Stellar Crown FAQ – SV07 – with added ruling

We have a lot of rulings for you for this set. If you have questions that you don’t see answered here, please take a look at the Compendium for similar rulings at or you can post a question in our Ask the Rules Team forum on the PokeGym where only members of the Rules Team can answer you. Or, if you are a Professor you can ask in the Professor Discord for a quicker answer.
*****Editors Note: We are adding a ruling for Diffuse Reflection because there are Reversal Energy cards included in some of the Build & Battle Boxes and the interaction is not intuitive.
Pokémon Abilities:
== FOOD PREP (Crabominable – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. Would Crabominable’s “Food Prep” Ability reduce the attack cost of cards like Technical Machine:Crisis Punch?
A. Yes, any attack used by Crabominable would have its attack cost reduced for each Kofu in your discard pile.
== PUMMELING PAYBACK (Orthworm ex – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I use Tauros’ “Destructive Horn” attack, flip heads, and discard the only {M} Energy attached to my opponent’s Orthworm ex, does my Tauros take damage from the Orthworm ex’s “Pummeling Payback” Ability or not?
A. Since there are no {M} Energy attached when the effect of Pummeling Payback is triggered, no damage counters are placed on Tauros.
== RIPENING CHARGE (Hydrapple ex – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I use Hydrapple ex’s “Ripening Charge” Ability to attach a {G} Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, do I get to also draw a card because of “Teal Dance”?
A. No. You don’t get to combine the effects of two Abilities at the same time; each one must be done separately.
== SELECTIVE SLIME (Cradily – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. Can I use Cradily’s “Selective Slime” Ability if my opponent’s Active Pokemon is already Burned, Confused, and Poisoned?
A. No, you cannot. The only exception is if one of those is an “enhanced” Special Condition, such as Poisoned that places 2 damage counters instead of 1 during Pokemon Checkup.
== TIME TO CHOW DOWN (Dachsbun ex – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I use Dachsbun ex’s “Time to Chow Down” Ability, can I choose which of my Evolution Pokemon to heal so I don’t have to discard Energy from one of them that has just one damage counter on it?
A. No, you choose to use the Ability or not. Once you choose to use it, you have to heal all of your Evolution Pokemon and discard Energy from all of them that were healed.
Q. If my Fidough was damaged, and I evolve it to Dachsbun ex and use the “Time to Chow Down” Ability, does that Dachsbun ex also get healed of all damage?
A. Yes.
Pokémon attacks:
== ALL-OUT ATTACK (Falinks – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If Falinks used its “Form Ranks” attack during my last turn, then if I retreat it and switch it again into the Active Spot, how much damage will it do if I use “All-Out Attack”?
A. 120 since it’s a game state check that the attack was used last turn and not an effect on the Pokémon.
== BREEZY GIFT (Eldegoss – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. Can I use Eldegoss’ “Breezy Gift” attack if I have no cards left in my deck?
A. Sure. You may not have any cards in your deck when you play it, but you will once you shuffle the Eldegoss and all attached cards into it.
== COLORFUL CONFECTION (Alcremie – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I have multiple Basic Energy cards of different types attached to Alcremie, can I use its “Colorful Confection” attack to search my deck for more than one Energy type of Pokémon or do I have to choose only one Energy type?
A. You can search for more than one type of Pokemon as long as they match any Basic Energy card types attached to Alcremie. And if you want, more than one of them can be the same Energy type.}
Q. If I have a Luminous Energy attached to Alcremie, can I use its “Colorful Confection” attack to search my deck for any Energy type of Pokémon?
A. No, while Luminous Energy provides all types of Energy at the same time, it is not a Basic Energy card.
== DESTRUCTIVE HORN (Tauros – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I use Tauros’ “Destructive Horn” attack, flip heads, and discard the only {M} Energy attached to my opponent’s Orthworm ex, does my Tauros take damage from the Orthworm ex’s “Pummeling Payback” Ability or not?
A. Since there are no {M} Energy attached when the effect of Pummeling Payback is triggered, no damage counters are placed on Tauros.
*****Ruling added Sep 7****
== DIFFUSE REFLECTION (Diancie – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. How much damage does Diancie’s “Diffuse Reflection” attack do if I also have an evolved Pokemon with a Reversal Energy providing three energy?
