Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

HGSS-on Spookion

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New Member
I was reading the latest blog from The Deck Out and thought the deck consisting of Mismagius and Terrakion was very interesting. Mismagius with the Poltergeist move (deals 30 damage times the number of T/S/S in your opponent's hand) works really well in this current format that is just teeming with Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums. Just having three of any combination in your opponent's hand will KO a healthy Mewtwo EX. And Terrakion for the disposal of Electrics, most Colorless, and eventually Dark types once Dark Explorers becomes available. I tried the default deck list that was on that blog and tried it out at my local league. Still needs a few changes for my taste. But let me see what you folks think.

4 Midsreavus (Dual Draw)
2 Mismagius (Poltergeist)
2 Mismagius (Magical Trans Poke-Power)
2 Mr. Mime
2 Terrakion (Revenge)
1 Virizion (Double Draw)
1 Mewtwo EX

Pokemon = 14

3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Level Ball
3 Skyarrow Bridge
4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm
4 Prof. Juniper
3 Prof. Oak's New Theory
3 N
2 Switch
3 Exp. Share
2 Super Rod

T/S/S = 34

7 Psychic Energy
2 Fighting Energy
2 Prisim Energy
1 Rainbow Energy

Energy = 12

Deck Total = 60


Seems simple enough. You can either start off with Virizion or, preferably, Misdreavus. Get your setup going with more Misdreavus and a Mr. Mime if you can. Dual Draw with Misdreavus will purposely give your opponent some extra cards but that's just preparing for the Mismagius Poltergeist. You can use Mr. Mime to check and see if your opponent's hand does have any Trainers, Supporters, and/or Stadiums so that you know when you can use Poltergeist and not let it be in vain. Exp. Share and the Mismagius with Magical Trans can help keep the energy going and on the field so that Terrakion can make use of it and be ready whenever it is needed. Switch is for if Terrakion gets Catchered up. N makes for an amusing tech for this deck since he refreshes both players' hands so you can take another stab at Poltergeisting your opponent. I have three Skyarrow Bridges just to increase the chance at getting them. And Mewtwo EX is in there because...he's Mewtwo EX! What more do you need to know other than he make good at cleaning up later in the game.

So what do you guys think? Anything I'm missing that would help this deck out a little bit more? It appears to be a fun deck that might actually give decks like CMT and Zekeels a tougher time. Not exactly the toughest time but a really fair and fun fighting chance.

~Cartoon Eric
I actually noticed this article yesterday too. I'd consider playing 1 smeargle over the second Mr. Mime, and you're not playing pokemon collector. The only problem with the deck is the lack of trainer lock that I've noticed, but I also haven't really tested the deck yet.
I actually noticed this article yesterday too. I'd consider playing 1 smeargle over the second Mr. Mime, and you're not playing pokemon collector. The only problem with the deck is the lack of trainer lock that I've noticed, but I also haven't really tested the deck yet.

I did try out Smeargle but I just haven't found the right times to use him. Unless I have a Switch and Skyarrow Bridge out or in my hand then I can't really use him to the best potential. Unless I'm missing something about the retreating rules.
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