FAQ for Celestial Storm

Below please find the FAQ for the new Celestial Storm set. These will also be sent out by Organized Play to those authorized to run Prereleases, but we are posting them here as well for the convenience of Judges who won’t have access to that email.
They should also be on the Professor Forums tomorrow in a nicely formatted doc with color graphics, but if you want to save on ink, you can download our simplified version here: FAQ-SM07
Same rulings, just without the logos and graphics.
SM: Celestial Storm – FAQ
== EXTEND (Metagross – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. If you move Metagross with the “Extend” Ability to your bench after playing Steven’s Resolve, will your turn immediately end?
A. No, Extend only prevents your turn from ending as a result of playing Steven’s Resolve, after which your turn simply continues as normal.
== LAZY (Slaking – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. What happens if both Slaking with “Lazy” and Garbodor with “Garbotoxin” in play? Do they cancel each other out or what?
A. It depends on the order in which each Ability gets activated. Both Lazy & Garbotoxin require a condition in order to activate (either being the Active Pokemon or having a Tool attached), so when one of the abilities is active the other one is prevented. But if the ability gets disabled (like if Slaking is no longer the Active Pokemon or if Garbodor loses its attached Tool), then the other ability can activate even if it was previously prevented.
== MAGIC EVENS (Mr.Mime GX – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. Can Choice Band be used to get around Mr.Mime GX’s “Magic Evens” Ability that blocks even amounts of damage?
A. Yes, the Choice Band and all other effects that may adjust the attack total are factored into the amount of damage being done before Mr.Mime GX’s Ability is checked.
== SHADY MOVE (Banette GX – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. What are the rules for using Banette GX’s “Shady Move” Ability?
A. You can move 1 damage counter from any Pokemon in play to another Pokemon in play; it can be different players’ Pokemon or it can be the same player’s Pokemon (either you or your opponent).
Q. If there is more than one Banette GX in play can the player perform “Shady Move” more than once (i.e. perform Shady Move with active, then retreat, switch, etc., perform it again with the new active)?
A. Yes, you could do that. However, going to the bench does not allow the same Banette GX to do Shady Move again; you are limited to one Shady Move per Banette GX per turn, assuming you can get them into the active slot.
== WISH UPON A STAR (Jirachi {*} – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. What do I do with Jirachi {*}’s “Wish Upon a Star” Ability if my bench is full?
A. If you cannot put Jirachi {*} onto the bench, you just put it into your hand but do not draw another prize.
== BLAZE OUT GX (Blaziken GX – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. For Blaziken GX’s “Blaze Out GX” attack, can I choose to discard two DCE’s if I want?
A. Yes, you can choose to discard one energy from each of the two DCE’s, resulting in both cards being discarded.
== EVEN GAME (Luvdisc – SM: Celestial Storm)
Q. If my bench is full and I use Luvdisc’s “Even Game” attack, does that allow me to exceed my normal bench size like Sky Field does?
A. Sorry, but no. You can’t put more Pokemon on your bench than you are allowed to.
== GIGA DRAIN (Dhelmise – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. If Dhelmise does “Giga Drain” and the Defending Pokemon only has 10 HP left, does Dhelmise still heal itself for 30 damage?
A. Yes, because the 30 damage is still done, even though it is more than enough to KO the Defending Pokemon.
== HARDEN (Seedot – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. If I use Seedot’s “Harden” attack which prevents any attack damage that is 40 or less during the opponent’s next turn, does that come before or after calculating for Weakness/Resistance?
A. Weakness & Resistance are factored in before determining whether Harden blocks it or not. So if a fire Pokemon’s attack does 30 damage to Seedot and then +30 more is added for Seedot’s Weakness, Harden would not prevent the damage. However, if the fire Pokemon’s attack does 20 damage to Seedot and then +20 more is added for Seedot’s Weakness, Harden would prevent the damage.
== METEOR MASH (Metagross – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. If I use Metagross’ “Meteor Mash” attack several turns in succession, does the damage keep piling up as 60, 120, 180, 240, etc.?
A. No, Meteor Mash tops out at 120. It only adds +60 to the base 60 damage, it does not accumulate on successive turns.
== PHEROMONE CATCH (Volbeat – SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. What happens if I try to use Volbeat’s “Pheromone Catch” attack, but Illumise was KO’d during my opponent’s previous turn?
A. Volbeat’s Pheromone Catch is a game state check; it doesn’t matter if Illumise is even in play anymore. As long as one of your Illumise used Pheromone Signals during your previous turn, you get the bonus when using Pheromone Catch.
== APRICORN MAKER (SM:Celestial Storm)
Q. Can Apricorn Maker be used to search for the Trainer “Bursting Balloon”? Taking the card literally, Bursting *BALL*oon contains the exact same “Ball” as given on Apricorn Maker.
A. Of course not, don’t be silly! You can only search for cards like Poke Ball, Ultra Ball, Beast Ball, etc.
Q. Can Apricorn Maker be used to search for “Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick” since it has the word “Ball” in its name?
A. Nope, Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick is a Supporter, not an Item card.