Paldea Evolved Prerelease FAQ

Here are the FAQs for the new Pokemon TCG set SV: Paldea Evolved.
== ASSAULTING HUNT (Weavile – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If I bring up Weavile with the “Assaulting Hunt” Ability after my opponent KO’s my Active Pokemon, can I switch in 1 of their Benched Basic Pokemon to the Active Spot?
A. No, because Assaulting Hunt only works “during your turn”.
Q. If I use Bramblin’s “Ride the Wind” attack and flip heads, can I bring up Weavile and use its “Assaulting Hunt” Ability?
A. Yes, that’ll work because the Assaulting Hunt Ability is still happening during your turn.
== DRIFTING DODGE (Skiploom – SV:Paldea Evolved; Jumpluff – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. Does Tinkatuff’s “Pulverizing Press” attack do damage if Skiploom’s or Jumpluff’s “Drifting Dodge” Ability flips heads?
A. Yes, it does. Technically speaking you still flip the coin but regardless of the flip’s outcome the damage is not prevented.
== EXPLODING ENERGY (Forretress ex – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If I use Forretress ex’s “Exploding Energy” Ability, can I attach any of the Energy cards that I searched for to Forretress ex before it is knocked out?
A. Yes. They would then be discarded with the Forretress ex.
== FREEZING DISASTER (Abomasnow – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. Can I use Dedenne ex’s “Tail Swap” attack to move damage counters around if Abomasnow’s “Freezing Disaster” Ability is in play?
A. Yes you can, since “moving” damage counters is not the same as “healing” damage.}
== SQUAWK AND SEIZE (Squawkabilly ex – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. Can I use Squawkabilly ex’s “Squawk and Seize” Ability if I have no cards in my hand to discard?
A. Yes, you always have a hand even if it has zero cards in it.
== ANGRY GRUDGE (Annihilape ex – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If Annihilape ex only has 10HP left, can I use its “Angry Grudge” attack and place all 12 damage counters onto it?
A. Sure, ka-boom!!! You can put up to 12 damage counters on it even if it doesn’t have that much HP remaining. Annihilape ex will do 20x each damage counter that was placed, and at the end of the attack Annihilape ex will be knocked out.
== APPLY GEL (Quaxly – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If my opponent used Quaxly’s “Apply Gel” attack against Tinkatuff on their turn, could I use Tinkatuff’s “Pulverizing Press” attack and ignore the requirement to flip?
A. No, as long as the Apply Gel effect is on Tinkatuff you would have to flip heads in order to even start your attack.
== PULVERIZING PRESS (Tinkatuff – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. Does Tinkatuff’s “Pulverizing Press” attack do damage if Skiploom’s or Jumpluff’s “Drifting Dodge” Ability flips heads?
A. Yes, it does. Technically speaking you still flip the coin but regardless of the flip’s outcome the damage is not prevented.
Q. If my opponent used Quaxly’s “Apply Gel” attack against Tinkatuff on their turn, could I use Tinkatuff’s “Pulverizing Press” attack and ignore the requirement to flip?
A. No, as long as the Apply Gel effect is on Tinkatuff you would have to flip heads in order to even start your attack.
== RIDE THE WIND (Bramblin – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If I use Bramblin’s “Ride the Wind” attack and flip heads, can I bring up Weavile and use its “Assaulting Hunt” Ability?
A. Yes, that’ll work because the Assaulting Hunt Ability is still happening during your turn.
== TAIL SWAP (Dedenne ex – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. Can I use Dedenne ex’s “Tail Swap” attack to move damage counters around if Abomasnow’s “Freezing Disaster” Ability is in play?
A. Yes you can, since “moving” damage counters is not the same as “healing” damage.}
== TROPIC BREEZE (Tropius – SV:Paldea Evolved)
Q. If I use Tropius’ “Tropic Breeze” attack and I don’t have any benched Pokemon, what happens to the energy that is attached to Tropius?
A. It stays attached to Tropius.