SM: Lost Thunder – FAQ

Lost Thunder Prereleases are getting under way, with some locations running Friday night (midnight) events.
Pokemon should be sending emails out to those Tournament Organizers with the FAQs for the set, but for those organizers not seeing it in their emails, and for judges who are not on the mailing list, attached below is a pdf with the rulings.
It’s not as pretty as the one Pokemon will send out, but it’s got all the rulings and will save you some color ink.
For your convenience, we have also listed the rulings directly below.
Enjoy your events everyone!
== ALMIGHTY EVOLUTION (Ditto {*} – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Can you evolve Ditto {*} into a Stage 1 Pokemon and then on a later turn place a new, different Stage 1 Pokemon onto it?
A. No, not unless you have devolved Ditto {*} somehow during a previous turn.
Q. If I have placed a Stage 1 Pokemon onto Ditto {*}, can I later evolve that into the corresponding Stage 2 Pokemon?
A. Yes, you can!
== CHARMED CHARM (Tapu Lele – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Can you choose to not Confuse your opponent’s active Pokemon if you attach Fairy Charm to a Tapu Lele that has the “Charmed Charm” Ability?
A. Yes, it is optional.
== FLORAL PATH TO THE SKY (Skiploom – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. What happens if I use Skiploom’s “Floral Path to the Sky” Ability but fail to find a Jumpluff in my deck?
A. Skiploom stays in play, and since you searched your deck the ability is used up for the turn.
Q. What happens to any damage counters on Skiploom when it uses its “Floral Path to the Sky” Ability? Do they go on the Jumpluff that takes Skiploom’s place?
A. Any damage counters on Skiploom are removed when it goes to the Lost Zone; they do not transfer to the Jumpluff that takes its place. Special conditions are not transferred to the new Jumpluff either.
== GET LOST (Tyranitar GX – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. If you Knock Out a Pokemon using one of Tyranitar GX’s attacks, do you get to take a prize card if the Pokemon is sent to the Lost Zone due to Tyranitar GX’s “Get Lost” Ability?
A. Yes, you do. It is still Knocked Out.
== BREEZE AWAY GX (Virizion GX – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Can I scoop up Virizion GX as part of its own “Breeze Away GX” attack?
A. Yes, you can.
== EYE OPENER (Poipole – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. When I look at my face-down Prize cards with Poipole’s “Eye Opener” attack, do I have to put them back in the same order?
A. Yes, you only get to look at them, you don’t get to rearrange them.
== LOST PURGE GX (Lugia GX – SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Does using Lugia GX’s “Lost Purge GX” attack count as KO’ing a Pokemon?
A. No, it does not. You are moving the opponent’s Active Pokemon and all cards attached to the Lost Zone, and since it does not count as a KO you don’t get to take any prizes for it.
== KAHILI (SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Can I play Kahili if there’s only one card left in my deck?
A. If you can draw at least 1 card from your deck, you can use Kahili and do the coin flip part. But if you can’t draw any cards, you can’t use it.
== LUSAMINE {*} (SM:Lost Thunder)
Q. Is there any way to clear the effect of Lusamine {*}?
A. No, however any attacks that ignore effects on the Defending Pokemon would get through its effect.