Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Will buy ok easy to let go of ex.

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New Member
ill tell you right now i wont go more than 5 dollars for an ex. Edited - Only Verified sellers can sell on pokegym.
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the $5 exs I have for sale are:

the $10 exs I have for sale are:
Armaldo ex

the $15 exs I have for sale are:
2x Crawdaunt ex
1x shiftry ex pk
2x kingdra ex d

the $25 exs i have for sale are:
Flygon ex d.
So you'd be willing to buy some older ex's for $5? I have a few. Not many, but I have some if you are interested.
If you list some you are after and the prices you will pay i can check mine. I have them all the way back to R/S.
Here is a list of what i have. Let me know what you want and what you will pay for them.

Rocket's Sneasel EX x1

Electrode EX x3

Aerodactyl EX x1
Aggron EX x3
Kabutops EX x1

Chansey EX x6
Electabuzz EX x4
Hitmonchan EX x11
Lapras EX x7
Magmar EX x8
Scyther EX x3
Sneasel EX x8

Cradilly EX x3

Golem EX x7
Kingdra EX x1
Marcargo EX x8
Muk EX x4

#001 Kyogre EX x5 (1 non-holo)
#002 Groudon EX x5
Im sorta broke at the moment ill let you know so all i can pay is like 5 bucks for
golem ex
and kindra ex

both for 5 plus 2 dollars shipping lmk.
Just out of curiosity why are you offering to buy if you don't have any money right now to buy them? You can repost a new thread as I see no point in this thread .

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