Silver Tempest FAQ

SW: Silver Tempest – FAQ
== ENTRUSTED WISHES (Radiant Jirachi – SW:Silver Tempest)
* When Radiant Jirachi is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent’s attack, using its “Entrusted Wishes” Ability is mandatory. You must search your deck, and you must take at least 1 card if you are able to.
== HEAT BOOST (Rapidash – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If I have multiple Rapidash in play can I use each one of their “Heat Boost” Abilities once per turn, or do I only get to use a maximum of one “Heat Boost” per turn regardless of how many I have in play?
{A. Each Rapidash can use its own Heat Boost during the turn, but only one time each. And when you use Heat Boost multiple times you have to discard a separate {R} Energy card for each one and your {R} Pokemon’s attacks do +30 more damage per Ability used.}
== NEEDLE LINE (Chesnaught V – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If I have multiple Chesnaught V with the “Needle Line” Ability in play, will each of them put 3 damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon, or does “Needle Line” only work for the Active Chesnaught V?
{A. Each separate Needle Line Ability will stack to add 3 more damage counters to the Attacking Pokemon, but only when the Active Chesnaught V is damaged by an attack.}
== SUMMONING STAR (Lugia VSTAR – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. Can I use Lugia VSTAR’s “Summoning Star” Ability to put a Colorless Stage 2 Pokemon from my discard pile directly onto my bench?
{A. Yes, Summoning Star can put any Stage of Colorless Pokemon onto the Bench from your discard pile as long as it doesn’t have a Rule Box.}
== STAR CIPHER (Unown VSTAR – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Unown VSTAR’s “Star Cipher” Ability, will my opponent’s Pokemon become weak to Psychic?
{A. If an opponent’s Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Star Cipher will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Psychic.}
== TRANSISTOR (Regieleki VMAX – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If I have multiple Regieleki VMAX with the “Transistor” Ability in play, will my Basic {L} Pokemon’s attacks do +30 more damage for each one?
{A. Yes, the Transistor Ability will stack.}
== FOLLOW-UP (Cobalion – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. For Cobalion’s “Follow-Up” attack, can I choose a Benched Pokemon, search for a basic Energy card and attach it, and then choose my second Benched Pokemon and search my deck for a basic Energy card to attach to it?
{A. No, you need to choose both (or choose only one) of your Benched Pokemon first before making any searches of your deck.}
== PURSUIT BLAST (Skuntank V – SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. When I use Skuntank V’s “Pursuit Blast” attack, do I get to do 120 damage if the opponent’s Benched Pokemon I choose was switched out of the Active Spot or no?
{A. No, Pursuit Blast only does 120 damage if the chosen Pokemon *retreated* during the opponent’s last turn.}
== EARTHEN SEAL STONE (SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. Can I use the VSTAR Powers of Earthen Seal Stone or Forest Seal Stone if they are attached to Pokemon-V that have not evolved into a Pokemon VSTAR yet?
{A. Yes, that is correct. But keep in mind that you still can’t use more than one VSTAR Power in a game, even if you evolve the Pokemon V into a Pokemon VSTAR later.}
== FOREST SEAL STONE (SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. Can I use the VSTAR Powers of Earthen Seal Stone or Forest Seal Stone if they are attached to Pokemon-V that have not evolved into a Pokemon VSTAR yet?
{A. Yes, that is correct. But keep in mind that you still can’t use more than one VSTAR Power in a game, even if you evolve the Pokemon V into a Pokemon VSTAR later.}
== QUAD STONE (SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If you somehow get 4 Quad Stone back into your hand, can you play them all to heal all your Pokemon again?
{A. Yes, you can.}
Q. If I have multiple Regenerative Energy cards attached to a Pokemon-V, will they each heal 100 damage when I evolve that Pokemon?
{A. Yes, Regenerative Energy will stack.}
== V GUARD ENERGY (SW:Silver Tempest)
Q. If I have multiple V Guard Energy cards attached to a single Pokemon, will they each prevent 30 damage from my opponent’s Pokemon V’s attacks?
{A. No, V Guard Energy does not stack. It specifically says on the card, “this effect can’t be applied more than once at a time to the same Pokemon”.}