Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Search results

  1. A

    Did you donate anything to Pia??

    Further to Pia's request in this post................ (please can a mod edit this and link the thread called 'somone needs your kindness' as i don't have the ability to copy n paste on the crappy hospital pc) I would like to get a rough idea of who donated stuff and what it was. So, if...
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    New BR Arceus Winner Card

    2 New cards out See the links below, also added some better pics of the new promo http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/avmozz/Japanese/Arceus/arceuswinner.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/avmozz/Japanese/Arceus/arceuswinner1.jpg...
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    Close please :)

    All sorted now, many thanks for those that helped
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    Rare Deck Box?

    Hey.......cards I know, but I was talking to a friend and it seems I might have a rare deck box? It's from Dragon Frontiers with Latios and Latias on it Whats the score with this box please Thanks Mozz :thumb:
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    Too Much Money & Not Enough Cards!

    :pokeball: Mozz's Cash for Cards Mart :pokeball: Some simple requests - Please read I deal in Mint cards only - this means cards should be in the same condition as when it left the booster please I am in the UK - I will pay your postage I will only pay you via Paypal I will check your...
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    Avmozz Returns

    So, my first problem was where to post! Is this news? Maybe, maybe not, but seeing as it took me four hours to read all the posts about me, I guess it is news. My second problem is fairly simple, how do you say sorry to certain people 1000 times without it being spam? Before I continue, I...
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    Major Ripper!!

    Ok.....Bored of this person getting away with crap for toooooo long: Pokeplayer05/Torchic on the gym.............(see PokeGuru's Post in international thread)...................... Pokeplayer05/Torchic...aka.....Scott......aka.....paul......aka......strathy......aka......pokeyblokey on...
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    Gold or Silver Pre Pins?

    Unseen Forces Pre Pin: Was yours gold colour (color for those that can't spell) OR was it Silver?? Is there any dif or just run outta gold spray?? Please let me know :thumb:
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    Worlds Finalist Card Sells For..............

    Lots of Money - Click Here!! Congrats Jeremy........I think you owe me a beer :wink:
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    NEW PokeGym Contest #5 - 6 Day Contest!

    :pokeball: PokeGym Contest #5 :pokeball: Welcome Welcome to Contest #5! This contest has been designed to follow on from contest #4 BUT with a NEW twist!!! You may well remember that in Contest #4 the winner would receive a replica holo deck if they correctly guessed the...
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    WE HAVE A WINNER! Contest #4 Update

    PokeGym Contest #4 Update WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to: :clap: Venusuar :clap: (Jeremy) Not only has he won Worlds but also Contest #4! (Jeremy, you really should probably buy a lottery ticket soon mate) He correctly guessed every single card in his own deck...lol... and...
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    Delta - The New Buzz Word???

    Posted on Pop: JUST BEHIND BEHIND THE SCENES AT WORLDS... (8/20/2005 12:30 PM) All this in preparation for the next expansion release, due this fall! It’s the set every player will be playing at next year’s World Championships in Anaheim, California, when this year’s champs will be back to...
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    Medicham EX - Do you need some? Updated Tuesday

    Not quite news and gossip but I have permission to ask this question as it may be in lots of people's interest :tongue: So everyone seems to want Medicham EX for their T2 deck and the prices of this card are flying very high indeed, They are selling as high as $40 per card (and rising fast)...
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    French EX Unseen Forces Prerelease Info

    Can anyone tell me if there are any Pre's being held in France during the 11th to the 19th? Thanks Mozz :-)
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    Please Close me up baby!

    Old hat now...please close :-)
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    21 BlazikenX 41 UnownG 6 LuxrayX 4 PikaX - Wants: Various + to check your lists

    :pokeball:'Welcome to the Original House of Bling':pokeball: Some simple.....but oh so important things to remember! I am in the UK, if it's an issue......get a tissue :wink: I only deal in mint cards, please do not offer or send non mint, if you know it's not mint then dont trade (it...
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    Exploud Ex

    Can anyone translate this please? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=60238&item=6192662117 Thanks Mozz :-)
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    PokeGym Contest #4 - The Biggest Contest EVER!

    :pokeball: PokeGym Contest #4 :pokeball: Welcome to the biggest online Pokemon Contest ever held!! Every single person that enters this contest will win a prize!! Never again will you ever have the chance to win so many fantastic prizes! Never again will your knowledge...
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    Is Your Deck Ready for The UK Nationals?

    Well is it? If you answer Yes then there is no point reading any further! Goodbye :smile: If you answer No then read on :wink: If you need certain cards to complete your deck then let me know before this coming Monday (6th June) then I will try and accommodate your request and send...
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    PokeGym Contest #3 - Important Prize Info 06/07/2005

    Update 7th June 2005 IMPORTANT INFO BELOW Prizes have started to arrive! Make sure you keep the other item in the package as there may well be a reason why you have that!..........I will say no more than 'perhaps there will be a contest that involves that item' :wink...