Rebel Clash FAQ

Pokemon Players, the Prereleases may have been cancelled, but the set is still coming out and retailers that ran prereleases are going to be selling PR kits starting today. So, for those of you who are going to play some mini Rebel Clash PRs at home, here is the FAQ.
SW: Rebel Clash – FAQ
== FIELD RUNNER (Cinderace V – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. What happens if Cinderace V with the “Field Runner” Ability is in play while Galar Mine is also in play?
A. Cinderace V would have no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
== IRON DEFENSE FORMATION (Falinks V – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. When using Falinks V’S “Iron Defense Formation” Ability or Falinks’ “Team Attack” attack, do I get to count any Falinks V I have in play too?
A. Yes, because Falinks V has “Falinks” in its name.
== MIND HAT (Hatterene – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. Can I use Hatterene’s “Mind Hat” Ability if I don’t have any cards in my hand? Or if my opponent doesn’t have any cards in their hand?
A. As long as either player has a card in their hand, you can use Mind Hat.
== TOP ENTRY (Lampent – SW:Rebel Clash; Lombre – SW:Rebel Clash; Luxio – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. If I draw a Pokemon with the “Top Entry” Ability during my first turn of the game, can I put it onto my bench right away?
A. Sure, but remember you must do this BEFORE it gets into your hand.
Q. If I have a Pokemon with the “Top Entry” Ability in my starting hand at the beginning of the game, can I put it onto my Bench?
A. No, you may not. In order to use Top Entry it has to be drawn from your deck at the beginning of your turn, but your turn has not started while you’re setting up at the beginning of the game.
== DRAG OFF (Nidoking – SM:Team Up; Malamar V – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I do 30 damage to their active Pokemon when I use Malamar V’s “Drag Off” attack?
A. No. Damage is only done to the “new Active Pokemon”. If there is no switch, then no damage is done
== GYRO BALL (Bronzong – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. What happens if I use Bronzong’s “Gyro Ball” attack but I don’t have any benched Pokemon?
A. You have to switch Bronzong if you are able to; the “if you do” part refers to when you have no Benched Pokemon. So if Bronzong doesn’t switch the opponent’s Active Pokemon doesn’t switch either.
== NINE-TAILED SHAPESHIFTER (Ninetales V – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. When using Ninetales V’s “Nine-Tailed Shapeshifter” attack, do I need to have the correct amount and types of energy that match the opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attack that I’m choosing?
A. No, you do not. You only need the energy required by the Nine-Tailed Shapeshifter attack.
== TEAM ATTACK (Falinks – SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. When using Falinks V’S “Iron Defense Formation” Ability or Falinks’ “Team Attack” attack, do I get to count any Falinks V I have in play too?
A. Yes, because Falinks V has “Falinks” in its name.
== GALAR MINE (SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. What happens if Cinderace V with the “Field Runner” Ability is in play while Galar Mine is also in play?
A. Cinderace V would have no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
== SCOOP UP NET (SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. When playing Scoop Up Net, do I put all Pokemon stages into my hand or just the Basic or highest stage?
A. You put all of the Pokemon cards into your hand, including all Stages if applicable.
== SONIA (SW:Rebel Clash)
Q. When using Sonia can I get one Pokemon and one Basic Energy card?
A. No, you can get up to two of one kind or the other; you cannot mix & match.