Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Search results

  1. D

    WTB Donphan Playset.

    $25 shipped sound fair? Paypal gift?
  2. D

    WTB Donphan Playset.

    Long time no see pokegym, I'm looking for a play set of Donphan Plasma Storm + Phanpy Plasma Storm, I would even take a single of each (Have 3 after pulling my from my collection) but would really like a playset if possible.
  3. D

    charizard deck

    I would run Energy Retrieval Instead of Super Rod. Then you pull it directly into your hand.
  4. D

    BW-on Grass Smash

    I'm working on an Anti EX deck using grass types. With all the Blasteo decks that are running around it gives a nice advantage. I've been playtesting and it works great when I get it set up, but i'm running into some trouble with consistency. Pokemon: 12 Verizion NV x2 - Good starter/backup...
  5. D

    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    Out of my 40 Single blisters I pulled 2 Full art Kyurem 1 Zekrom EX 1 Shaymin EX
  6. D

    EX, EX FA and Shiny PULL RATES?

    Got my 40 boosters today. I pulled 2 FA Kyurem EX Zekrom EX Shayman EX Not too bad i suppose
  7. D

    How do you imagine Pokemon defending themselvers in real life?

    ^ Lol... 1:30 math gets people killed.
  8. D

    EX, EX FA and Shiny PULL RATES?

    Nice. Lol... i'll post what i pull when my order gets here next week.
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    Shining Pokemon

    I wouldn't complain about 3 shining in 25 packs honestly. pretty good.
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    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    I emailed them and they gave me a discount on shipping, Mine was 8 for all 40 packs I got. But my order was a little more which may be why they gave me a discount.
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    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    These are sealed retail blister packs, not individual packs from a booster box.
  12. D

    Shining Pokemon

    Very lucky, Shinings go for good money 1st edition. about 60 for the tyrantar, and 25 for the noctowl.
  13. D

    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    the 3 pack blisters aren't on there yet, its all the single blisters I just put the order in for 40 booster packs, If it's okay with the mods I'll post the results of my findings when I get the packs and open them, but It might be over the 6 day limit, I thought I would ask before I posted...
  14. D

    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    already calculated with shipping, it's 38 packs shipped for the same price as a booster box. not too bad, and i'm probably just gonna get 40, I'll order after a Walmart run to see what I can see tonight.
  15. D

    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    So T&T has next D single pack blisters for sale at 2.39 each, where a box is $100, coming to 2.77 per pack. Am i crazy or should i just order $100 worth of single pack blisters. :lol::thumb: Also, I know the argument of the box being you know you will get 3 ex for sure, but I have insane luck...
  16. D

    2 Error Cards

    it's this one http://pokegym.net/gallery/displayimage.php?imageid=45716 but it has the jungle symbol printed, and 1st edition edit. found a scan of it. http://pokegym.net/gallery/displayimage.php?imageid=418
  17. D

    2 Error Cards

    I just had a friend give me his old cards, and among them i found: Pinsir Holo no jungle symbol Electrode 1st edition with jungle symbol from base set. ideas on value?
  18. D

    Did I make good trades?

    man... i wish i had pulls like that... I would have held onto the full arts, since they are more rare than the other ex cards. that's just me though.
  19. D

    H: Lots, Laptop W: Sealed Boxes + Binders, Promos and Super Easy rares

    Sorry, I didn't see anything, I don't need the above cards anymore.
  20. D

    H: Lots, Laptop W: Sealed Boxes + Binders, Promos and Super Easy rares

    Trade Is finalized. I sent out today and will update my list when I receive. Thanks for the trade.