Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Search results

  1. D

    WTB Donphan Playset.

    Long time no see pokegym, I'm looking for a play set of Donphan Plasma Storm + Phanpy Plasma Storm, I would even take a single of each (Have 3 after pulling my from my collection) but would really like a playset if possible.
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    BW-on Grass Smash

    I'm working on an Anti EX deck using grass types. With all the Blasteo decks that are running around it gives a nice advantage. I've been playtesting and it works great when I get it set up, but i'm running into some trouble with consistency. Pokemon: 12 Verizion NV x2 - Good starter/backup...
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    Blisters Cheaper than boxes?

    So T&T has next D single pack blisters for sale at 2.39 each, where a box is $100, coming to 2.77 per pack. Am i crazy or should i just order $100 worth of single pack blisters. :lol::thumb: Also, I know the argument of the box being you know you will get 3 ex for sure, but I have insane luck...
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    2 Error Cards

    I just had a friend give me his old cards, and among them i found: Pinsir Holo no jungle symbol Electrode 1st edition with jungle symbol from base set. ideas on value?
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    BW Promos?

    I'm getting an ultra pro binder to house my collections, and it has 20 pages 9 pockets, So my plan was to house my bw colletions in it, do you think there will be more than 36 promos? at this time i would have 2 full pages, 36 pockets that are available for promos, but if I arrange my cards...
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    Neo Destinies?

    So how rare are shining pokemon from neo destinies? For example if I where to purchase a booster box would it be like the full arts of today?
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    Diluzio91's Old School Trading Thread H: Base Set Charizard

    IF YOU POST AN OFFER PLEASE PM ME AS IT HELPS ME GET BACK TO YOU MUCH MORE QUICKLY. Rules: 1. No Ripping 2. North America only 3. No Fakes, Foreign, or World Champions cards unless agreed. 4. List if you have any of my wants before you say cml. 5. If the card isn't mint condition I will...
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    WTB Base set cards

    Looking for the following base set holo's Venusaur Nidoking Chansey Unlimited not Shadowless cards requested. I'll post more as i have $$ and need. Thanks.
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    Umm... anyone know what these are?

    http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/8828/img2683oo.jpg I don't know if im allowed to embed images, so i'll just link... anyone know what these are?
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    Was it a good deal

    I've been looking for a base set charizard (Unlimited) for a long time now, and i just picked up a buy it now on ebay for $8, looks real and the seller has 100% feedback. Did I get a good deal? I guess i won't know until i get it and see the condition for myself, but assuming near mint or mint...
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    H: Lots, Laptop W: Sealed Boxes + Binders, Promos and Super Easy rares

    Limited Time: I have an extra laptop due to life being odd, Asus 1215N with upgraded Ram to be specific. I'm willing to trade it for At least 1 Next destinies Box, and at least 1 Monster binder (the 9 Page 360 Card Kind). I value the laptop at $350 USD. Make a fair offer, But I need at least 1...
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    Fake or not?

    http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/388296_10150489879168426_601993425_8754358_821934656_n.jpg Picked this up in a lot of base set cards. I remember having one that had thin HP, but I don't know if it's a fake, or an error. It feels right, but the text is off.
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    Victini Tin figure?

    Has anyone who has their Victini tin noticed that there are 2 different bases on the figures? I purchased 2, and one has a base with white text and a black ring, while the other has black text with a white ring, is one more rare to get than the other? Or is it not a big deal?
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    Computer List Of cards

    Is there a program or even a document with all the cards listed? Sepereated by set? I know about the tower, but i'm looking for something i can use to keep track of my collection aside from printing off the tower lists and hand checking them.
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    Base set 1st edition machamp holo

    I got this card in a box with a bunch of other cards. It grabbed my attention, and peaked my interest because it was sealed? T&T puts a value of 1.99 on it, but i didn't know if the sealed package made it special at all? Its completely perfect under the wrapper too if that makes a difference.
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    Reshiboar VS Reshiphlosion?

    I'm making a new thread because my last one was in the wrong section, and although it's related to my current one, its kind of different. What are the pros and cons of each? I'm thinking about building my first deck and have reshiboar and reshiphlosion in mind. I can probably get the...
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    BoosterBox VS 36 pack lot?

    Is there a big difference (worth the $10 extra T&T charges) between getting a sealed booster box, and buying a 36 pack lot of cards? Or is it just cheaper for no apparent reason.
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    Samurott 032 Information

    Does the Samurott 032 Come in reverse holo? I guess my question is in regards to the listing at T&T, I have the pokebody version of emboar and serperior, neither are reverse holo, but in the listing I found lists Near mint, and reverse near mint versions, would the regular near mint still have...
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    Does anyone here have a "Lucky Charm"

    So every time I've opened pokemon cards I open them with my GF. Why? Because shes my lucky Charm. Since I've started collecting She always opens an equal or greater number of my packs, mainly because she seems to be the luckiest person when it comes to pulling rares. Example, to date she's...
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    Tropical Beach?

    I think this is the right forum for this, since its a question about a specific card. I see refrences to tropical beach all over the forum and deck discussions, but I can't find a card by that name, and i can't find anything about its effects. Could someone point me in the right direction?