SM: Unified Minds FAQs

Prereleases for the new Sun & Moon set Unified Minds start tomorrow night (for those doing a midnight event), so here are some FAQs for you.
If you have any questions that we didn’t think of for card combos within the set, let us know.
We plan on doing other combo questions for cards from outside the set, but if you want, ask about those as well so we make sure to cover them.
FAQ – Unified Minds
SM: Unified Minds – FAQ
== BURNING ROAD (Heatran GX – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Does Heatran GX’s “Burning Road” Ability work if it becomes your Active Pokémon as a result of an attack like Archeops’ “U-turn”?
A. As long as Heatran GX becomes your Active Pokémon during YOUR turn, it can use Burning Road.
== BURSTING SPORES (Amoonguss – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. If I evolve my Shroomish into Breloom (which has the Spore attack), can I use Amoonguss’s “Bursting Spores” Ability?
A. Yes, because you have played a Pokémon that has the Spore attack from your hand during your turn.
== CAPTIVATING WINK (Mawile GX – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Mawile GX’s “Captivating Wink” Ability says to put any number of Basic Pokémon you find in your opponent’s hand onto their Bench. Does this allow you to put more than 5 Pokémon on the bench?
A. No, Captivating Wink does not allow you to exceed the normal limits of the game. You can put any number of Basic Pokémon onto your opponent’s Bench up to the maximum size of the Bench.
Q. Can you use Mawile GX’s “Captivating Wink” Ability if your opponent’s Bench is full?
A. No. It’s public knowledge that you can’t put down any additional Basic Pokémon on your opponent’s Bench, so you cannot play the card.
Q. What happens if I use Steelix’s “Gigaton Shake” attack, and then my opponent uses Mawile GX’s “Captivating Wink” Ability during their turn? Would those Pokémon I put into play be able to attack on my next turn (since it was not during MY turn)?
A. No, they would not be able to attack.
== DURABLE BLADE (Aegislash – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. If Aegislash with the “Durable Blade” Ability is Knocked Out by damage from my opponent’s attack, do I put its underlying Doublade and/or Honedge cards into my hand or into the Discard Pile?
A. You put all the Pokémon in the evolution line into your hand. Any other cards attached such as Tools or Energy are discarded.
== SNACK SEARCH (Munchlax – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. If I try to use Munchlax’s “Snack Search” Ability and flip Tails, is my turn still over?
A. Yes, it is. Even if you don’t flip Heads, the Ability is still considered “used”.
== CLEAR VISION GX (Latios GX – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. If my opponent has used Latios GX’s “Clear Vision GX” attack, can I use a GX attack that ignores effects?
A. No, because you don’t even get to start using the GX attack.
Q. If my opponent has used Latios GX’s “Clear Vision GX” attack, do I get to draw 7 cards if I use Hala?
A. No, getting hit by Clear Vision GX doesn’t mean you have used your GX attack for the game.
== GG END GX (Garchomp & Giratina GX – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Can I use Garchomp & Giratina GX’s “GG End GX” attack to remove all of my opponent’s Pokémon from play?
A. Yes, if your opponent only has 1 (or 2, with the extra energy) in play, you could remove those Pokémon. Then you win the game!
== GIGATON SHAKE (Steelix – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. What happens if I use Steelix’s “Gigaton Shake” attack, and then my opponent uses Mawile GX’s “Captivating Wink” Ability during their turn? Would those Pokémon I put into play be able to attack on my next turn (since it was not during MY turn)?
A. No, they would not be able to attack.
Q. If I used Steelix’s “Gigaton Shake” on my previous turn, would Channeler allow my Pokémon to attack this turn?
A. Yes, the effect of Gigaton Shake would be removed, and your Pokémon would be able to attack.
== INJECTION GX (Naganadel GX – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. When I use Naganadel GX’s “Injection GX” attack, am I allowed to mix up my opponent’s prize cards so they don’t know which card I added to their prizes?
A. No, you may not. When Injection GX adds a card from the discard pile you must not disturb the placement of any prize cards the opponent still has in play.
Q. If I use Naganadel GX’s “Injection GX” attack during a Tiebreaker game, do I win?
A. Yes.
== SAGE’S RIDDLE (Oranguru – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. For Oranguru’s “Sage’s Riddle” attack, if I put down a Pokémon with more than one type does the opponent have to guess both of its types?
A. No, they only have to guess one of the Pokémon’s types in order to get it right.
== SPIRIT BURNER (Chandelure – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. When using Chandelure’s “Spirit Burner” attack, can I place any discarded Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokémon directly onto my bench?
A. Yes, you can. However, because of the order of this attack, you cannot put a Prism Star card onto your Bench
== SPITEFUL SIGH (Froslass – SM:Unified Minds)
Q. When using Froslass’ “Spiteful Sigh” attack, can you put more damage counters on Froslass than it has remaining HP?
A. Yes, you can.
Q. If I use Froslass’ “Spiteful Sigh” attack to put enough damage counters on Froslass to leave less than 40 HP on it, will its attack be prevented if Blizzard Town is in play?
A. No, its remaining HP is checked for Blizzard Town before you place the damage counters onto Froslass.
== BLAINE’S QUIZ SHOW (SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Could I play Blaine’s Quiz Show and put down Munchlax which has no attack?
A. No. You can only choose to put down a Pokémon that has an attack you can declare to your opponent.
== BLUE’S TACTICS (SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Can I play Blue’s Tactics if I have more than 8 cards in my hand?
A. Yes, because you could still have less than 8 cards in your hand by the end of your turn.
== CHANNELER (SM:Unified Minds)
Q. If I used Steelix’s “Gigaton Shake” on my previous turn, would Channeler allow my Pokémon to attack this turn?
A. Yes, the effect of Gigaton Shake would be removed, and your Pokémon would be able to attack.
== HAPU (SM:Unified Minds)
Q. What happens if I play Hapu with less than 6 cards in my deck?
A. You would put 2 cards (or 1 if you only have 1 card in your deck) in your hand and discard the rest.
== RECYCLE ENERGY (Neo: Genesis Expansion; SM:Unified Minds)
Q. Does Recycle Energy go back into your hand if it is discarded by your opponent’s Giratina’s “Dimension Breach” Ability?
A. Yes it would.
Q. Does “Recycle Energy” go back into your hand if you discard it as part of a retreat cost? Does it go back into your hand if it’s attached to a Pokémon that gets knocked out?
A. Yes in both cases. But don’t be discarding it from your hand as part of an effect or Trainer cost and expect to get it back though. Also, if something sends Recycle Energy to the Lost Zone, you won’t get it back from there.