Lost Origin FAQ

== HAZARD STAR (Drapion VSTAR – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Drapion VSTAR’s “Hazard Star” VSTAR Ability to poison my opponent’s Pokemon with 3 damage counters during Pokemon Checkup, and I have Radiant Hisuian Sneasler with the “Poison Peak” Ability in play, does my opponent put 3 or 5 damage counters on their poisoned Pokemon during checkup?
A. Five damage counters. Poison Peak adds 2 damage counters to whatever the current number of damage counters are being placed for poison.
== LETHARGY SPORE (Parasect – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Parasect’s “Lethargy Spore” Ability after a Pokemon has been attacked by Dustox’s “Nadir Powder”, how many counters are placed on the poisoned Pokemon during Pokemon checkup?
A. Lethargy Spore resets any specific number of damage counters for Poison to 1, therefore overriding Nadir Powder’s effect of 8 damage counters for Poison.
== MOON-WATCHING PARTY (Clefairy – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. After using Clefairy’s “Moon-Watching Party” Ability, if I switch or retreat for a benched Clefairy can I use its “Moon-Watching Party” Ability too?
A. Moon-Watching Party can be used by multiple different Clefairy if you get them into the Active Spot. However, if you bring up a Clefairy that has already used its Moon-Watching Party Ability this turn, it cannot use it a second time.
== POISON PEAK (Hisuian Sneasler – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Drapion VSTAR’s “Hazard Star” VSTAR Ability to poison my opponent’s Pokemon with 3 damage counters during Pokemon Checkup, and I have Radiant Hisuian Sneasler with the “Poison Peak” Ability in play, does my opponent put 3 or 5 damage counters on their poisoned Pokemon during checkup?
A. Five damage counters. Poison Peak adds 2 damage counters to whatever the current number of damage counters are being placed for poison.
== PUPPET OFFERING (Banette – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. When putting Banette into the Lost Zone with its “Puppet Offering” Ability, do you also put the underlying Shuppet card into the Lost Zone too?
A. Yes, the underlying card is part of the Pokemon; it is not “attached to” the Pokemon.
== ANCIENT STAR (Aerodactyl VSTAR – SW:Lost Origin)
Aerodactyl VSTAR retains the effect of its “Ancient Star” attack even if it goes to the Bench or becomes Active. If an effect like Path to the Peak stadium shuts off Abilities then Ancient Star is turned off, but if that effect goes away, the Ancient Star Ability returns. It will also count toward the number of Pokemon with an Ability in play.
== DOOM CURSE (Hisuian Zoroark – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Hisuian Zoroark’s “Doom Curse” attack and my opponent switches or retreats and brings up a new Active Pokemon, which of their Pokemon will be Knocked Out at the end of their next turn?
A. Neither! The effect of Doom Curse was on the attacked Pokemon and going to the bench removes all Attack Effects. So after the switch/retreat the Doom Curse effect is gone.
== FAN TORNADO (Shiftry – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Shiftry’s “Fan Tornado” attack and my opponent has an Active Pokemon that used its “Swim Freely” attack on their last turn, can I still choose to have them switch their Active Pokemon with a benched Pokemon if they flipped heads for “Swim Freely”?
A. No, the effect of Fan Tornado is targeting the Active Pokemon (not the Benched Pokemon), and therefore is prevented due to the effect of Swim Freely.
== LORDLY SONGLEADER (Politoed – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I have a Poliwag and a Poliwhirl and a Poliwrath all on my bench, does Politoed’s “Lordly Songleader” attack do additional damage for each one?
A. Yes, you get the additional bonuses once per Pokemon named in the attack, which you have on your bench.
Q. If I have multiple Poliwag on my bench, does Politoed’s “Lordly Songleader” attack do additional damage for each of those Pokemon?
A. You only get the additional bonus once per Pokemon named in the attack. For example, if you have two or more Poliwag on the bench you only get to add +60 once.
Q. If I have a Poliwrath on my bench that evolved from a Poliwag and a Poliwhirl do I get all of the damage bonuses for each of them?
A. No, you only look at the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
== LOST MINE (Sableye – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I have 5 cards in my Lost Zone and my opponent has 5 cards in their Lost Zone, can I use Sableye’s “Lost Mine” or Giratina VSTAR’s “Star Requiem” attack or Fantina?
A. No. Each player has a separate Lost Zone above their Prize Cards that they put cards into. You yourself must have 10 cards in your Lost Zone in order to do either of those attacks or to play Fantina.
== MAGICAL FIRE (Delphox V – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. When using Delphox V’s “Magical Fire” attack, do I still have to put 2 Energy attached to that Pokemon in the Lost Zone if my opponent doesn’t have any Benched Pokemon?
A. Yes, you must still put 2 Energy into the Lost Zone when using Magical Fire.
== NADIR POWDER (Dustox – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Parasect’s “Lethargy Spore” Ability after a Pokemon has been attacked by Dustox’s “Nadir Powder”, how many counters are placed on the poisoned Pokemon during Pokemon checkup?
A. Lethargy Spore resets any specific number of damage counters for Poison to 1, therefore overriding Nadir Powder’s effect of 8 damage counters for Poison.
== SCRAP SHORT (Rotom V – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. Do I have to have Tool cards in my discard pile in order to use Rotom V’s “Scrap Short” attack? Or if I have Tool cards in my discard pile, do I have to choose at least one of them to put into the Lost Zone?
A. You can use Scrap Short if you don’t have any Tool cards in your discard pile. Scrap Short does not require you to put any Tool cards into the Lost Zone; if you cannot or choose not to put any Tool cards into the Lost Zone it only does the base amount of damage.
== STAR REQUIEM (Giratina VSTAR – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I have 5 cards in my Lost Zone and my opponent has 5 cards in their Lost Zone, can I use Sableye’s “Lost Mine” or Giratina VSTAR’s “Star Requiem” attack or Fantina?
A. No. Each player has a separate Lost Zone above their Prize Cards that they put cards into. You yourself must have 10 cards in your Lost Zone in order to do either of those attacks or to play Fantina.
== SWIM FREELY (Dewgong – SW:Lost Origin; Seadra – SW:Lost Origin; Lumineon – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Shiftry’s “Fan Tornado” attack and my opponent has an Active Pokemon that used its “Swim Freely” attack on their last turn, can I still choose to have them switch their Active Pokemon with a benched Pokemon if they flipped heads for “Swim Freely”?
A. No, the effect of Fan Tornado is targeting the Active Pokemon (not the Benched Pokemon), and therefore is prevented due to the effect of Swim Freely.
== SYNCHRO KINESIS (Malamar – SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I use Malamar’s “Synchro Kinesis” attack and the only card that each of us have in common are Basic Energy cards, do I get to do the extra damage or not?
A. If you and your opponent both have Basic Energy of the same type in your hands, it’s a match. Professor’s Research and Boss’s Orders with different characters on them also count as matches.
== FANTINA (SW:Lost Origin)
Q. If I have 5 cards in my Lost Zone and my opponent has 5 cards in their Lost Zone, can I use Sableye’s “Lost Mine” or Giratina VSTAR’s “Star Requiem” attack or Fantina?
A. No. Each player has a separate Lost Zone above their Prize Cards that they put cards into. You yourself must have 10 cards in your Lost Zone in order to do either of those attacks or to play Fantina.