SWSH: Battle Styles FAQ

* You can have four Single Strike Urshifu V and four Rapid Strike Urshifu V in your deck because “Single Strike” and “Rapid Strike” are part of the card name for these cards. Also, Single Strike Urshifu VMAX must evolve from Single Strike Urshifu V (and vice versa for the Rapid Strike ones).
== DEEP SEA KING (Kingdra – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I have Kingdra with the “Deep Sea King” Ability on the bench and my opponent uses Heatmor’s “Burning Licks” attack that discards energy cards from my Active Pokemon and also knocks it out, can I move those energy cards to Kingdra before they are discarded?
A. No, the discard effect of the attack happens first, but you don’t move energy for Deep Sea King until after you resolve the Knock Out.
== DUMMY DOLL (Mimikyu V – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I play Mimikyu V with the “Dummy Doll” Ability to my Bench and then make it Active, does it keep the protective effect of “Dummy Doll”, or is that removed when it moves from the Bench to the Active Spot?
A. You keep the protective effect of the Ability; it’s not like losing an attack effect when moving from the Active Spot to the Bench.
Q. If my Mimikyu V with the “Dummy Doll” Ability protection is moved to or from my Bench during my opponent’s turn by a switching action such as Boss’s Orders is it no longer protected?
A. It is still protected. It is an effect from an Ability, not from an attack, and so is not removed by moving to or from the bench.
== EXCITING STAGE (Kricketune V – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. Does going to the bench reset Kricketune V’s “Exciting Stage” Ability?
A. No. Even if it leaves play and comes back, you can still only use one Exciting Stage Ability per turn even if you have 2 different Kricketune V in play. It is a Game State check, not an effect.
== MAX VICTORY (Victini VMAX – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I use Victini V’s “V Bullet” attack or Victini VMax’s “Max Victory” attack and my opponent’s Active Pokemon is a VMax Pokemon, does the attack do more damage?
A. Yes, per the Rule Book, Pokemon VMAX are always considered to be Pokemon V.
== PULL (Cacturne – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I use Cacturne’s “Pull” attack, who chooses which Pokemon becomes Active?
A. The attacking player chooses which of the opponent’s Pokemon becomes Active.
== PUSH DOWN (Tapu Bulu – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I use Tapu Bulu’s “Push Down” attack, who chooses which Pokemon becomes Active?
A. Your opponent chooses.
== SELICKT (Lickilicky – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If my opponent used Lickilicky’s “Selickt” attack, can I choose the option to discard from my hand if I have less than 3 cards in my hand?
A. If you have no cards in your hand, you must discard cards from your deck. But if you have at least 1 card in your hand, you can choose either option.
== V BULLET (Victini V – SW:Battle Styles)
Q. If I use Victini V’s “V Bullet” attack or Victini VMax’s “Max Victory” attack and my opponent’s Active Pokemon is a VMax Pokemon, does the attack do more damage?
A. Yes, per the Rule Book, Pokemon VMAX are always considered to be Pokemon V.
== CHERYL (SW:Battle Styles)
Q. When I play Cheryl, can I choose not to heal one of my Pokemon that only has a few damage counters on it so I can avoid discarding the Energy attached to it?
A. No, there is no choice. All of your Evolution Pokemon that have any damage counters on them will be healed and have to discard their energy when you play Cheryl.
Q. Can you have four Rapid Strike Style Mustard and four Single Strike Style Mustard in the same deck?
A. Yes, you can.