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Trainer's Choice - Vaporeon


New Member
By: Vaporeon

“Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water.”
-Pokemon White Pokedex entry

Wow, Vaporeon is a little powerhouse right? It has the ability to melt away in water. If that ability could be developed in the right way, it could melt away into the air because of water molecules there or even fly using that over-developed power. Vaporeon can even walk and run on water. It’s truly an amazing creature.

Base Stats:

HP: 130
Attack: 65
Defense: 60
Special Attack: 110
Special Defense: 95
Speed: 65

With the release of each new Generation, Pokemon get a little stronger. The Pokemon from the newer games outclass the older ones in just about every way. The older Pokemon should get a Base Stat increase to help them compete with the newer Pokemon. This would be nice but to help the games be compatible with each other, they just give them new moves. Well, Vaporeon was shown no love. Sure it has access to moves like Scald but that’s about it. The one thing that was removed from Black and White was the Move Tutor. Now, this is a big deal when trying to keep older Pokemon useable but enough about that for now. We’re here to look at how Vappys can be used. I’ll list a few ways to use them.
Now, this is my personal favorite Vaporeon. I use this set on her and it works wonders.

Item: Choice Specs
Nature: Modest (- Attack, + Special Attack)
Ability: Aqua Absorb
EV’s 6 HP, 252 Defense, 252 Special Attack
-Hidden Power Electric (RECOMMENDED)
-Signal Beam
-Hydro Pump

I know what you’re saying. You may say that Vaporeons should only be used as walls or tanks. Why is that? Based on their stats, Vaporeon can be used for a lot more that this set proves that. This set is used for raw power. Jennifer, my Vaporeon has taken down many Pokemon with this set. She has taken down, Tyranitars, Metagross, Umbreons, Ubers, tanks like the Regis and even Blissey. The first few were taken down in 1 or 2 hits and the tanks in 3 or 4.

This set on Vaporeon is a little risky. If you’re a risk taker and like living on the edge, then this set is for you. Please note that your power moves are Blizzard and Hydro Pump. You’ll be attacking with those moves very often. If you don’t want to risk it, then Hydro Pump and Blizzard can be replaces for your chose of Surf/Scald and Ice Beam but you’ll be sacrifice power, which this set is all about.
This Vaporeon was built for Single type battles but is also powerful in Doubles due to Blizzard. The key to using Vaporeon is knowing it’s limit. Vaporeon will take a Thunderbolt from a Timid Jolteon and Zapdos and it MAY take a Thunderbolt from a Modest Jolteon and Zapdos. If you know for a fact that it can, then attack them. It also tricks your opponent as well. If they see Vaporeons, they are normally ‘Taunt’ targets. This set on Vaporeon will most likely cost your opponent a Pokemon. This Vaporeon is also a good starter for Single type battles.

This Vaporeon’s Advantages

The fact that this Vaporeon is not your normal run of the mill vappy, It opens up false opportunity for your opponent. They will use Taunt and other moves that will normally disable a normal defensive Vaporeon. This Vaporeon was built for power. With Choice Specs, each of it’s attacks are 1 or 2 hit KOs and when played right, This Vaporeon can take down your opponents opening Pokemon and put you in the lead. On average, this Vaporeon will take down 2 Pokemon but a sweep is possible under the right conditions. Vaporeon’s natural bulk will also keep it in the game longer as well and when paired with the right team, they are hard to take down.

This Vaporeon’s Disadvantages

The huge thing going against it is Choice Specs. It is bad going against a Pokemon with Pressure when you are locked into Hydro Pump. You normally want to avoid this Vaporeon being your last attacker because you are sometimes forced into using an attack you will be locked into. While this is not too bad, the option is made harder when your opponent has 2 or more Pokemon remaining. Being forced to use Hydro Pump while your opponent had a Water type on the team or a Pokemon with Water Absorb means you normally lose.

Another thing is Vaporeon poor Speed stat. While you take most things down in a hit or two, your opponent gets first strike most of the time against them. Games are normally lost due to Pokemon faster then it. With great power, comes a risk. In Pokemon, the Random Number Generator (RNG) likes to be very funny at time. You lose when you can’t hit Hydro Pumps and Blizzards. Missing 3 to 4 turns in a row sets you back a lot. It’s also bad locking yourself into Hydro Pump or Blizzard when your opponent can use Substitute while hoping your attacks misses so they can set up.
That’s about it for this Vaporeon. If you like this set, try it out.

The Vaporeon we will review now is a bulker set. Vaporeon are decent at walling but they are very predictable.

