Cosmic Eclipse FAQ are here!

Professors and players, here are the FAQs for the new Cosmic Eclipse set.
We have them as a PDF (the link is at the end, and posted here for your convenience. It’s a big set, so there are a lot of questions.
SM: Cosmic Eclipse – FAQ
== BLINKING LIGHTS (Lanturn – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. Using Lanturn’s “Blinking Lights” Ability, may I repeatedly look at the top card of my opponent’s deck, even if the deck has not changed?
A. Yes, as long as it does not waste time or interfere with your opponent’s play. [Note that doing it to manipulate or waste time in the match can be penalized.]
== BLOW-AWAY BOMB (Koffing – SM:Cosmic Eclipse; Weezing – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. When I use Roxie to discard two Pokemon that each have the “Blow-Away Bomb” Ability, do those abilities stack so I can place two damage counters on each of my opponent’s Pokemon?
A. Yes, each of the Pokemon gets to use their own “Blow-Away Bomb” Ability when discarded by Roxie.
== DANCE OF TRIBUTE (Oricorio GX – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If my Lillie’s Poke Doll was Knocked Out by my opponent, can I use Oricorio GX’s “Dance of Tribute” Ability?
A. Yes, even though they didn’t take a prize, Lillie’s Poke Doll was still considered a Knock Out of one of your Pokemon.
== FLOWER PICKING (Florges – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. With Florges’ “Flower Picking” Ability, can I use it when my opponent only has one card in their hand? Or can I use it to shuffle in only one card instead of two if my opponent has two or more cards?
A. If the opponent only has one card in their hand you do as much as you can, so they reveal & shuffle in the one card. But if your opponent has two or more cards in their hand you must choose two of them, not just one.
== SCATTER (Wishiwashi – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. For Wishiwashi’s “Scatter” Ability, when does this check for damage counters happen, before “in between turns” when Poison counters are placed or afterward?
A. After your opponent concludes their end of turn actions including all effects of attack and cleaning up any KO, then before in between turns you check for any damage counters on Wishiwashi that would trigger Scatter to shuffle Wishiwashi and all cards attached into your deck.
== ALTERED CREATION GX (Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. When I use Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX’s “Altered Creation GX” attack do I take an extra Prize card only if I Knock Out that Active Pokemon with an attack, or do I take an extra Prize for ANY of my opponent’s Active Pokemon that get KO’d by my attacks during the rest of the game?
A. You get to take an extra prize if your Pokemon’s attack Knocks Out ANY of your opponent’s Active Pokemon during the rest of the game, not just the one that was the Defending Pokemon at the time of the Altered Creation GX attack.
== BRILLIANT FLARE (Charizard & Braixen GX – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. Do I have to take any cards from my deck if I use Charizard & Braixen GX’s “Brilliant Flare” attack?
A. It says “may”, so you can choose to not search your deck; but if you do search you must take at least one card from it.
== IMPERSONATION (Mimikyu – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If I’m not allowed to play a Supporter card for some reason, can I still use Mimikyu’s “Impersonation” attack to use the effect of a Supporter?
A. Sure. You are not playing the Supporter, just using its effect.
Q. If I use Mimikyu’s “Impersonation” attack, do I get to use the “when you play this card” part of Tag Team Supporters or not?
A. Impersonation gets to use all effects of the card; you still do the entire part of the card even if you’re not “playing” it (but you still have to pay any required costs).
== MASSIVE CATCH (Wishiwashi GX – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. What happens if my bench is full when I use Wishiwashi GX’s “Massive Catch”? Can I put down more Pokemon than I would normally have space for on my bench?
A. Sorry, but no. You can’t put more Pokemon on your bench than you are allowed to.
== MIRROR SHOT (Magnemite – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If my opponent used Magnemite’s “Mirror Shot” attack last turn, and I try to use my GX attack this turn and flip tails, do I lose the ability to use a GX attack for the rest of the game?
A. No, because since you flipped tails the attack “doesn’t happen”.
== RECALL (Empoleon – SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. For Empoleon’s “Recall” attack, do I need to meet the energy requirements for the attack chosen from the previous Evolution?
A. You do not need to meet the energy requirement from the previous Evolution’s attack, but if that attack requires you to do something with energy (like discarding an energy card) you must follow that attack’s instructions.
Q. Can you choose the order of effects when playing a Tag Team Supporter, or do you have to do them in the order stated on the card?
