Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

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  1. R

    Why compensate for mulligans?

    i'm not sure about the mulligan, pokemon's current one has it's bonuses (you always draw to 7 cards) but your forced to keep a hand if it has any basic in it. Magic's on the other hand is always optional, but each time you mulligan you draw 1 less card (yes, you can mulligan down to 0 even if...
  2. R

    Lvl X vs the Mews discussion: Judges Discretion? Are you KIDDING me?

    I'd say that any copy effects should only be allowed to copy anything on the level x and not the non-leveled form. Since the level x cards say that they can use the attacks pokepower/bodies of the previous level, the ability for the level x card to use those attacks would be an effect of the...
  3. R


    Yeah, it kinda ended up that way naturally from what i have on hand, i'll probably replace all the stadiums with windstorms (since Cessation Crystal messed me up a bit against one of the raieggs decks i played against) though with hp-on will mean no lass either :frown: Yeah, infernape will...
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    any options besides megainium ex? like i said, one of my problems is getting energy to attach as well
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    Well since i managed to get lucky and pull torterra x i figured it was time to try and build a deck with him Pokemon - 20 3/2/3 Torterra (1 lv.X) 3/2/3 Venusaur (crystal guardians) 2/2 Vespiquen Trainers/supporters/stadiums - 23 4 Celio's Network 4 Switch (because of the high retreat...
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    Stupid Question.........but can you have 2 active Pokemon?

    i think for the most part, cards are worded appropriately already for multibattle (some cards say 'each defending pokemon') but if it says 'the defending pokemon' it would probably mean only the one you actually attacked
  7. R


    have you thought about vespiqueen? with it's ability to heal 1 of your benched grass pokemon for 1 grass (and discarding 1 grass on vespiqueen) seems very nice for a deck heavy in grass pokemon edit: oops, from 1 of your benched grass, my mistake :tongue:
  8. R

    D/P & Tournament legality (non-premiere )

    So with the release of d/p being out of normal, it's legality in premiere tournaments is out of the normal for a set, but what is the situation for tournaments that aren't in that list? (non-premiere tournaments, and extending to that league play and such) Legal on release in it's area, when the...
  9. R

    DP Changes: Near -Term Discuss Impact

    So i'm a bit confused now, I know that the new rules prevent playing trainer cards during the first turn, but what exactly is preventing supporter and stadium cards from being played first turn? (i have yet to get the new rulebook to see the full updated rules)
  10. R

    DP Changes: Near -Term Discuss Impact

    Hmm..i just thought of something, since the player going first is not allowed to play trainer cards, and supporter and stadium's are no longer considered 'trainers' does that mean the player going first does have access to them? (and does this apply to only the new supporter/stadiums that are...
  11. R

    DP Changes: Near -Term Discuss Impact

    What i hope happens eventually is a shift towards a slower game (that's how it appears to me at least in d/p with most basics having more hp than in previous sets), but the rules changing how they are it seems like the player going second is having an even easier time, with the player going...
  12. R

    Classic Cards that are still good

    Yup, though it's also known as ravanger...though thankfully that's the closest magic's gotten to yu-gi, and they realized the mistakes they've made with the mirrondin set (where it's from) edit: and the banning of disciple of the vault in extended makes the deck much less troublesome as well
  13. R

    Maybe rating points shouldn't reset

    Hmm..i don't know, i wouldn't write off this so fast, I mean isn't a world's tournament meant to be the best of the best competing, not just those who netdecked correctly and got lucky? I mean, it doesn't seem right if someone could (in theory) qualify for worlds in the first year they've been...
  14. R

    Yet another post about stalling...

    I think the biggest problem with stalling is the fact that the entire round can be summed up in a 'yes' or 'no' answer, knowing this i imagine most with even the slightest bit of dishonesty would take just a tad more time to push it in their favor for time to take care of the win for them (this...
  15. R

    DRE with Pokemon Lv X

    I imagine you can, a lv. x pokemon doesn't magically become a basic, or an ex (since it's still the evolved form of a basic and still has it's previous evolutions under it) Though I guess a lv. x of a basic pokemon still won't work however (since lv. x isn't an evo)
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    Mightyena ex

    Ah yes, i didn't think of it that way :redface:
  17. R

    Mightyena ex

    i thought skarmory ex's power wouldn't be triggered with Mightyena's driving howl since it's a switch effect and not actual retreating?
  18. R

    DP Rules

    Heaven forbid we use fossils for the actual reason they are created rather than using attacks that put them in the way to anger your opponent :rolleyes: I'd personally prefer the rule unchanged, but it just creates lame filler for decks and people love to use lame strategies to win..so I...
  19. R

    Too much searching?

    i've recently thought about this myself, as somebody who started with magic (and avoided yu-gi like the plauge) i regularly see searching being helpful, but not required for every deck (agro decks don't need to run searching-type cards for a char for example) I don't know if it's a good thing or...
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    Question About Blissey Ex Unseen Forces

    I don't know the exact wording of the card, but couldn't discarding the energy be considered 'part of the cost'(as in if you can't do it, it can't happen)? This kind of question seems to come up a lot (like mew ex copying mudslide) and the 'do as much as you can' rule interfering with a clear...