Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Recent content by salyvan

  1. S


    All very good points :smile: I hope you do well, maybe I'll break out my Cradily deck again too :thumb:
  2. S


    People did try to play Cradily when Claydol was around, me included. I played it a lot. I never had any problem with it because of its fossil roots. It was usually so different from anything being played that it really caught people of guard. Until they read the card. And went, "oh.. ok...
  3. S

    Washington's Battle Road Autumn 2010

    Thanks! 1717171717
  4. S

    Washington's Battle Road Autumn 2010

    What's this 30 + 3 change? 30 Minute rounds I get, but what's the +3?
  5. S

    IMPORTANT: Rulings Updates for Worlds!

    Ahhhh I've been waiting for that Unown G ruling for about a year now. It makes me mad that I've known all year long that this SHOULD be the ruling and it won't make one bit of difference next season.... :mad: Seriously.... they wait till now to make it official? :confused::thumb:
  6. S

    Washington State: Unleashed Prereleases

    wow, 2 flights at blue highway! About time :smile:
  7. S

    Pop9 Pwnage for Citites

    Tech in 1-1 Mightyena for Mewtwo LvX counter. I know its not POP9, but ehhh...
  8. S

    Cradily Drain

    Yes, Drain Down let's you choose any pokemon to bring active, as long as unown g is not present on their active OR the one you want to bring active. That's how it is currently ruled. Relicanth is a good workaround that will at least punish them for having unown g's attached. If they want...
  9. S

    Cradily Drain

    I used to play a Cradily deck last season and it seems to me that the same problem exists now as it did then. This deck falls apart as soon as they attach an unown g to their active pokemon or to any pokemon on the bench that they don't want active. Until they change the unown g ruling...
  10. S

    Washington State City Championships

    Thanks for the update :smile:
  11. S

    Floor Ruling Announcements

    Great thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. :thumb:
  12. S

    Floor Ruling Announcements

    I'm not looking for an announcement about a possible change; I'm merely looking for a "yes, this is still being dealt with by the rules people, it hasn't fallen through the cracks" announcement. Back in August we were told to expect an official announcement "soon". I'm just looking for the...
  13. S

    Fall Battle Road - Washington State

    thanks man; I'll ping them with an email. And yes, BRs 09 was great! ... saves up energy for cities...
  14. S

    Floor Ruling Announcements

    Can we get an update on the topic of a possible rules change regarding Lookers?
  15. S

    Fall Battle Road - Washington State

    For people that were at the BR in Seattle at Blue Highway, has your tourny history been updated for that event yet?