Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Rainbow Burn

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New Member
Rainbow Burn (Mod)

Pokemon: 19
4 Onix
4 Steelix (Skyridge)
4 Trapinch (SS)
3 Vibrava
4 Flygon (Rainbow Burn)

Energy: 18
5 Electric
5 Grass
4 Fighting
2 Water
2 Fire

Trainers: 23
3 Rare Candy
3 Elm's Method
4 Balloon Berry
4 Switch
4 Oak's Research
2 Bill's Maintainence
1 Town Volunteers
2 Lady Outing

Yet another of those crazy ideas. Gotta love 'em ;)!
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It's on Pokeschool.com under "Card Translations" in the top left hand corner. Look under "Champions of The Skies". It's not that hard to find! ;p
Ok, here is a stupid question. Where are the metal energies? With that in mind, I would suggest using the Skyridge Steelix, whose Poke-Body can change all energy attached to it into Metal energy.
Yeah, bascis are prettty low at 8 - also I'd try to work in 2x Psychic energy to max out Rainbow Burn with 90 damage! You're using the Quick Charge Vibravas to pull 3 different type BEC out of your deck?? One of those after using one Lady's Outing same turn, evolve to Flygon next turn and Energy Shower all six on the field for a fully powered-up Rainbow Burn!
tyler6052 please don't raise decks that have been replaced by their creator....
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