Paradox Rift FAQ

== BUDDY PULSE (Minun – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. What does the text on Minun’s “Buddy Pulse” Ability mean when it says it “doesn’t stack”?
A. When an Ability says it doesn’t stack, it means that if you have more than one Pokemon with that Ability in play, you can only use that Ability’s effect once per turn.
== DRAWARENESS (Absol – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If I have 4 or fewer cards in my hand, can I use Absol’s “Drawareness” Ability without discarding any cards and draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand?
A. Yes, you can do that.
Q. Can I use Absol’s “Drawareness” Ability to discard until I only have 5 cards in my hand and draw nothing?
A. No, you aren’t allowed to discard any cards if it doesn’t result in you having 4 or fewer cards in your hand. For example, you can’t discard down from 6 cards to 5 cards; you would have to go from 6 to 4 at least.
== EVANESCENT (Froslass ex – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If I have Froslass ex with the “Evanescent” Ability as my Active Pokemon and it is KO’d due to Poison, how many prizes does my opponent take?
A. As long as you flip heads for Evanescent, they take one prize less no matter how it is Knocked Out.
== SOLIDARITY (Maushold ex – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If my Maushold ex with the “Solidarity” Ability is active and damaged by an attack and I have an evolved Maushold on my Bench, do I count the basic Tandemaus underneath the evolved Maushold when adding damage counters for “Solidarity”, or do I just count the top Evolution?
A. No, you only look at the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
== STANCE (Espathra – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If my Espathra with the activated “Stance” Ability protection is moved to or from my Bench during my opponent’s turn by a switching action such as Boss’s Orders is it no longer protected?
A. It is still protected. It is an effect from an Ability, not from an attack, and so is not removed by moving to or from the bench.
== TANGLED FEET (Spinda – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If my Spinda is Confused and I attack but flip tails for the Confused effect, do I then flip again for its “Tangled Feet” Ability to try to prevent that damage?
A. No. When you flip tails for Confusion you don’t do damage, you place damage counters, which does not trigger Tangled Feet.
== CRAG BASH (Crustle – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. If my opponent has been able to place a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokemon directly into play without evolving it from a Basic Pokemon, would it do 100 less damage to Crustle if Crustle used its “Crag Bash” attack last turn?
A. Yes, even though it is not an Evolved Pokemon, it is still an Evolution Pokemon.
== ECHOING MADNESS (Crobat – SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. When I use Crobat’s “Echoing Madness” attack, do I have to name specific cards like “Switch” or “Professor’s Research” that my opponent won’t be able to play?
A. No, you just choose the class of card, either “Item cards” or “Supporter cards”. You don’t name any specific cards.
Q. If I use Professor Turo’s Scenario on one of my evolved Stage 2 Pokemon, do I put all three Pokemon cards into my hand?
A. Yes, all three cards count as the Pokemon. Any other cards attached would be discarded.
== SHAUNTAL (SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. Can I play Shauntal if either I or my opponent don’t have any Benched Pokemon?
A. Yes, as long as one player has a Benched Pokemon, you can play it.
== SNORLAX DOLL (SV:Paradox Rift)
Q. Can I play Snorlax Doll at any time besides during setup?
A. No, Snorlax Doll can’t be played normally; it can only be played when setting up to play.