Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Worlds Pre-release Info Needed


Feature Editor
I need to know some information about the pre-releases that will occur at worlds. 'Cause if I bomb the grinder, I'll need something to do on Saturday and Sunday.

The Questions:

1. What days and what times will these be going on?

2. What will the cost be?

3. Will there be any prizes? Besides the normal pre-release prizes?

I may think of more questions, but thanks for now. :clap:
1. Sunday, several flights starting I think 10 or 11, until all players are accomodated
2. I would guess 20$.
3. I think it was announced somewhere that it will be regular Prerelease. However I kinda doubt that, seeing the awesome support for Side-events.
Pre-release run 9-3pm
If you play in an earlier one you may catch a later one- there were several running last year- it's a matter of attendance

count on it being 20 each
Prizes last year were based on how many wins- I would see them doing prize structure the same as current prerelease's running- 4packs to everyone regardless
a little more info

Cost is 20 confirmed
One starting every hour
Each pre-release will have 64 players with max 6 rounds no play offs
Prize structure- each player who plays in prerelease will receive additional packs of Unseen- how many??