Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Recent content by Coga19000

  1. C

    Elemental Outburst Deck

    1st, I think Chandelure would be a nice attacker. It can cause 30 damage in 3 pokemon simultaneously for only ONE enrgy, and for two (thought discarded) it can Inferno the opponent for 80 damage and 40 damage burn! Doesn't sound useful? 2nd, I mean a deck consisting mostlyof LEGENDS, with...
  2. C

    Elemental Outburst Deck

    1st, I didn't delete the thread. 2nd, I tried this deck in PlayTCG, and I admit it didn't go out as thought, especially with Dark Explorers. I like that Simisear idea (with Chandelure added) However, I'm also thinking of a LEGEND deck. What do you think?
  3. C

    Elemental Outburst Deck

    Here is my third deck, with a lot of changes. First, I decreased the number of Pokemon (still a good lot-27-, but a little less is still less) Second, added more Trainer cards. I know that 2 Supporter maybe sound not enough. This time, I'm concentrating in the use of the three basic elemental...
  4. C

    HGSS-on Ampharos Prime (again)

    Sorry, I had a typo. I meant a Lighting Pokemon.
  5. C

    HGSS-on MIND SHOCK "MEWMAG" to win 2012 worlds

    I actually think of fitting one Lost World in my next deck. As you said, nobody would think that a Deck that has nothing to do with it would contain it.
  6. C

    HGSS-on Ampharos Prime (again)

    :nonono:No no no no no, you didn't nderstand me. I mean that , if he uses them at a Fire Pokemon, then he won't have any Fighting Energies to put in his Fighting Pokemon. And moving Special Energy cards from Pokemon to Pokemon is a litle more difficult in the current format...
  7. C

    Blazing Fury Deck

    1st, what do you mean by "meat-shield"? 2nd, what I tried to say was that, in early game, Flipctini can help the basics with a little boost. I I didn't, they were fully toasted. And, as I don't run Revives in this deck, I was toasted, too. Flipctini is just a chance for them to survive-...
  8. C

    Shocking Doom Deck (made by me)

    Noone mentioned neihter Bebe's Search nor Pokedex Handy.
  9. C

    Blazing Fury Deck

    At first, should I say that the only members that comment my topics are CoMiT and X Empoleon X (oh, and Evil Psyduck, as I have a problem with giving the right amount of cards:biggrin::lol::biggrin:) Come on, don't be shy, I need the opinion of a lot of people. As of X Empoleon X's comment...
  10. C

    HGSS-on Reshipholsiontales Deck

    I know-now. I learned it a little after my post.
  11. C

    HGSS-on Ampharos Prime (again)

    Yeah, but it can be used as fire energy, too. If he uses it as fire energy, then that means no fighting energy cards!
  12. C

    mind on fire: Mewtwo and Emboar

    What do you mean by RDL?:confused:
  13. C

    Help with Zekeels

    Actually, Zekrom and Zekrom EX have the same name, so you need to eiter remove the Zekrom EX or one Zekrom (of cource, removing one Zekrom is more logical)
  14. C

    Blazing Fury Deck

    Thanks CoMiT, but actually, I hate following ides that everyone uses, like Rare Candy. I mostly try to build decks that can prove that items like these should not be in the list of "nessessary. Maybe because I don't have a lot of cards (at least in present. I had a lot of cards, but I'm from the...
  15. C

    Blazing Fury Deck

    I'm sorry, I thought you told me that I had 57 cards in my previous topic, so I added three. Well, it is easily fixed.