Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Salem, MA City - first place report Masters (5-1)


New Member
Aylam and I leave Providence extra early so we can make it on time. We pick up Devon on our way and make it to the store a bit after 10am. Ouch!@ The tournament start was delayed by an hour. We sit and play Pokemon Rumble - what a cool game! The thing is addictive.
I make a hand-written list on ruled paper, then go to get a WW bagel from the coffee shop across the street.
Round 1 starts and I feel good. Sometimes inexplicably I feel good at the start - no worries, no anxiety, just calm. The game starts.

I'm playing Gengar (AR) with Spiritomb.

R1: Against Shaun Miller (Nice green-haired guy from western mass...)
He's playing Tangrowth.
I start with a good lock, as far as I remember, and he straggles to set up.
I set up a Gengar X with 3 energy + belt and his casualties start to mount. He has no chance.
Then, I get a Rosie, and by mistake, get energy instead of Spiritomb. Ouch! I lose the lock and he gets Dusknoir up. My darn Unown G is benched, and he shuffles my Gengar.
Lucky I have Gastly with 2 energy and I get a fresh Gengar going.
My last move is cursing his dusknoir with 8 damage and using Compound Pain for the last prize. Game too close to call - my mistake almost cost me the game.
1 - 0

R2: Against Adam Tuttle with Leafeon.
Not realizing that a trainer lock supposed to slow him down, Adam sets up swiftly despite my humble Spiritomb. He OHKO my Gengar SF with Verdant Dance. Unfortunately for him, I flip heads for fainting spell, and he can't recover. Oh well, gotta win on a flip sometimes - sure is a hack of a lot nicer than to lose on a flip... GG.
2 - 0

R3: Against Eric A. with his dreaded Gyrados deck.
Running Mr. Mime I thought I had him.
I start with a quick Gengar but not much else. My Mr. Mime is no issue for Eric. I forget that people that run these low energy decks have seen every trick in the book. He Regimove's it to the bench and starts to inflict pain. By the time I get a supporter, 10 turns or so into the game, it is too late. I am down 6 - 1 in prizes and playing to see how badly I can lose. I get a gengar SF with 2 energy, but by than I'm one attachment too late. I OHKO his belted Gyrados with Poltergeist, but he comes back with the benched one and wins the game. GG! I am now 0 - 3 (or 4) against Eric.
2 - 1

R4: Against Shawn Burton with BlaziLuxChomp-a-ma-jig
Shawn starts quickly with a Blaziken Lv. X and starts to Jet Shoot my basics one by one. I decide to delay the Gengar AR setup and start with the quicker Gengar SF. I get it up there and somehow manage to eliminate his0 By then Gengar Lv. X is up, and I am leveling down anything I can one-hit.
At this point it is finally a real game in contrast with the carnage Shawn started with, which I thought I would not recover from.
At this point, Shawn has one Benched pokemon with one damage to go, and he attacks my Gengar with Earth Quake for 30. Unfortunately for him, he realizes too late that the 10 damage the bench takes is perfect to set me up for Compound Pain. I spread a couple of times for the win. GG, but his mistake cost him at least a few turns.

With good resistance, I make it fourth. I am playing Tyler Jones in top 4.
He's running a classic LuxChomp with Dialga and that water pokemon that can't take bench damage.
First game we both start to build, and despite the lock, he out-speeds me. I make somewhat of a comeback, level down his DIalga, and take a couple of prizes. By this time, though, it's hopeless. He has one prize to go and takes it with a Luxray he recovered from the discard pile. 0-1
Game 2 I set up quickly and he has no answer. After a few KOs he scoops. We have under 5 min to go and by the time anything happens, time is called. We go to sudden death. 1 - 1
I start with a tomb and he starts with a Bat. He struggles to find a psychic energy to Azelf-lock my Tomb for the win. He can't, and I KO his bat on the bench. I win, GG.

At this point the judges are making deck checks. For some reason, my Aimee is taking for ever checking my deck. Since I hand-wrote my list that morning, I imagine that I could have messed up.
Once it finally comes back, I get a warning for not having a translation for a French Call Energy. I'll have to get a translation for next time :)

Top 2 against Azul running Shuppet.
All I need is a tomb to start and the PokeBling is mine.
Game 1 I start with Gastly and him with Shuppet. He puts me to sleep and I am concerned that I'll lose the lock.
I attach an energy and belt to Gastly, play bebe for an Azelf, timewalk for an Uxie, and setup for a whopping 5 cards. I am so obsessed with being able to retreat for the tomb I got that I don't notice that I can donk him with hoodwink + belt. Luckily, Azul reminds me. Thanks, buddy!
For the record, Azul was a pleasure to play against. He knew the whole time he had no chance, yet sat there quietly awaiting his fate.
Game 2 he has Uxie and Unown R. I start with a tomb and the rest is history. I set up Claydon and Gengar and ready to finish it off. Last turn he puts the unown R up and retreats Uxie. I have a Bat and Gengar with 2 energy. I need a p-turn or cyclone energy to win. I cosmic for 4 and get 2 p-turns and a cyclone. When it rains it pours. Bad matchup for Azul made for a one-sided top 2, lasting under 15 minutes.

After the tourney we drove to Rochester anyway and stayed at the hotel. Ah! 2 hours in a hot-tub and pool, all for ourselves.
In the room, I was opening the packs I won and handed Devon, Aylam's friend one pack as a present. Little did I know it had a Taangrowth Lv. X in it. Happy Devon :)

So now I have my own Bling. Wanna find me? Look for the grownup with the medal!

Beautiful snow outside
Aimee for spotting the French call energy
Mike for being an awesome republican
Nathaniel L. for knowing that the earth temperature rose by 1 degree over the past 100 years
Andrew Cox for playing a Rotom deck
Aylam for going undefeated in Swiss for second time in a row
Alex Frezza for not showing up :)
Steve for going 5-2 in Hadley
Pokemon Rumble is awesome
Rochester being cancelled so we could spend hours in the hotel's hot-tub and pool
Eric for kicking my but time after time
Josh for dressing up nicely
My medal for being extra shiny

Are you kidding? Life's great!
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Great job Hanaan. I can't believe I fell behind from the "carnage" I started out with. I guess I should have focused more on your SF gengar.
Thanks Ankur. Funny I always go back to Gengar, regardless of the format :) See you at Nats!
Sorry man but remember how I told you at worlds that my parents made me quit :(. Well they did so I doubt I'm going to nats unless itsbin Dallas, but regardless good luck at nats and let's see a repeat at nats!
Woot i got my first mention in the props!!!!! how come its never for judging? lol Glad to see you get a medal so that aylam stops running your nose in it GL with the rest of the season.
Woot i got my first mention in the props!!!!! how come its never for judging? lol Glad to see you get a medal so that aylam stops running your nose in it GL with the rest of the season.

Glad to help your PR as a non-official, Mike.
Josh went out to breakfast with his grandmother! It was very cool to see and hear that he dressed up nicely for the occasion. He wore a nice shirt and some dress pants!

Well then, it appears his grandmother must have offered him a job as a sales manager :) And to think he told me that he dressed up for me. Men.