Darkness Ablaze FAQ
Pokemon Players, the Prereleases are still on hold due to the pandemic, but Darkness Ablaze is on the way and retailers that ran prereleases are going to be selling PR kits starting today, Saturday...
Pokemon Players, the Prereleases are still on hold due to the pandemic, but Darkness Ablaze is on the way and retailers that ran prereleases are going to be selling PR kits starting today, Saturday...
Pokemon Players, the Prereleases may have been cancelled, but the set is still coming out and retailers that ran prereleases are going to be selling PR kits starting today. So, for those of you...
Pokémon has released a major revision to their Organized Play documents that guide Players and Professors in participating in everything from Pokémon Leagues to Prereleases to the World Championships. The General Event Rules, and...
Pokemon Player and Professors, please find here a collection of official FAQ rulings for the upcoming Sword & Shield Prereleases. I’ve attached a PDF doc as well as posting the info directly on the...
First the Pokémon TCG introduced Tag Team Pokémon and they took the game by storm with their super high HP and super strong attacks. Now the Pokémon TCG has extended the concept to Supporter...
Professors and players, here are the FAQs for the new Cosmic Eclipse set. We have them as a PDF (the link is at the end, and posted here for your convenience. It’s a big...
We’re updating The PokeGym’s site to have HTTPS enabled! This will allow for an encrypted path through to The PokeGym so that all of your communication is secure. You might see some odd alerts...
Prereleases for the new Sun & Moon set Unified Minds start tomorrow night (for those doing a midnight event), so here are some FAQs for you. If you have any questions that we didn’t...
Well, this is another big set and we have a lot of FAQs for you to use at your events that start tomorrow. Let’s get right into it. We have a pdf file attached...
Pokemon has released their quarterly update to the ban list and two cards were added. Players were expected Lusamine to be on this list, due to the possibility for infinite recursions, but it...