Introducing the Pokémon Team Challenge!

The Play! Pokémon Team Challenge is a global online event designed to offer Play! Stores new ways to engage with their local Pokémon Trading Card Game Community and compete with other Stores around the world to see who will be the very best!
The Play! Pokémon Team Challenge will be run on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online platform, but deliver the feeling of an in-store tournament whilst maintaining safe, social distancing in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization and local, regional, and national health authorities worldwide.
Stores from around the world who are already members of the Play! Pokémon Program and run regular Pokémon Leagues in store can take part in the Pokémon Team Challenge! Each eligible Store will run 4 Qualifiers, creating a team where the 4 winners from their local community will go on to represent their Store in the Play-Offs to crown the Best Team in the Pokémon Team Challenge.
Registration for Qualifiers begins on November 27th – check with your local store to see if they are participating.