Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What to wear for this weekend?

So my company is holding it's annual halloween party and I am planning to attend. I dont know what I should go to the party as? Anyone out there have any costume ideas besides the typical killers, pokemon, and monsters? I hear there will be a contest for the top 3 costumes, so I hope you guys can give me some suggestions...thanks!!!!

Go as........ Chuck Norris ; )
some good ones ive seen:
a Bed, a toilet seat, someone was a kissing booth before. I'll list more as I think of them
Get a purple dress suit. Get a gorilla mask. Get a purple hat with a feather. Get a cane with a fake jewel on the top. Pimp Gorrila is instant win.
A suit.
Then paint on your hands and face, so it looks like ppl can see all your bones.

Like the guy from Nightmare Before Christmas.
Find out who the judge is and then exploit their weaknesses. What TV shows do they like? Think about stuff like that, and you'll win!
Sounds like some interesting ideas, but nothing has really caught my attention. Believe me if i knew who the judges were than I would try to find out what they like but the judges are secret, so no one will know who it will be. Maybe it would be best to reference something from current news or pop culture or a interesting sci fi character or monster....

Go as yourself
If any one asks, say my costume is a homocidal maniac, they look just like the rest of us
Then look around like you are scared
You mean Buffy the vampire slayer.....if I were a lady I would, but thats not the case luka....lol, thats a good idea though because I love Buffy, my fav show!!! Maybe I will dress up as Angel or Spike...oh well maybe next year.
