Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

VA Regionals


New Member
Sorry for forgetting everyone's name, but feel free to comment if you remember me:

So we left my house around 8 and go to the place around 9:30. I had planned to try a Sablelock deck I tinkered with, but come to find out I'm missing a card and sleeves. So I flip over to my Lux Chomp. Well my list I had prepared was off, and come to find out I couldn't figure it out so I played minus a 1-1 Claydol. So I go ahead and get checked in, end up loaning 2 Calls to someone before the tournament, got his name and number just to be safe. So without further ado my rounds (I wore an orange shirt that said "Camp Half Blood" if you think this sounds familiar):

75 Masters, 7 Rounds T16

Round 1: vs Pluff

Well he led Lux and Baltoy so I thought I was in for a mirror match and go ahead and place down a decent bench. His turn he drops Hopip and the Candy and fills the bench with Pixies for Downer Material. I barely managed to get 2 prizes off an EBelt Pluff, and end up losing.


Round 2 and 3 may be backwards >.>

Round 2: vs BlazeRay

Ok I get in and going doing my thing with Chomp and Lux, we go blow for blow. I think my big redeeming factor is I had Toxi G for Revenge Poison waiting. It went pretty well and while close I pulled it out.


Lunch Break- We break out the subway we had with us and I snag a cinnamon bun from the little store downstairs and feel refilled.

Round 3: vs Gengar fainting spell + the X

I get set up and moving fast. I keep the pressure on not knowing if he was doing CurseGar or Fainting Spell. He gets one Fainting Spell up and I kamikaze a Garchomp C X on it. He however was not able to recover and I take it.


Round 4: BlazeRay ironically the guy borrowing my 2 call energy-

Again my advantage came in having the Toxi G promo. I was able to get ahead early on against him and it became a trading of blows. Not holding back on Trashbolt made the kills a bit easier. I put another one away.


Round 5: LuxChomp

The game is pretty even and could have gone either way. I feel this game mainly came to who was more aggressive faster.


Round 6: Dusclops (I think this was Alex Kent)

This was probably my favorite match. It went back and forth the whole way. The critical moment came to him having a Alaka w/Power Cancel, Dark Pulse Dusclops and Dark Palm Dusknoir X. He tries Dark Palming my Chomp C so I spray. He passes hoping to keep my Ambipom active. I draw and Roseannes and get Bronzong G and something else with a power. Drop Bronzong and "Galactic Switch" he forgets power cancel letting it go and my Ambipom is able to retreat. Bring up Chomp C, snipe the EBelt Noir for two prizes and the win. Very close and great game.


Round 7: vs Pluff and Pixies

Very similar to round 1.


Pairings are up and I'm #11 going into the T16

T16 Match: vs Palkia Lock

Game 1- We get down to one prize a piece and I see I have no chance of getting another kill shot in so I opt to end the game.


Game 2- I accidentally draw 8 cards in opening hand. I'm given a warning my hand is shuffled, one card assigned to top of deck prizes are placed and prizes are shuffled. Game proceeds. I get up a few prizes on him and he calls the game in my favor.


Game 3- We are both working to set up. Time is called during my turn and I make the game costing mistake. I use Cyrus and grab SP Radar Energy and Cyrus. I use SP for a 2nd Garchomp (Mistake) not noticing the other SP Radar in my prizes. Next turn I'm feeling set up for the win and use Cyrus I see no SP Radar. I think "Well I just drew Azelf maaaaybe" nope both Garchomp X are in the deck. I pass and ask if he has water, he does and I just offer GG


So not feeling bad being my first regionals, hopefully I can keep it up.


All my opponents for being gracious winners and losers
Packs- Gatr Prime, Blissey Prime, RH DCE (3/4 now) and Roast Reveal Ninetails
Judges- Great job all around
Guy borrowing my 2 calls, comes up and finds me to return them, I'm a big fan of honesty ^^
My friends for having food ready after my T16
Door Prize- Bronzor plushie haha its fun stuff. I teach 2nd grade, my kids love them.

Me not having my Sablelock all there
Downer Material- Hate j00 (this also cost me in the T16 as if I didn't need another energy I'd have dragon rushed earlier)
Long drive home- After 8 hrs of gaming even 1.5hrs seems long
Losing my regional die, hopefully it turns up in my bad somewhere
Congrats on the T16. I'm the HJ from the event (also the one that brought your food over to you during the match). Glad you enjoyed your day. Alex K is from my league btw. If I recall, you are Ben...correct? Cool to hear you are a teacher.
