Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

What Won City Championships 2011-2012

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Baldwin, KS


1. Jared L. w/ ZPST
2. Jaylon L. w/ ZPST
3. Noah Y. w/ CaKE
4. Cole S. w/ CaKE

Very diverse meta...


1. Charlene C. w/ Terakion/Cobalion/Steelix/Vileplume/Reuniclus
2. Brit P. w/ Chandelure/Vileplume
3. Pete G. w/ Donphan/Vileplume/Machamp
4. ???

I'm preeety sure this is right.
2 Terrakion/Yanmega/Zoarark (2 w/Tornadus, 1 w/ Zekrom)
1 Zekrom/Eel (1 w/Tornadus, 1 w/Thundurus)

Kinda confused about how that works.

It should be pretty obvious honestly. It just means there was an overlap in play. 1 deck ran Zekrom/Eel/Tornadus/Thundurus, however, it's not going to get its own section because the main focus is Zekrom Eel. Its also not going to get a (1w/Tornadus and Thundurus), because putting combinations in the braket will extend it to much. Updating to this point, with the except of post 94 which needs clarification before i bother adding it to avoid confusion.
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It should be pretty obvious honestly. It just means there was an overlap in play. 1 deck ran Zekrom/Eel/Tornadus/Thundurus, however, it's not going to get its own section because the main focus is Zekrom Eel. Its also not going to get a (1w/Tornadus and Thundurus), because putting combinations in the braket will extend it to much. Updating to this point, with the except of post 94 which needs clarification before i bother adding it to avoid confusion.
It's confusing still. Doesn't that mean that it should be listed as 2 wins for Zekrom/Eel/Tornadus?
Huntington Beach Ca, 12/10

1st Donphan/Dragons

!st Reshiram/thyplosion

1st andrew- Durant
2nd me - Chandelure/Plume
3rd Matt - Trol.dek (Tornadeus/zekrom/terrkaion/absol)
4th ??? - 6 corners ( kyurem/virizion/zekrom/cobalion/reshiram/terrakion)
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Fort Wayne IN

1st Wesley w/ ZPST
2nd Alex S w/ VvV

1st Zackary A. W/ZPST
2nd Spencer L. W/Reshiphlosion+Kyurem
3rd Christopher S. w/ VvV
4th Ethan H. w/ ???


Posted with Mobile style...
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It should be pretty obvious honestly. It just means there was an overlap in play. 1 deck ran Zekrom/Eel/Tornadus/Thundurus, however, it's not going to get its own section because the main focus is Zekrom Eel. Its also not going to get a (1w/Tornadus and Thundurus), because putting combinations in the braket will extend it to much. Updating to this point, with the except of post 94 which needs clarification before i bother adding it to avoid confusion.

What's the issue with post #94? If the issue is with the masters, then please read #95. If the issue is with the seniors, then the 2 question marks I put are with the winner (he has been running ZPST all season and was donking yesterday so I assume it was ZPST but didn't see his games) and if it was with the second place, I just wasn't sure Zoroark was run in it (but he has been using Zoroark along with T-Tar and Houndoom all season as well in that same deck so I assume it should be the same).

Please clarify what clarification you need instead of just "...with the except of post 94 which needs clarification before i bother adding it to avoid confusion." I tried to give all the detail I knew for sure at the time.
Lenexa KS

1) Jared L with ZPST (he ran lost remover ;p)
2) Noah Y with CaKE
3) Matt H with zekrom elektrik
4) ???
Posted with Mobile style...
Sheffield Village, OH

1. Carl Sheu with Magnezone/Eel/Zekrom
2. Nicholas Baker (me) with Magnezone/Eel/Zekrom
3. ??? with Zekrom/Tordnadus/Eel
4. Jake Hanna with ZPST with Eels and Druddigon
Austin Reed with Zekrom/Tornadus/Eel
Andrew Spencer with 6 Corners
Bryan Le with Magnezone/Zekrom/Eel
Jimmy Londo with ???

I pretty much played 3 mirror matches...
La Crosse, WI (12/11/11)

1st - Alex Solomonson w/ZPST
2nd - Jay Hornung w/Magnezone/Zekrom/Eel
3rd - Derrick Krenke (me) w/Donphan/Zoroark/Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem
4th - Andy Reynolds w/Magnezone/Zekrom/Eel
What's the issue with post #94? If the issue is with the masters, then please read #95. If the issue is with the seniors, then the 2 question marks I put are with the winner (he has been running ZPST all season and was donking yesterday so I assume it was ZPST but didn't see his games) and if it was with the second place, I just wasn't sure Zoroark was run in it (but he has been using Zoroark along with T-Tar and Houndoom all season as well in that same deck so I assume it should be the same).