A. You must do them in the order stated on the card. However, you don’t have to meet the criteria for the first effect in order to do the second effect; for example, if the first effect says to search your deck but you don’t have any cards in your deck you can still do the second effect as long as you meet its criteria.
== BELLELBA & BRYCEN-MAN (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can play Bellelba & Brycen-Man as long as there’s at least 1 card in either player’s deck. It can also be played by discarding 3 cards from your hand if at least 1 player has more than 3 Benched Pokemon. But if at least 1 player doesn’t have more than 3 Benched Pokemon, you cannot discard cards from your hand.
== CHAOTIC SWELL (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If I try to play a Stadium card but it is discarded by the effect of Chaotic Swell stadium, can I play another one?
A. No, it was immediately discarded without effect, but you already played a Stadium card which can only be done once per turn.
== CYNTHIA & CAITLIN (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can play Cynthia & Caitlin as long as there’s a Supporter card in your discard pile. You can also play it by discarding a card from your hand if there’s at least 1 card in your deck. But if you have no cards in your deck, you cannot discard a card from your hand.
== ERIKA (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. Can I play Erika if both I and my opponent decide not to draw any cards?
A. Yes, because it is not known by you or the game whether your opponent will draw cards or not.
== GUZMA & HALA (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can do any part of Guzma & Hala as long as there’s at least 1 card in your deck.
Q. When I play Guzma & Hala, can I discard the Stadium I searched for as one of the 2 cards discarded to search for the Tool and Special Energy?
A. If you want to do the second effect you have to discard 2 cards “when you play this card”, that is before you search for the Stadium.
Q. When I play Guzma & Hala, after I search my deck for a Stadium, do I have to shuffle first if I’m also going to search for Special Energy and a Tool?
A. You can skip the shuffling after the Stadium search as long as you clearly tell your opponent you’re doing the second part of the card. So if you’re doing both parts you first discard two cards from your hand, then search for any Stadium you’re going to take, then search for the Tool and Special Energy, then shuffle your deck.
Q. If I attach Island Challenge Amulet to a Pokemon-GX that has less than 100 HP left and it’s Knocked Out, does my opponent take only 1 prize?
A. No. You only get the reduction in Prize Cards taken if it is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent’s attack.
== LILLIE’s POKE DOLL (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If my Lillie’s Poke Doll was Knocked Out by my opponent, can I use Oricorio GX’s “Dance of Tribute” Ability?
A. Yes, even though they didn’t take a prize, Lillie’s Poke Doll was still considered a Knock Out of one of your Pokemon.
== MALLOW & LANA (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can play Mallow & Lana as long as you have a Benched Pokemon. But if your Active Pokemon is not damaged, you cannot discard 2 cards from your hand.
== MISTY & LORELEI (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can play Misty & Lorelei for the base effect as long as there’s at least 1 card in your deck. You can always play it by discarding 5 cards from your hand.
Q. When I play Misty & Lorelei, can I discard one or more of the 3 {W} energy I searched for as part of the 5 cards discarded to get the re-use of my GX attack on this turn?
A. No. You have to discard 5 cards “when you play this card”. That is before you search for the {W} energy cards.
Q. Can I use the second part of Misty & Lorelei to discard 5 cards if I have not already used my GX attack for the game?
A. No, you cannot. If you haven’t used your GX attack yet, you can’t discard 5 cards from your hand.
== RED & BLUE (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
* You can do any part of Red & Blue as long as there’s a Pokemon in play that can evolve into a Pokemon-GX AND there’s at least 1 card in your deck.
== ROXIE (SM:Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. When I use Roxie to discard two Pokemon that each have the “Blow-Away Bomb” Ability, do those abilities stack so I can place two damage counters on each of my opponents Pokemon?
A. Yes, each of the Pokemon gets to use their own “Blow-Away Bomb” Ability when discarded by Roxie.
Q. If an opponent KO’s my Unidentified Fossil do they get to take a prize?
A. Yes, that’s part of being treated as if it were a “Basic Pokemon”. Your opponent takes a prize when Unidentified Fossil is knocked out, but not if you discard it from play. (Feb 8, 2018 TPCi Rules Team)
== WILL (SM: Cosmic Eclipse)
Q. If my Pokémon is Confused, can I use the effect of Will to choose heads for the Special Condition?
A. No, that isn’t something that Will can affect.
Q. If my opponent used Magnemite’s “Mirror Shot” last turn, can I use the effect of Will to choose heads for the effect of the attack?
A. Yes, that is considered an effect of an attack, so that works.