Scarlet & Violet—Temporal Forces – FAQ

== EMERGENCY EVOLUTION (Pidove – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. Can I use Pidove’s “Emergency Evolution” Ability during my first turn or during the turn I put it into play?
A. Yes, as long as its remaining HP is 30 or less.
== GNAWING CURSE (Gengar ex – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Metang’s “Metal Maker” Ability while my opponent has Gengar ex with “Gnawing Curse” in play, do I put 2 damage counters for each Energy card attached from “Metal Maker”?
{A. No, Metal Maker does not attach Energy cards from your hand so Gnawing Curse does not apply.}
Q. If I use Baxcalibur’s “Super Cold” Ability while my opponent has Gengar ex with “Gnawing Curse” in play, do I put 2 damage counters for each Energy card attached from “Super Cold”?
{A. Yes, you do.}
== METAL MAKER (Metang – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Metang’s “Metal Maker” Ability while my opponent has Gengar ex with “Gnawing Curse” in play, do I put 2 damage counters for each Energy card attached from “Metal Maker”?
{A. No, Metal Maker does not attach Energy cards from your hand so Gnawing Curse does not apply.}
== MIDNIGHT FLUTTERING (Flutter Mane – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. What happens if I play Iron Leaves ex and use its “Rapid Vernier” Ability to move to the Active Spot while my opponent has an active Flutter Mane with “Midnight Fluttering” Ability? Can I not move to the Active Spot? Or can I move to the Active Spot but not move any Energy to Iron Leaves ex?
A. Rapid Vernier becomes active when Iron Leaves ex comes into play, and because its Ability is initiated on the Bench you get to complete all of its actions before Midnight Fluttering deactivates it.
Q. If I use Feraligatr’s “Torrential Heart” Ability and then use Prime Catcher to bring my opponent’s Flutter Mane into the Active Spot, would my Feraligatr’s attack damage still be boosted?
A. Yes, even though Flutter Mane is disabling Feraligatr’s Ability the Torrential Heart effect was already applied until the end of the turn.
== RAPID VERNIER (Iron Leaves ex – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. What happens if I play Iron Leaves ex and use its “Rapid Vernier” Ability to move to the Active Spot while my opponent has an active Flutter Mane with “Midnight Fluttering” Ability? Can I not move to the Active Spot? Or can I move to the Active Spot but not move any Energy to Iron Leaves ex?
A. Rapid Vernier becomes active when Iron Leaves ex comes into play, and because its Ability is initiated on the Bench you get to complete all of its actions before Midnight Fluttering deactivates it.
== SPHERICAL SHIELD (Rabsca – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent uses Shiftry’s “Expelling Tornado” attack and I have Rabsca in play with 5 Benched Pokemon, would the 2 Benched Pokemon not chosen get shuffled into my deck or would Rabsca’s “Spherical Shield” Ability protect them?
A. Even though the other Pokemon are getting chosen, the effect of Expelling Tornado is still being done to the remaining two Pokemon; so they would be protected by Spherical Shield and would NOT get shuffled into the deck.
== TORRENTIAL HEART (Feraligatr – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Feraligatr’s “Torrential Heart” Ability and then use Prime Catcher to bring my opponent’s Flutter Mane into the Active Spot, would my Feraligatr’s attack damage still be boosted?
A. Yes, even though Flutter Mane is disabling Feraligatr’s Ability the Torrential Heart effect was already applied until the end of the turn.
== DAMAGE COLLECTION (Sableye – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Sableye’s “Damage Collection” attack, can I move damage counters from more than one of my opponent’s Benched Pokemon, or can I move damage counters from only one of them?
{A. You can choose as many Benched Pokemon as you like, but all of the damage gets moved to the opponent’s Active Pokemon.}
== EXPELLING TORNADO (Shiftry – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent uses Shiftry’s “Expelling Tornado” attack and I have Rabsca in play with 5 Benched Pokemon, would the 2 Benched Pokemon not chosen get shuffled into my deck or would Rabsca’s “Spherical Shield” Ability protect them?
{A. Even though the other Pokemon are getting chosen, the effect of Expelling Tornado is still being done to the remaining two Pokemon; so they would be protected by Spherical Shield and would NOT get shuffled into the deck.}
== INVITE AND STRIKE (Mawile – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I do 30 damage to their active Pokemon when I use Mawile’s “Invite and Strike” attack?
{A. No, damage is only done to the “new Active Pokemon”. If there is no switch, then no damage is done.}
== PLENTIFUL POLLEN (Ribombee – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Ribombee’s “Plentiful Pollen” attack, do I still get to take 2 more Prize cards if the Defending Pokemon is switched out and then I KO it next turn?
{A. Nope, if the Defending Pokemon is switched with a new Pokemon or evolves the effect of Plentiful Pollen goes away.}
== REPULSOR AXE (Iron Boulder ex – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent used Iron Boulder ex’s “Repulsor Axe” attack, will my Attacking Pokemon with Mist Energy attached receive the 8 damage counters from “Repulsor Axe” if I attack and do damage to Iron Boulder ex?
{A. No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Mist Energy prevents all effects of your opponent’s attacks done to the Pokemon where it is attached, and Repulsor Axe’s damage counters are an effect of your opponent’s attack.}
== SUMMONING GATE (Reuniclus – SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. Reuniclus’ “Summoning Gate” attack says to look at the top 8 cards of your deck and put any number of Pokemon you find there onto your Bench. Does this allow you to put non-Basic Pokemon directly onto the Bench?
A. Yes, you can do that.
Q. Reuniclus’ “Summoning Gate” attack says to look at the top 8 cards of your deck and put any number of Pokemon you find there onto your Bench. Does this allow you to put more than 5 Pokemon on the Bench?
A. No, Summoning Gate does not allow you to exceed the normal limits of the game. You can put any number of Pokemon you find onto your Bench up to the maximum size of the Bench. In fact, if you use this attack when your Bench is full, the attack does nothing; you can’t even look at the top 8 cards of your deck.
== BOXED ORDER (SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If I use Boxed Order and don’t find any Item cards, does my turn still end?
A. Yes, it does.
== MASTER BALL (SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. Can I use the old ACE SPEC Master Ball from Black & White – Plasma Blast?
A. Yes, you can. However, you cannot use any previous versions of Master Ball that are not considered ACE SPEC cards because the only Master Ball currently legal in Standard format (as of 2024) is an ACE SPEC.
== PRIME CATCHER (SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent has no Benched Pokemon, can I use Prime Catcher just to switch my own Pokemon?
A. No, you must switch in one of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon in order to be able to switch your own.
== SALVATORE (SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. Can I use Salvatore to search my deck for a card that is not legal for play in the current tournament format? For example in a Standard format tournament, could I use Salvatore on a Raichu to search for Raichu BREAK?
A. No. A card has to be legal for play in the designated tournament format in order to be searched for by Salvatore.
== MIST ENERGY (SV:Temporal Forces)
Q. If my opponent used Iron Boulder ex’s “Repulsor Axe” attack, will my Attacking Pokemon with Mist Energy attached receive the 8 damage counters from “Repulsor Axe” if I attack and do damage to Iron Boulder ex?
A. No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Mist Energy prevents all effects of your opponent’s attacks done to the Pokemon where it is attached, and Repulsor Axe’s damage counters are an effect of your opponent’s attack.