Item: Leftovers
Nature: Bold (- Attack,+ Defense)
Ability: Aqua Absorb
EV’s 156HP, 252 Defense, 102 Special Defense
-Wish (EGG MOVE)

This Vaporeon is meant to stall your opponent. Its training should be to make sure it can take hits so it can last in battle. With Wish, Leftovers and Protect, it will last in battles for many turns. This Vaporeon in meant to play the support role. Attacking with this Vaporeon is not the best of ideas. If you choose to put Scald on (I recommend this) then place your burn or poison and ether call it back and send in some other attacker if your board strength is good or protect stall.
This Vaporeon is not good for Double type battles but it excels in Singles. Its high HP and good defense stats means it’s easy to switch in to attacks. This Vaporeon will take hits but gauge them carefully. This pretty much sums up this Vaporeon’s set.

This Vaporeon’s Advantages

It has the ability to take hits and then heal off the damage while your opponent suffers from burn or poison damage. This Vaporeon can also scout your opponent’s team because they will be switching out a lot so it may be a good idea to pair this Vaporeon with Stealth Rocks, Spikes and Toxic Spikes to really get some damage going. Protect means you can prevent attack damage and heal with ether Leftovers and Wish while your opponent takes damage at the end of every turn.

This Vaporeon is a powerful staller and can cripple a team not prepared to deal with them. With this Vaporeon, you can stall them out of the game.

This Vaporeon’s Disadvantages

Well, the biggest one is its predictability. Powerful players know how to deal with them and that will be an issue. Taunt destroys this Vaporeon and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you switch out, they will setup. If you don’t switch out, they still setup. This Vaporeon can cost you your team if you can’t deal with a +2 or +4 Attack Pokemon coming at you. Pokemon with Swords Dance, Shell Smash or even Dragon Dance will be tough to face when trying to switch out.
Like before, Vaporeon’s Speed stat is poor so your opponent will attack first most of the time. It’s also a tough call to use wish first or Toxic. While this Vaporeon is good at what it does, a good player will more than likely pick it apart.

Next I’ll review a dual purpose Vaporeon.

Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Nature: Calm (- Attack, + Special Defense)
Ability: Hydration
EV’s 136HP, 176 Defense, 136 Special Attack, 60 Special Defense
-Hidden Power Electric/ Protect
-Surf/ Scald
-Ice Beam/ Blizzard/ (Icy Wind/ Signal Beam)

This Vaporeon is made for Rain Dance teams. This Vaporeon is also dual purpose for both Single and Double type battles. With its Hydration ability, it can heal any status condition it may have between turns. That paired with Rest gives this Vaporeon staying power. You have a few options of attacks here. Hidden Power Electric allows it to deal with water types. This move is not that strong on this Vaporeon in Doubles so Protect would want to be used over it. Surf and Scald are both strong attacks on this Vaporeon. If you want to go with the burn, then choose Scald. Signal Beam is also good in doubles to help deal with Ludicolo.

Ice Beam and Blizzard will deal with all the dragon types you’ll see in tournament or causal play. Blizzard may be the better chose when playing in doubles. Icy Wind will be a hard move to get on Vaporeon so you’ll have to trade for a Vaporeon with the move if you don’t have it handy. Icy Wind is also a great move for Doubles. Now, Rest is they star of the moveset. Rest will keep your Vaporeon in the game. Your opponent will have to take it down in 1 hit. With this Vaporeon’s out there EV spread and Nature. That will be VERY hard to do. Even with Electric types attacking it.

This Vaporeon’s Advantages

Its ability to heal off any damage while in the rain makes it a great chose for a Rain Dance team. The opponent will have a hard time dealing with this Vaporeon. This Vaporeon is also not a bad attacker as it has EVs invested in Special Attack and while in the rain, its water attacks are stronger and then gets another boost because of Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB). This Vaporeon can get in and do some damage while taking less from hits.

This Vaporeon’s Disadvantages

With speed being a downfall for them, this Vaporeon’s main threats will be grass attackers in Double battles. Pokemon like Ludicolo will give it a run for its money. This Vaporeon can’t fight them effectively. Other water types will give it problems if you choose to carry Protect over Hidden Power Electric. This Vaporeon has a very tight move slots so finding space for this moves will be hard. You’ll have to make your Rain team to deal with other Rain teams to help cover this Vaporeon’s Weaknesses.

That’s all I have for you today. There are 3 different sets for Vaporeon. One of which is my personal favorite. If you like them, try it out. If you have something you think may be better, then post it up and explain why.

I hope this help show Vaporeon in some good light for you all. Thanks for reading.
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