{A. The damage is calculated based on the number of Special Energy CARDS, not the amount of energy the card provides. So in your example it would only do +40 damage for Reversal Energy, not +120.}
== EVERYONE EXPLODE NOW (Drifblim – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. Does Drifblim’s “Everyone Explode Now” attack count or do damage to the Drifloon that are underneath evolved Drifblim?
A. No, you only count the most evolved stage of a Pokémon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokémon.
== FORM RANKS (Falinks – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If Falinks used its “Form Ranks” attack during my last turn, then if I retreat it and switch it again into the Active Spot, how much damage will it do if I use “All-Out Attack”?
A. 120 since it’s a game state check that the attack was used last turn and not an effect on the Pokemon.
Q. If I use Falinks’ “Form Ranks” attack while Area Zero Underdepths stadium is in play and I already have 4 non-Tera Pokémon on my Bench, how many Pokémon can I put on the Bench if the first one I place is a Tera Pokémon?
A. Only one. Since there were no Tera Pokemon in play when the attack was used, there is only one space available to fill on the Bench.
== GOAD ‘N’ GRAB (Grimmsnarl – SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If my Grimmsnarl uses its “Goad ‘n’ Grab” attack and my opponent’s Active Pokémon has a Mist Energy attached the switch out effect will be prevented, but will it still do 160 to the unchanged Active Pokémon?
A. No, it will not do any damage because there isn’t a NEW Active Pokemon.
Trainer Cards:
Q. I have Area Zero Underdepths in play, a Tera Pokémon-ex as my Active Pokémon, and 8 Pokémon on my Bench, none of which have the Tera Trait. My Opponent uses an attack that allows them to Knock Out my Active Tera Pokémon-ex and also two of my Benched Pokémon. Once my Tera Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out and discarded, am I able to discard my two Benched Pokémon that have taken full damage before I count them as KO’d, or do I have to KO them first?
A. You have to KO them first and your opponent gets to take Prize cards for them. After they have been KO’d, you would then discard one final Pokémon from the bench due to Area Zero Underdepths and then choose a new Active Pokémon.
Q. If I use Falinks’ “Form Ranks” attack while Area Zero Underdepths stadium is in play and I already have 4 non-Tera Pokémon on my Bench, how many Pokémon can I put on the Bench if the first one I place is a Tera Pokémon?
A. Only one. Since there were no Tera Pokémon in play when the attack was used, there is only one space available to fill on the Bench.
== CRISPIN (SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. If I use Crispin and I only get one Basic Energy from my deck, can I attach it to one of my Pokémon?
A. No, if you only get one Basic Energy card you have to put it in your hand.
== DELUXE BOMB (SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. My Opponent & I each have one prize card left and no benched Pokémon, and my Active Pokémon has only 100 HP left. If I Knock Out their Defending Pokémon that has a Deluxe Bomb attached, does the game end before they get to place 12 damage counters on my Pokémon to take their last prize card?
A. No, they get to take a Prize card. Everything, including all effects, have to be resolved before the game is considered as finished.
== GRAND TREE (SV:Stellar Crown)
Q. Can I use Grand Tree to find a Stage 1 Pokémon that has no known Stage 2 (i.e. using Grand Tree to evolve Scyther into Scizor)?
A. Yes, you can search for a Stage 1 Pokémon that has no subsequent Stage 2.
Q. Can I use Grand Tree to search my deck if I don’t have any Pokémon in play that can evolve further?
A. No, you may not. There must be a known valid evolution path in order to use Grand Tree.
Q. My Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex has a Sparkling Crystal attached and only one Double Turbo Energy on it. If I use its “Torrential Pump” attack, can I shuffle the Double Turbo Energy back into the deck and do damage to a benched Pokémon?
A. Yes, this is a case of doing as much as you can. You would get to do the bench damage even though you can’t detach 3 energy, but you must shuffle in SOME energy in order to get the bonus. You shuffle the two energy that are attached back into the deck, and do 80 to the active and 100 to the bench (remember, damage is still reduced for the DTE since the detachment happens after damage is done).