Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Search results

  1. S

    Mandrake - Finishing touches needed

    Hi everyone! After a bit of binder searching I came up with a few new decks; and this is one of them. I think it could be a really amazing deck! However, I could really use some help putting the finishing touches on it. To tell the truth I was going to keep this list secret, but, I don't have as...
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    W: Mew Prime, Gengar Prime, metas H: Mareep Misprint, Luxray G, SP Tr's, Champ Prime

    Hello! ^^ Just thought I'd try to do a bit of trading to get ready for states/battle roads. v^^ If you don't see what you're looking for then please ask! I have an entire binder full of cards that I haven't had time to list just yet. ^^ Some of them are still listed in my old trade thread if...
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    Catastrophe vs Recue Energy

    Quick q. If I use a gengar prime to KO a pokemon that has Rescue energy on it, where does that pokemon go? The Lost Zone or back to my opponents hand? :confused: Thanks!
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    DonkChamp for Cities

    Hi everyone! ^^ Just wanted a little advice on this deck. I'm at a loss when it comes to what deck to play for cities. X3 (there are just sooo many to choose from right now. :confused:) Anyway, here's the Donphan/machamp I've been working on. Any advice or ideas are much appreciated. :thumb...
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    Hi everyone. ^^ I've been seeing that a lot of people consider Sableye a Tier1 deck at the moment. But, quick q. What is Sableye and how does it work? ^^' I know I must sound like a noob but I've never seen the deck; and haven't been on pokegym much lately. XD
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    Cities Deck Discussions

    Right now there are quite a few big decks. Not to mention lots of smaller decks that see some play. So what do you guys think we'll end up seeing this year and why? I'm thinking Mew Prime variants, Gengar Prime, Vilagar, and of course Luxchomp. :thumb:
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    Heroe's Pokemon League - Kinston NC

    We just got a new league started in Kinston, NC! Please feel free to swing by whenever you'd like! =D Play times: 2nd and 4th Sundays - 1:30pm until 4pm Website: www.heroespkmnleague.webs.com Contact: Either by PM's here or by [email protected]
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    League Kit Help

    Hello! Just a quick question. My league owner and I had ordered the previous season's kit but, do to some unforeseen events, we didn't get to hold league that season. Now that I'm trying to order the next season's kit it won't show the link. X3 Am I missing something? Our first league session is...
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    Gengar Prime and Gengar LvX

    Hi! Just a quick rule q. Can a Prime be used to get a LvX on the field? Technically the primes don't call themselves 'Prime'; they just have the pokemon's name. So could we use them with a LvX? I'm a little confused here. :confused: For instance, could you level up a Gengar Prime?
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    POP ID Help

    Hi! Not sure were to post this so I figured this was a good a spot as any. ^^' Sorry if this is the wrong thread. X3 Anyway, can anyone tell me how to get a POP ID without attending an event? I know you used to be able to get them on the site but, yeah.... I can't figure it out since they...
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    Looking for a cheap playmat ASAP

    Hi everyone! I'd really love to have a playmat in time for battle roads so here I am! ^^ I'd really love to get one for under or around $15 shipped though. I don't care if it's used as long as it's still in good cond. Thanks!
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    Are we allowed to use Japanese "pokemon" sleeves?

    Hi! I was just wondering if we were allowed to use official Japanese pokemon sleeves. I don't think so but I just wanted to double check. Thanks for any info!
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    Start up advice? (Near Greenville NC fyi!)

    Well, I finally got someone to help me with a league! :biggrin: But now I'd like to know if anyone has any advise on actually getting it started and running it. ^^' I've never done one before and since I'm -18 I can't view some of the pages until I go to help the store owner register everything...
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    *Please Close/Lock/Delete* Thank you!

    Hi everyone, just a quick post for a more specific search. I'd really like to get a playmat before BR's and maybe a few more metacards to trade or use. Please let me know if you have anything! If you don't see anything just ask! I'd be happy to take a look and see what I have. (nothing before DP...
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    Advice on a BR's Donkphan

    Hi everyone! Thanks for reading and for any advice that can be given. ^^ Much appreciated! v^^ Pokemon: 23 4-4 Donphan Prime 3-2-3 Nidoqueen 3 SF Sableye 2-1 Uxie X 1 Unown Q Tr/Su/St: 24 x2 Buck's Training x1 Palmer's x4 Bebe's x3 Pkmn Collector x1 Luxury Ball x2 Expert Belt...
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    Does anyone thnk Luxpluff is still worth playing?

    Hi everyone! Just a quick q. Does anyone think luxpluff is still worth playing at BR's now that the rotation is in? It's been severely slowed down now that Claydol and Roseanne's isn't there to help it along. Please and thank you for any and all replies! :wink:
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    *H: Vileplume UD* Starlighteevee's Trades ~ Most Wanted: playmat, Metas, promocroak

    Hello everyone! First of all thank you for taking the time to check out my trade thread. ^^ Please be sure to read everything below. Thanks! :pokeball: General Info - Shipping is from NC, USA - All wants are english copies only unless otherwise stated - Non-gym Refs...
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    Garchomp C LvX Attacking

    Hi everyone. Quick Q on Garchomp C LvX please. My brother keeps insisting that if you retreat garchomp and then play switch (or vice-versa) you can use it's attack every turn. Bypassing it's rule about the attack can't be used again next turn. I on the other hand don't think this is right...
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    Misprint SW Mareep

    Hey! Just curious what a misprint SW Mareep is worth. If anything that is. ^^ The only misprint is a few ink smears on the front. However this was a a manufacturing error since I have 4 copies with the exact same error. Thanks. ^^ :thumb:
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    What is Vilegar exactly?

    Hi everyone! Just a quick q. I've heard the deck name 'vilegar' being mentioned a lot lately, but, what exactly is the idea behind it? Even better, could someone please also link me to a deck list? Just trying to keep up with the currant meta. v^^ Thanks! :biggrin: