Darkness Ablaze FAQ

Pokemon Players, the Prereleases are still on hold due to the pandemic, but Darkness Ablaze is on the way and retailers that ran prereleases are going to be selling PR kits starting today, Saturday August 1st.
So, for those of you who are going to play some mini Darkness Ablaze PRs at home, here is the FAQ.
FAQ-SW03 DAA Darkness Ablaze final
SW: Darkness Ablaze – FAQ
== DARK ASSET (Crobat V – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If I play Crobat V to the bench and use its “Dark Asset” Ability, can I use Super Scoop Up to bring it back to my hand then put it down to use “Dark Asset” again on the same turn?
A. Sorry, but the ability says that you may use ONLY ONE Dark Asset per turn, this applies regardless of whether any other Pokemon have used it.
== DARKNESS GUARD (Darkrai – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If I use Rhyperior V’s “Drill Run” attack against a Darkrai with “Darkness Guard” Ability and only one Darkness Energy card attached, does Darkrai take 20 less damage before discarding the Darkness Energy or is the energy card discarded before the damage is reduced?
A. If an attack discards energy from the Defending Pokemon, the damage reduction happens first and then apply any attack effects.
== ETERNAL ZONE (Eternatus VMAX – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If you have 2 Darkness Pokemon on the bench and an Eternatus VMAX with the “Eternal Zone” Ability, can you play a non-Darkness Pokemon onto your bench?
A. No, you cannot put any non-Darkness type Pokemon into play. This includes things that would put non-Darkness type Pokemon directly into play, not just playing them from your hand!
Q. If you have 8 Darkness Pokemon on your bench including a Weavile, and you devolve it into a Water type Sneasel, can you discard just the Sneasel and stop, or do you have to continue discarding benched Pokemon down to 5?
A. Once you begin discarding Pokemon you must complete the full action of getting down to 5 benched Pokemon, even if you don’t have any non-Darkness Pokemon on your bench any more.
Q. If I have an Eternatus VMAX with “Eternal Zone” Ability and less than 8 Pokemon (all Darkness type) on my bench, can I use Giratina’s “Distortion Door” Ability to put it from the discard pile onto my bench and use its effect before it is discarded?
A. No, you cannot even put it onto your bench because it is a non-Darkness Pokemon.
== PRIMAL LAW (Dracovish – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. Can you use Pokemon Breeder’s Nurturing to evolve Pokemon if Dracovish’s “Primal Law” Ability is active?
A. Yes, you can still use Pokemon Breeder’s Nurturing since the Pokemon is coming from the deck and not from your hand.
== ASSAULT GATE (Hoopa – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If I use Hoopa’s “Assault Gate” attack after I move it up to replace a Pokemon that was KO’d by an opponent’s attack, does it do anything?
A. No, Hoopa was moved to the Active Spot during the opponent’s turn, not during “this turn”.
== CAPTIVATE (Steenee – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If I use Steenee’s “Captivate” attack while Spikemuth stadium is in play, does the opponent put any damage counters on their Pokemon?
A. No, Captivate would not trigger Spikemuth since it was not moved during the opponent’s turn.
== CAPTIVATING TAIL (Delcatty – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, does their Active Pokemon become Confused when I use Delcatty’s “Captivating Tail” attack?
A. No. Confusion is only done to the “new Active Pokemon”. If there is no switch, the Active Pokemon is not Confused.
== G-MAX CENTIFERNO (Centiscorch VMAX – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. When using Centiscorch VMAX’s “G-Max Centiferno” attack, do I get +40 more damage for the Fire energy I attach during the attack?
A. No, the attachment of Fire Energy from the discard pile takes place after the damage calculation of the attack is done. Also, you don’t get to attach the Fire Energy if the attack didn’t do any damage.
== RETURN (Carnivine – SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. When using Carnivine’s “Return” attack, do I have to draw until there are five cards in my hand, or may I stop with less than five?
A. You do not have to draw any cards, but if you choose to do so you must end up with exactly five cards in your hand; no more, no less.
== BILLOWING SMOKE (SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. How does Billowing Smoke work with Greedy Dice or Jirachi {*} and its “Wish Upon a Star” Ability?
A. If you KO a Pokemon with Billowing Smoke attached, you do not get to use Greedy Dice nor Wish Upon a Star since neither of those cards would be going into your hand. Any Prize cards that would be taken for a Pokemon that has Billowing Smoke attached are discarded, not taken.
== BIRD KEEPER (SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. What happens if I play Bird Keeper but there aren’t any Pokemon on my bench?
A. If you only have one Pokemon in play, you cannot play Bird Keeper.
Q. Can you use Pokemon Breeder’s Nurturing to evolve Pokemon if Dracovich’s “Primal Law” Ability is active?
A. Yes, you can still use Pokemon Breeder’s Nurturing since the Pokemon is coming from the deck and not from your hand.
== SPIKEMUTH (SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. If I use Steenee’s “Captivate” attack while Spikemuth stadium is in play, does the opponent put any damage counters on their Pokemon?
A. No, Captivate would not trigger Spikemuth since it was not moved during the opponent’s turn.
== HIDING ENERGY (SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. Does Galar Mine add {*}{*} to the Retreat Cost of a Darkness Pokemon with Hiding Energy attached?
A. Nope, if a Pokemon’s Retreat Cost is set to zero by an effect such as Hiding Energy, it cannot be increased by Galar Mine.
== POWERFUL ENERGY (SW:Darkness Ablaze)
Q. Does Poweful Energy stack?
A. Yes, it does.