Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

US Nationals 2011

I'm not really sure how this has flown under the radar, but the Indiana Black Expo is from July 7 - 17, and I imagine it's taking up many hotel rooms in the downtown Indianapolis area. They have a ton of fun-sounding stuff, including a film festival and concerts. The Celebration portion is from the 12th to the 18th and rooms are blocked in downtown hotels starting on the 11th. Information obtained through the Indiana Black Expo website.
Well, considering that Nats finishes up on the 10th and most Nats players will be gone on the Monday, and that the early events are happening on the opposite side of the city, it shouldn't affect us that much IMO...
I heard there was some other convention or downtown event going on the same week as well that would also account for the rooms. I don't recall this however.

Thats kind of like saying there was a fist fight broke out in Afghanistan ; I heard there might be another altercation in the region. GenCon makes Pokemon Nationals look like Pokemon League. This is an unfortunate choice of weekends.
Thats kind of like saying there was a fist fight broke out in Afghanistan ; I heard there might be another altercation in the region. GenCon makes Pokemon Nationals look like Pokemon League. This is an unfortunate choice of weekends.

It's not GenCon. GenCon is in August. What we're running opposite of is the 100 year anniversary of a 150,000 member fraternity.
Yes it is confirmed. Just go to the convention center site and you can see.

That's what's been there for a while.

Do we just think that they grossly underestimated the attendance of the Kappa Alpha Psi attendance (3,000)? Gen Con is 15x that and rooms nearby are still available.
It's not the convention center that's doing the underestimating.

It's the organization itself.

We witnessed this first hand in St. Louis, where it's believed that TPCi didn't provide an estimated crowd size for Nationals, which prompted the local establishments to believe that USN would be a 2-300 person event, roughly. Needless to say, poorly planned weekend from a city standpoint.

For your amusement. Doesn't help that it's based in Indiana University.
Good insight.

It's already been said, but this is unfortunate. A huge part of the fun of Nationals is everyone getting together "off hours" and without local hotels that makes it difficult.

And this is also unfortunate because I thought that PUI/POP/P!P did a great job of announcing Nationals info much earlier than they did last year.
Unfortunately, this was also the best weekend to run USNats in the Indy Con Center. Every other weekend for I think 3 weeks in either direction had BIGGER events that fill the entire place! Check out their website for more details.
What deck are you guys running if it goes hgss-on and or if it doesnt i will run my jump and turn deck hgss on amd kingdra prime ms on
i intend to play a deck that is built fully of legends and attempt to deck out my opponent.
my 1 basic is a cleffa, if i must run a legitimate basic pokemon that i can start w/, if not my opponents will have to accept their defeat in the funniest and stupidest way, or it could just be a draw, my nats report 0-0-8 :eek:
Those of you looking for a room, I would recommend staying near the Castleton Square Mall. There's a seven-days-a-week bus route that runs to that area, so even if you bring a car you'll have the option.