Please clarify what clarification you need instead of just "...with the except of post 94 which needs clarification before i bother adding it to avoid confusion." I tried to give all the detail I knew for sure at the time.

Just as a clarification...I know the senior winner played ZPST and the second place ran T-Tar/Zororark (no Houndoom).
Fort Wayne IN

1st Wesley w/ ZPST
2nd Alex S w/ VvV

1st Zackary A. W/ZPST
2nd Spencer L. W/Reshiphlosion+Kyurem
3rd Christopher S. w/ VvV
4th Ethan H. w/ ???


Posted with Mobile style...

1st Keaton G. w/ ZPST
2nd Shaun K. w/ Lanturn
3rd Magnezone/Eel
4th Kyle E. w/ Truth
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@Elite Four Alien:
The idea is to clear a bunch of different listings fo almost unoticable variations of the same deck. it shouldn't matter if 1 deck ran both cards or ran only one, when looking over the real information. there were still only 2 and 1 of each card played total, which is where an overlooker's data should stem from. I could simply not include these small techs, but i feel that the more insight, the better!

@junior: My apologies, i will fromt his point further specipify clarications issues, however, i'd ask that no decks be posted with question marks. I'd rather have a little less data than incorrect data, and after viewing that post 95 was holding tot he same event, i edited the standings, but not my post D: Sorry!

@Dialga MAster: I would assume Masters, please correct me if i am wrong!

Updated to this point.
Huntington Beach Ca, 12/10

1st Donphan/Dragons

!st Reshiram/thyplosion

1st andrew- Durant
2nd me - Chandelure/Plume
3rd Matt - Trol.dek (Tornadeus/zekrom/terrkaion/absol)
4th ??? - 6 corners ( kyurem/virizion/zekrom/cobalion/reshiram/terrakion)

I believe 4th place was Rob Rouch.

Durant got 1st place; that was a surprise.
Ames, Iowa 12/10 Masters

1st Tim Hornung w/Kyurem/Vileplume/Reuniclus/Steelix 6-1
2nd Josh(i think?) w/ Eel/Zone/Zekrom/Thundurus 5-2
3rd Mike Lesky (me) w/ Eel/Zone/Zekrom 5-1
4th ??? (Bad with names) w/ ZPST 4-2
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12/10 - York, PA Masters
Top2 Geoff S w/ Chandelure Lock
Top2 Andrew w/ Donphan & Dragons
3rd Alex H(Me) w/ Magnezone/Eel/Thundurus
4th Zach B w/ Crazy Tech Deck - Lightning

I finished 2nd through swiss with an opp win% of 76 and got paired against donphan...haha oh well

Left before Top 2 concluded however Geoff beat Andrew in swiss so if i had to guess then i'd say chandelure won

I'm not sure of the entire contents of Zach's deck but i know it entailed zekrom zoroark and eelektrik, but there was a lot of other stuff too. it was good
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12/10 Cedar Grove, NJ
1 Frankie Durso w/ Donphan & Dragons
2 Sam Chen w/ MEZ
3 Johnny "Blaze" Chimento w/ Chandelure/Plume/Cobalion
4 Mike Natto w/ MEZ

12/11 Scotch Plains, NJ
1 Justin Bohkari w/ Haymaker (Virizion, Kyurem, Zekrom, Reshiram, Boufallent, terrakion)
2 Mike Skoran w/ Chandelure/Plume
3 Jason Annichiarico w/ Chandelure/Plume
4 Sava Radovic w/ Reshiphlosion
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@GBA: 6 corners is not a legitimate name to post here, as read ont he first post! Please type out the contents! Don't ignore the front page people, it's being updated to this point right now!

@CiP: Kyruem lock, as in Kyruem Vileplume, or what?

@TRA: Please let me know any contents of this "crazy lightning deck" so i can record it, and top 2 actual places if ever you find them out.

Also, what i know.


Chris B w/ Chandulure/Vileplume

That's all! But another winning deck up, please feel free to add tot his someone who knows!
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12/10/11 Oregon : Springfield
2nd Alex M w zekrom
3rd Graham O w Donphan yanmega
4th Adam W w magnezone eels
Posted with Mobile style...
Roanoke, VA


1st: Joel H w/ KyuGatr
2nd: Jon S w/ Magnezone Eel
3rd: Cullen J w/ ZPTS
4th: Josh H (Me) w/ The Truth (w/ cobalion, Donphan, Kyurem, SEL)
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