sure.
It PROVIDES all types of energy, but it is still a special energy card. Just like multi energy provides all different types of energy, until another special energy is attached, for example: Metal, Darkness, Rainbow, Multi, Retro, Recycle, Warp, Cyclone, Bounce, Boost, Potion energy, and Full Heal energy. (did I miss any?)
procrastination_alley said:
Metal, Darkness, Rainbow, Multi, Retro, Recycle, Warp, Cyclone, Bounce, Boost, Potion energy, and Full Heal energy. (did I miss any?)

Double Colorless, Miracle, Crystal, and Bounce.
Just posted the following in the Ask the Masters forum regarding this subject...

Huh? Where does it say that Rainbow counts as a Basic Energy card while in play? :confused:

From the Compendium:
== RAINBOW ENERGY (Team Rocket Expansion; Aquapolis Expansion; Promo)
* Rainbow energy is NEVER considered a basic energy card. EVER! Whether in play or not. So this means that attaching a Rainbow energy to a colorless Ho-oh does NOT add to the amount of damage done! (Oct 18, 2001 WotC Chat Announcements)
Rainbow is always considered a Special Energy Card, and therefore will make the Multi Energy colorless:
== MULTI ENERGY (EX:Sandstorm)
Q. The wording for Multi Energy is a bit confusing; does it mean that if I have Multi Energy already attached, and then I attach a special energy card, does the "rainbow effect" of Multi Energy disappear at that time?
A. Yes. Multi Energy provides colorless energy when any other Special Energy card is present on the Pokemon. (Sep 11, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Therefore, you would only have 1 Fire energy on Camerupt, and could not do the Fire Spin attack.

Nice try though,